《Seducing My Bully (BWWM)》Chapter 8-backstabbed


Jin and I ended up skipping school for a week straight. He sacrificed his football, his friends, his studies...

..for me.

My mom wasn't even mad I told her I'd stay home for a while. Just wanted the bullying to die down in the mean time. I've just been having so much fun hanging out with Jin. Everyday he would show up at my house to hang out. My mom loved him, like ADORED him. The second time he showed up, she made a whole buffet for us. I was watching my weight so I really didn't eat much.

We were sitting in the dining room when I felt him poke my rib "Hey" he whispered

I turned "what?"

"You look just like your mom" he said eyes glued to my mom's back. She was too busy making cake to notice. I didn't take his compliment seriously. Because it wasn't true. My mom was way more beautiful; inside and out.

She ambushed Jin with questions about school and life.

I thought he would say something like he's living with two rich parents in a huge mansion or some fantasy like that. His reply muted both my mom and I. Come to find out Jin didn't have parents. He lived with his two brothers; one was the eldest and the other was the youngest.

The youngest one was disabled and was homeschooled by the oldest brother.

I had to place down my fork. The way he worded that out seemed like it didn't really effect him. I would die if I didn't have my parents, but the fact he spoke of them was all calm. Too calm.

"Wow how can your oldest brother afford to take care of you two?" My mom exclaimed taking a seat across from him

Jin shrugged and stuffed his mouth with the steak my mom made for him.

My mom and I both stared at each other. Who would have thought he was going through something like this. No wonder he had such a beautiful soul. He had a disabled brother and another brother taking the lead role as a parent. I wanted to ask him how he lost his parents but I don't think it would be appropriate.

But I did hate the awkward silence.

He soon caught it and looked up "what?"

My mom grabbed his hand and whispered "are you okay? Do you need to talk? I'm a therapist so-

"Mom...Jesus fuck"

"What? It's my job" she said looking at Jin for approval, but he just started chuckling "I'm fine I promise. It's not like we are struggling. I'm just blessed to have such awesome brothers." Then he turned to me and said "you should meet them one day. They are pretty cool"

I blushed. Jin and I made it official the day at the park. He asked me to be his girlfriend, but never had I ever thought I would meet his family this early on. I was getting good news left to right and I was honestly feeling the best I ever felt in a long time.

I was dating the boy of my dreams

And now I'm going to meet his family.

That evening I got back on his motorcycle and he drove me back to his place. I was a bit nervous but with his encouragement I held on to his hand and he led the way inside.

It was a really nice house. Not too big and not too small. What got me was the painting. The whole outside of the house was painted pink.


As if reading my mind, he whispered "it's my brothers favorite color"

My first thought was that maybe his brothers were gay or something.

As he led me inside, a strong smell of roses hit my face. The whole house smelled like there was a garden inside. The smell was addicting. I started analyzing the place. Everything was either pink or black; Pink couches, black flat screen Tv, Pink walls, black fridge. I was astonished at how many pink items I saw. "Wow Jin, it's beautiful" I said letting his hand go to look at more stuff. What caught my eye though was someone coming down the stairs.

All I saw was long legs. I grabbed Jin's hands again already feeling the rising anxiety. Oh my god. Which brother was that? Were they going to be nice? Mean? Funny? How would they react to me? Would they think I'm ugly? Would they pay attention to my double chin? Oh so many possibilities, so little time. Once there body revealed my heart skipped a beat. I didn't know if he was the disabled brother or the older one, but as soon as he saw me his green eyes widened and he stood still.

He was like a clone of Jin but with more facial hair. He was slightly taller and a little bigger then him. His hair was also long but pulled back into a pony tail. He had gym shorts with a tight tank top.

Oh good. A gym guy. Just like my brother.

"Matt! This is Quinn, remember? My girlfriend I told you about" Jin abruptly said trying to kill of the awkward silence. But Matt just stood there. He didn't give me a look of disgust like everyone else. But he was hesitant of giving me eye contact. It looked like he was looking through me

I wanted to cry

Matt suddenly walked over to me and gave me a quick hug "I thought someone was with you, I've been praying to god that you finally leave that toxic girl Roxy." He joked elbowing Jin in the ribs. He then gave me his hand "hi, how are you?" He said

god if looks can kill I'd be dead by now. He gave me the most sexiest smile I've ever seen. Two dimples filled both his cheeks; his green eyes sparkled in my presence and I found myself shaking his strong firm hands.

Ok he must be the oldest one.

