《Seducing My Bully (BWWM)》Chapter 9-friendship breakup
"Were you really about to hit them?" I asked Jin.
I was totally against a man hitting a woman, but Roxy and her friends were really needing a hit straight to the face. Their words were like harsh whips to my skin. I felt confident with my dress on today, and they made me feel like I needed to cover up. I didn't expect Jin to actually stand up for me in front of all his friends. Especially his ex girlfriend like Roxy. She was evil and I was ashamed of being scared of her.
"No, I just wanted to scare them" Jin joked grabbing ahold of my hand. I smiled and turned over my shoulder just in time to see his friends give me the most dirtiest look I've ever seen. All of them. It's like I was stealing away their prized possession. I should feel great, but somehow I felt like something bad was going to happen.
And I really didn't want it to happen. I was honestly scared.
We stopped by Jin's locker. He started checking for any signs of tears. "Have you ever thought about standing up for yourself Quinn? You can't just let people say mean stuff to you. It will keep happening unless you do something about it" he started.
He must not know how bad my anxiety is. I'm bad with confrontation. I get all shaky and my words don't come out right. I always end up crying.
Jin looked clearly irritated as he shoved his book bag in his locker with great force. "Imagine if I wasn't here. What would you do?"
Was this our first fight? Because if it was, it was kind of turning me on. Even irritated he looked so irresistible; all the veins in his arms were clearly visible to the eyes, his cheeks were bright pink and he squinted his eyebrows so beautifully that it was hard to take him seriously. "Quinn..what would you do?" He repeated slamming his locker shut.
I shrugged. "I don't know. Can we not do this here?" I said looking around.
I know a lot of nosy students were trying hard not to show any eye contact. I guess a fat girl with a sexy guy is odd to them. I'm not sure I was ready for this type of attention.
Jin's face softened and he spread his arms out. I raised an eyebrow and asked what he was doing. "Give me a hug" he said but more in a demanding way. My frown slightly turned. I hugged my shoulders; hiding the arm fat and ran into his arms. He clutched on to me and started whispering in my ear "stop covering yourself"
"You heard what your friends said"
I felt him attempt to pull away and I didn't want to start crying like a loser again so I grabbed ahold of him. I wanted to make sure I was calm enough for him to stare at me. I felt a lot of eyes on us and it was really making me feel awkward.
I started feeling his hands roam all over me. At first I thought maybe it was kind of a flirty gesture, but as I felt him go in between my legs, I panicked. "What are you doing?"
Was he really trying to feel me up in the middle of the hallway?
I finally pulled away and watched him start tracing every scar I inflicted on myself for years. I can't really illustrate the kind of look he gave me after he was done. I don't even know why I allowed him to continue touching me. It's like he was getting madder each time he touched a scar. His mouth was now scrunched up.
Before I had a chance to explain myself, Cindy popped out right in front of us.
Jin removed his hands out of me.
She stood in front of us; face looking madder then ever. I should be nervous but I was actually happy because she had on the exact pink dress I had on. We were matching and we haven't even talked or seen each other for a week. This was the first time she actually showed her body, and honestly...I was a bit jealous
She had the perfect shape
Small waist, big butt, big boobs. Even the guys around her did a lot of head turns. "Hey Cindy-
"Save it" She fired back
"What? Excuse me? I called you millions of times. You didn't even have the audacity to check up on me after your beast of a gym teacher tackled me and called my parents. I got grounded for a month! And then you ignore me and I see you with...him" she said glaring hard at Jin. "Like really? What the hell is going on?! I thought I was your best friend?! Why did he have his hands all inside your dress Quinn?"
Jin and I both stared at each other before I finally grabbed Cindy's hand to talk to her on the side. I really felt horrible and I knew what I was going to say was going to make things worse. So I started from the beginning. Told her everything. The only thing I left out was Jin and I having sex, and guess what? She totally got infuriated real quick
"Let me get this straight. Jin has been ignoring you for years and then suddenly wants you to be his girlfriend-
"Well we are dating-
"Oh even better! You two are dating all of a sudden and you don't think that's odd? After all these years he's showing you attention?! It's clear he's just using you for sex Quinn"
I rolled my eyes "no he isn't-
"Quinn open your eyes. You have low self esteem and he's feeding on to that. You're easy, so of course he trying to get in your pants"
My heart shattered. It hurt when Jackson said it, but it hurt even more that Cindy was saying these things. She was angry I get it, but damn. It was just too far.
I tried so hard not to show that her words hurt me "he stood up for me. He's really nice, I met his family and-
"What part of he's using you don't you understand? Do you honestly think Jin of all people would actually like you?"