"It's great to meet you. I honestly never knew Jin had siblings." I said trying to make a conversation but once I finished he paused and just stared at me. I thought I said something wrong. I tried not to show how embarrassed I was. Matt finally raised his hands up and started feeling on my face; his hands touched every inch of my face, making sure to feel on my lips especially. "Wow, she's beautiful" he whispered.

I awkwardly stared at Jin. He then whispered to me "he's blind"

My heart dropped

"I may be blind but I can hear pretty clearly Jin" Matt answered back letting my face go. He apologized for not giving me warning; and let me know that feeling my face gives him a pretty good idea of what I look like. Oh god, no wonder he isn't judgmental. He's blind. I'm sure if his eyes were working, he would give me the same look everyone does.

Pure disgust

"It's nice meeting you Quinn" Matt said giving me a small smile before taking out some sunglasses from his shorts and placing them on.


So he was the youngest brother after all. The disabled one. I'm sure if Jin never told me I would have never realized. I wanted to ask questions but was hesitant fearing in making things awkward.

Matt was soon to change the subject and ask for permission to head to the gym. He was so polite and well behaved. Once Jin gave him a nod he gave me one last handshake before heading off.

Blind people go to the gym? Is he going to drive? I mean he did have car keys.

"You think he's cute don't you" Jin said interrupting my thoughts.


"I see the way you look at him. You think he's cute?"

"Well he is your brother, so yeah, I do"

He chuckled and took me to the living room to watch some television before I could ask him more questions about Matt.

This is really happening. I am actually watching cartoons with Jin. If this was a dream I don't ever want to wake up.

Five minutes into the show, the door opened. Thinking it was Matt I turned my full body towards the door. My face fell when an older gentleman walked in. I can tell this was the oldest brother. He was too tall for his own good. He was muscular, and hairier then Jin. Like all his brothers he also had long hair. But instead of blonde, his was dark brown. He had really dark sexy features. And it already had my stomach in knots. What was he going to think of me? Since he was older would he be mean and blunt? Would he make fun of Jin for being with me?

His brother didn't even turn our way until Jin called out for him. He faced us. His blue eyes melting my heart. One good look at him and you would think he would say something smart, but instead he walked over to us and greeted me politely before asking about our day.

Jin answered, I wasn't sure what he said because I was too mesmerized by the eldest brother. I noticed he didn't stare at me for too long. He did though give me one last smile.

Then he left

No judgement. No awkward looks. No nothing. He was actually the first person to not show any sort of discomfort.

It made me feel good

Made me feel....normal

"See told you. You had nothing to worry about. My brothers are cool" Jin said grabbing ahold of my hand

"How old is he?"

"Who Jason?"


"Almost 30"

I shrank in my seat. Almost 30? He looks about my age. But that's besides the matter. His brothers didn't judge me like the whole world. They gave me genuine smiles and looked very happy Jin is with me. They weren't nearly as bad as Jackson; who I might say have been avoiding me as much as possible.

He was still with Sophia.


Jin and I continued this routine until we had to go back to school. I actually got close to Matt, as for Jason he spent the days mostly working or helping Matt with assignments. Even though it was a broken family, they had so much love and attention I always craved for.

I had both parents but ever since my dad got with that younger girl, I barely saw him.


The morning of school I woke up to Jin's good morning text. I didn't even have to wait for Jackson to wake me up.

I leaped out of bed excited for the day. I took a quick shower and this time instead of wearing sweatpants and a sweatshirt, I went deep inside my closet and pulled out a cute dress. It was a pink floral dress.

Jin made me that confident to wear a dress.

I then picked out some black pumps. I honestly felt like the most sexiest female ever. I couldn't help but stare at myself in the mirror. Every amount of rolls were showing, and you know what? I embraced it. I had a man that loved my rolls and all my flaws. So why hide it?

I placed my hair down for the first time and fluffed my curls.

Without knocking my mom came in. She had laundry in her arms and once she saw a good look of me, she dropped her basket. She brought both hands up and gasped "Quinn...is that really you?" She said walking towards me and giving me a tight hug. It was as if I was about to head of for college because she soon started crying "you look...amazing. Just amazing."

I didn't have time to respond because I soon got a text from Jin.

He was waiting for me to come out. With excitement I showed my mom the text and we both squealed like little girls. "I never knew he would actually have that effect on you Quinn. I pray you guys last. I like seeing you happy." She continued giving me another hug. "I have to take pictures" she said already racing out the room for her camera.

I rolled my eyes and grabbed my book bag from my bed.


I flinched and turned to see Jackson at the door. He still had his pajamas on indicating he might be late for school. That's sad. He was doing so well a week ago.