My heart dropped and my anxiety kicked in. I don't know if she was just angry or what, but her words were slicing my heart. And she knew this. "Quinn, listen to me. He and his friends are all assholes. They don't like girls like us. They like girls like Roxy. You need to stay away from guys like them. There are good guys out there that will love you for you." She said placing a hand on my shoulder but I slapped it away
"I disagree with everything you said" Jin said behind us
"Well no one asked you what you thought"Cindy fired back
Jin frowned and walked over to us. He placed one hand over my shoulder; squeezing it a little for comfort "if I wanted to leave Quinn, I would have left as soon as I slept with her" he said
When those words came out of his mouth Cindy gasped "please tell me you did not sleep with him. Quinn please tell me."
The bell rang and Jin gestured me to head to gym class but my feet were frozen. I didn't want Cindy to have the last word. She doesn't know Jin so she can't judge him. If she saw what I saw, she wouldn't be this ballistic. "You're just jealous Cindy, you don't want to see me happy"
Jin paused "don't let your anger break your friendship, just drop it" he said
"No I will not drop it. She is jealous. You're upset I finally have someone and-and-you don't" I said
Cindy's eyes widened as soon as I finished off my sentence. Jin tried to make peace by telling her I didn't mean what I said, but Cindy responded with a hurtful comment "when he dumps you, don't come crying to me, cause this friendship is over"
I shrugged "fine!"
"Cool fine, you deserve everything you get Quinn, cause you're just desperate-
"Alright that's enough!" Jin said grabbing my hand pulling me away from Cindy. I wanted to go back for more, but Jin was lecturing me like a parent "don't say things you don't mean. It's immature. Just let her calm down-
I pulled my arm away; smacking a guy behind me. He looked like he was about to curse me out but Jin glared at him hard challenging his next move.
Of course the guy retreated away.
"I don't need you telling me what to do. It's hard enough for people to say mean things to me, but now my best friend?-
"Don't go hurting yourself Quinn-
"Or what?"
He squinted his eyes at me. "Don't test me. I'll tell
Your mom if I have to"
"You're really going to tell my mom on me? Are you serious?"
"Quinn...you're cutting yourself-
"It's not your business!"
Jin lips were in a thin line as he stood in front of me. I tried to make my way around him but he refused to let me. As big as I am, it was hard for me to push him out the way. He was like a brick wall. I expected him to be annoyed of me, or just give up on me. But..he was still here. Trying.
"I don't want you upset" he finally said patting my tears away. I didn't want to talk about it anymore. We were close to gym class and I didn't want to cry. So he didn't bring it up again. Just squeezed my hand with comfort.
Oh jesus kill me
The final bell rang and Quinn and Jin showed up hand in hand. The whole class turned to witness it. I believe it made Quinn uncomfortable because she was soon to let go of his hand. God her hand looks like four long loafs of burnt bread. I shivered and Zack was soon to join.
Mr Neil didn't seem to notice the odd stares. He immediately told the class that we are going to walk a mile on the track. He was quick to point at Quinn "and you young lady will be walking this mile. No excuses" he said
There were some snickers and as soon as Jin stared at whoever were making the sounds, they all stopped. He walked over to the coach and blurted out "do you think you can chill with calling Quinn out in front of the whole class."
Zack and his brother gasped at how brave Jin got.
The coach set his clipboard aside "excuse me?"
"Haven't you noticed the bullying going on? And you yelling at her like you lost it, doesn't really help the situation-
"Yeah. Bullying. I'm sure if you cared for the students enough to actually open your eyes instead of flapping your gums-
"Look it's cute that you're looking out for your girlfriend or whatever, but I don't care if she's 600 pounds. Unless she has a doctors note, she is walking this mile!"
Jin crosses his arm as Quinn tried to reassure him everything was fine. "Well, are you going to walk it? Seems like you need it more then she does" he said eyeing the coaches beer gut.
I couldn't help but start laughing. Some students joined in as well. I don't know where he got his balls from all of a sudden but he it was quite impressive.
"2 miles" the coach yelled out
The coach turned to the whole class "thank this lovely man for his public announcement because it gave all of you 2 miles to walk"
Everyone groaned. But I was the loudest just so I could get a reaction from my so called best friend. But he instead gave the coach a hard look. Mr Neil whistled at him "better start walking or you can kiss football goodbye"
I was furious. Not because of the 2 miles that we had to walk, but because Jin was shoved up on Quinn's ass. Like who wears dresses to gym? Did she even try to dress out? She looked like a pig. And I need to get my best friend. I know deep down he was crying for help.
So the boys and I waited until it was the right time to get him. He had one arm around Quinn helping her walk. It was so pathetic! It was not until they took a break and sat on the nearby grass that The boys and I jogged over to them.