I still did not want to talk to him.

So I flipped my curls back and walked towards him; trying to make my way around him but he wouldn't budge. "Move" I said

He paused "I can give you a ride...you know..to school?"

I shook my head "no it's okay." I said before shoving him out my way. I could hear my mom in the other room looking for her camera. I wanted to leave before she had a chance to retrieve it.

"Hey Quinn...you sure? I mean I'm not going to pick up Sophia, if that's what you're worried about"

"I'm good Jackson..."

"You know..we broke up? Well..I broke up with her"

That did in fact make me pause and look for any sort of facial expression that would catch his fib. But he looked serious. He actually broke up with sweet love-able Sophia he adored so much? He couldn't have done it because of me. He wouldn't do such a thing. So I just shrugged "you two will be back in a few days"

Then strutted downstairs.

Once I opened the door; Jin was waiting for me at the steps.

He had on tight sexy jeans, with a blue adidas shirt covered with a leather jacket.

My boyfriend sure did look sexy today. He made simple clothes look amazing. He greeted with a short smile "whoa whoa whoa, who are you and what did you do to my girlfriend?" He said grabbing my hand and twirling me around. I gladly

Posed for him and he stared in amazement pulling out his phone. "I need you as my cover" he said taking a few shots. I didn't even have a chance to approve. I always hated pictures. But he said they looked fine so I took his word for it.

My mom finally came out and started taking pictures of her own. She was a little extra though because she literally got on the grass and made poses herself as she captured several shots. "Mom..that's enough" I said but she didn't listen. "One more, one more! Oh this is amazing! I'm framing this" She said running up to Jin and pushing him closer to me. "Now wrap your arms around her waist, and Quinn can you at least smile, you're killing the mood here" she said continuing her shots.

"Mom..please stop. Class is almost starting"

I turned to see if Jin found this annoying, but he seemed to be enjoying it as much as my mom. "Now Jin kiss her, but not too much" my mom instructed

Even though I really wanted that kiss, I had to remind him that I needed to get to the school early. So my mom's photo shoot was cut short and she finally stopped and kissed us both goodbye. "You two have fun alright?" She said before yelling for Jackson to hurry up.


"Dude do you see what I'm seeing" Nick said elbowing my arm.

We were early enough to catch breakfast. I only had a piece of toast in my mouth when I turned to see what Nick was elbowing me about. Once I caught the sight I started choking on my toast.

Zack started slapping my back but it didn't help much. I couldn't breath, I couldn't even talk. It was not until Roxy came up behind me and slapped my back with her math book that I coughed out the toast. Once I caught my breath I shoved her hard.

There in the middle of the cafeteria was Jin and that fat girl Quinn.

He was actually holding her huge hands and actually looked in love.

I was still mad he had the audacity to put his hands on me that day in class. But to have him ignore me, Zack and Nick for a week straight was too much. And now I see him with that beast? That was just the final straw. I didn't care about this bet anymore, we needed to get Jin back.

"Please tell me this is all a joke! That he can't really be into her" Roxy said already giving the couple a disgusted look.

I nodded "yes, of course it's all a joke..there is just no way he could ACTUALLY be attracted to that......thing" I said still staring in horror. She looked bigger today. Her ass cheeks were swallowing her horrid dress; it was quite disturbing to witness. Even though they were far away, I could count all the stretch marks that were now visible. Fuck! She should have covered up like she usually does.

She looks so ugly and fat.

"Okay, he's taking this whole bet thing to a whole new level" Nick said staring away. He looked like he was about to barf.

No, Jin can not be serious.

My mouth were zipped closed when I witnessed them coming over to us. Roxy's blonde sluts showed up just in time to comment on Quinn.

"Whoa, who said you could wear a dress? Your body isn't right with dresses" one of them said while the other started laughing.

Roxy joined in and whispered "I can't believe you would actually downgrade like that Jin"

The boys and I just stood quiet. We were half expecting Jin to turn around and start bursting out laughing agreeing with the insults but he let Quinn go and started marching up to the girls.

With one move, he lifted his hand and in that second I knew he was about to hit one of them. I got in between them just in time to catch his fists. "Are you crazy?! You can't hit women"

He pulled his fists back and pointed at Roxy and her frightened friends "I don't care. Don't disrespect my girlfriend in front of me. I swear to god let it happen again" and with that he went back to Quinn; rubbing her shoulders in comfort before staring back at us with fury "all of you guys just get on my damn nerves. Grow up"

Then they left

Everyone got quiet

"Oh Jesus we created a monster" Zack said

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