I wanted to say hi to Quinn, but her sight made
me want to vomit. Her pit stains were so huge; that it covered half her dress. Her toes looked like fat French fries. Her face was all sweaty and she was breathing really hard as if she did anything.
"Uh...ew" Zack whispered
"What did you say?" Jin asked
Caught off guard Zack looked to his brother for help. Nick just stood there staring at Quinn as if she was an abomination. I finally had enough and yanked Jin off the grass. "I need to talk to you"
He yanked free "no"
I grabbed it again and gritted my teeth "I wasn't asking for your permission!"
With the boys help, I dodged Jin's fists and grabbed ahold of his waist. Zack grabbed on to his legs and Nick just stood there. "Ummm, this is so gay"
We lifted Jin up and struggled to take him away from Quinn; who decided to get her fat ass up and ordered us to stop. I wanted to tell her to shut up but Nick assured her everything was fine. Then he joined us on carrying Jin.
We could hear coach Neil's Yells from the bleachers "you girls stop pussying around and walk!"
God I wish I can shove something inside his mouth to shut him up.
Once we got him away from Quinn that's when we let him down. He struggled to get back to his feet. "What's wrong with you two?" He asked shoving me
I shoved back and the brothers were soon to get in between us. "Alright alright, no fighting. Can we just talk like mature adults? I mean, I know this all a dare and everything but Jin....you're taking it a little too far" Zack said looking over at Quinn
She was back on the track having her eyes on Jin. I rolled my eyes. God she was like a child.
"How?" Jin said
"You're acting like you...love her...it's disgusting! And you ignore us, like what's your problem? You're actually choosing a fat bitch over your friends?"
Jin frowned and gave me a disturbed look. "Have you ever thought in your thick skull that she might have feelings? That she might be dealing with depression?-
"Umm who cares! We don't know her, and we don't want to-
"See that's your problem Dylan! You're really an asshole! If she wasn't fat and looked like Roxy, you would be in her ass. Why should looks matter? she has a wonderful personality"
He then paused and started smiling. "She's smart, kind, understands me...when she smiles it's just so sexy. She also does this little cute whimper whenever she's nervous..."
Okay. Quinn totally brainwashed him. In the past he didn't care for her, or even gave her a time of day. And now he's acting like they are married or something.
Nick placed a hand on his shoulder "okay listen, this dare thing is over. You can have the stupid car. Just drop her..."
Jin scooted back and shook his head "I don't care about the car."
We all gasped "what?"
He shrugged then looked back at Quinn "she's different, she's not like Roxy"
"Well obviously! She's fat! She looks like a whale! She looks disgusting Jin. You can have any girl you want! And you choose someone fatter then that precious chick in that stupid movie."
Seemed like I hit a nerve because his face darkened. I raised both my eyebrows "oh..don't tell me you slept with her. Oh my god. No you didn't." His facial expression confirmed it and I started bursting out laughing. "No wonder you're going crazy. You're attached. She took your virginity and you took hers, I don't know whether to vomit or what but this is disturbing"
Zack started fake vomiting. "Okay Jin, you win alright. You proved us wrong. Just take the car and let's put this behind us"
"I don't think I'll be able to look at you the same way. I can't believe you actually did her. So tell us, we're you on top or the bottom?" Nick added trying so hard to hold on a hard laughter that it made his eyes start watering.
Jin had no facial expression. He just stared as we all started laughing. I can't believe this dufus slept with a hippo. I couldn't even imagine it without being disturbed.
"Probably on top, because lord knows he would die if he ever was on the bottom..." I started. A slap to the face quieted me. Shocked I stared at Jin. "Did you just slap me?"
"Want me to do it again?"
I lowered my hand from my cheek and challenged him "yeah go ahead, slap me"
Nick got in between us and Jin reacted by shoving him. "You know what's the problem with you guys are? You all just judge! All you guys are just miserable and I can't believe I'm friends with you all-
I rolled my eyes "you're really fighting us over some fat whale?"
Jin got in my face and pointed his pointer finger deep in my chest. "She's not some Whale! She's a beautiful person with feelings! just because your crackhead mom didn't show you any love doesn't mean you have to spread your hate to the world."
I felt like he ripped the soul from my body.
"Yeah I went there. And I will not take it back. I hope I hurt your feelings, because it doesn't compare to what you guys say to Quinn. She's stronger then all of you." He said giving me one last disgusted look "and I dare you to say something about her again. Do it. Do it again. One last time" and with that he jogged right back to Quinn like a puppy
I couldn't stop shaking. He actually had the balls to
Mention my mother. I didn't have a father. My mom was the only person I have left. Yeah she is a druggy but she still tried to be a mom. So the fact he used my pain against me was the last straw.
"You okay?"Nick said
But I shook my head "Nope. Wait until next period, he will regret ever mentioning my mother"
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