《Seducing My Bully (BWWM)》Chapter 7- Sex


"Want to take me to your room?"

Those words....that question.

Was said to me?

He was asking permission to go upstairs..

To sleep with me?

This was unbelievable.

As if thinking he would change his mind I nodded repeatedly; grabbing his hand in desperation leading him to my room. This is really happening. I was careful not to trip over my feet. I forgot I had nothing on but a bra and sweatpants. But yet...I was so comfortable around him. This was the moment I was craving for since I first saw him. I won't let anything ruin it.

As soon as I opened the door to my room, he pulled me close. His lips met my neck leaving a strong tingling sensation. Words can't describe how amazing it felt. I leaned my head back letting him know to continue. His hands started snaking upward my body, grabbing ahold of my bra. I'm self conscious about my chest, because they are just so huge. But as I witnessed him throw my bra to the other side of the room and hold on to my girls like a pro, I soon relaxed. His hands were so huge and it cupped both my girls so perfectly.

This is really happening.

Giddy with excitement I met his lips again as he backed me to my bed. I couldn't imagine anyone getting hard just by looking or kissing me. But Jin was. I've never felt a penis but I felt his. Felt like he had a flashlight under there. "Sit down" he ordered letting out a breath. I nodded and kissed him again before sitting on the edge of my bed.

I watched as he took off his shirt.


He made Arnold Schwarzenegger look weak. I've never seen such a perfect body. I thought he had a six pack, but I was wrong. I counted at least eight. His broad shoulders had me craving for him to touch me again. Then it hit me.

We are really about to do it.

Should I be on top? Would I kill him? I should probably be on the bottom then. But then he's going to see all of me. All the stretch marks, all the rolls, all the uneven skin marks. I looked disgusting and my self confidence went down. So I soon started covering myself. It didn't take long for him to notice. "What are you doing?"

"I'm a Virgin...and..I don't know. I'm sure I'm not the type of girl you want to-

"Yeah you are"

I shook my head refusing to believe him.

Jin walked over and tried to uncover me but I held on tight. He sighed and bent down to my eye level. "Tell me what you want. If you want me to stop I will" He said trying to find my eyes but I was too ashamed to give him any contact.

What was I doing?!

I was going to lose my virginity to the guy of my dreams and I'm just ruining it.

"Quinn, I need you to look at me-


"Because I want to see you reaction once I enter you" he whispered deep in my ear that it left immediate shock. I could feel how excited I was. Can you climax with just words? Because I felt like I just did. I looked up to see him completely naked. I couldn't take my eyes off what he was packing. It looked big. Too big. I was tempted to grab it but before I could, he slowly placed a condom on. Okay. This was it. My heart was racing so fast I felt like I just ran a mile. I was already out of breath. I quickly got under the covers and took off my pants; waiting for him.


He tried to unleash the covers from over me but I held on. Afraid what he might see. Afraid he might scream in disgust and run out. Afraid he might just call me a whale just like everyone else. "Quinn...

I looked up

"If I didn't find you attractive I wouldn't want to lose my virginity to you"

Confused I stared at him. "You're a Virgin?"

Star athlete, the hottest guy at the school....is a Virgin?! No I couldn't believe it.

Jin nodded and breathed a long breath. "Yeah so just relax okay. I don't know what I'm doing either. But I do know I want to do it with you"

I don't know how that turned me on. But it did. I finally let the blankets go and he finally stared at me. I watched as his eyes skimmed my whole body. From my big curly hair to my feet. Just stared wide eyed. I soon shrank with nervousness. His eyes stopped at my eyes finally and he smiled "you're so beautiful"

Then he climbed on top of me. He grips his member, looks down at my entrance and leans forward, planting one hand on the mattress as he slowly rubs the tip of his member along my wet slit. His eyes fall to mine just as he starts to enter me. He feels like he's stretching me to full capacity. My mouth falls open from his girth, from the slow pace he's going, and when he asks if he's hurting me, all I can do is shake my head and answer, "More." He grunts and pushes deeper until he's fully inside me.

He peppers kisses along my jaw, loosening the tension building inside me. As he makes his way up and down my neck with his mouth, I let my hands wander over his body from his strong shoulders, to his corded back. It's never been like this for me. I've never known sex to feel this . . . this fulfilled. Taken. I've never had such a strong, capable, sweet, and sexy man to hold on to, and to dote on me. "You feel so fucking good, Quinn." His hips start to move, pumping his member in and out of me. He's slow at first, giving me a chance to accommodate his thrusts, but once he finds I've relaxed, that my legs have spread wider for him, he picks up his pace and pushes against the mattress, holding his body above mine. I can't help but glance at our connection, at the way Jin's abs contract with each thrust, at his ripped arms and pecs flexing and straining. I've never needed to watch during sex, but this is beyond hot and it spurs me on. "Oh Jin keep going" I literally begged. And just like that, he aggressively grabbed one of my legs as if it weighed a pound and hovered it over his shoulder. That's when he hits that spot and my eyes shoot wide open as well as my mouth. "Oh my god, don't stop."

So this is what sex feels like? I thought it was suppose to hurt the first time? But I've never been so excited ever! Especially watching him work on me as if I was a prized possession. At this point I really didn't care. Even without a condom I'd still want him. Shit if I ended up pregnant I wouldn't care. I needed him forever.

"Oh fuck." He starts to pound into me, knowing exactly how he's bringing me so close to the edge. "Oh, Jin, right there. Oh my God." My entire body starts to tingle, hum, and burn with awareness. One of his hands grips my leg that's slung over his shoulder, the other is braced on my hip as he continues to thrust. Every muscle in his chest strains, flexes, and works to bring us both pleasure. He's so beautiful. I want him to be mine. This was the hottest at thing I've ever experienced and I finally felt beautiful.


"Fuck"He quickens his pace. I welcome the force and open wider for him. I have nothing to grip since he's propped up, so I press my hands against the headboard and push against him when he pushes into me. That does it. My vision goes black, my walls tighten around him, and pure pleasure shoots through me, the kind of pleasure I've never felt before. Everything is different with this man. The way he touches me, the way he talks to me . . . the way he looks at me.

The way he feels inside me.

Jin started making small short groans and honestly it was the sexiest sound I've ever heard. It turned me on even more realizing this is how I'm making him feel. "I can't hold on any longer..." he whispers

I lean my head back preparing for him to just unleash himself inside me. "Look at me Quinn"

I do so and watch as his expression is soaked in pleasure, his eyes tight for a second before they open and spot me as he takes a deep breath and smiles.

I tried to catch my breath but I was just so exhausted. My whole body ached. Jin fell beside me and we just laid there breathing really, REALLY hard.

"That was...uh..that was...

"Amazing" I finished off for him.

I turned to see if I said the right thing and smiled. He had a huge grin on his face. "Wow, I never knew you would make me feel this way."

I found myself giggling.

I wanted round 2

Jin finally got up and started putting on his clothes. I curiously watched and soon started bursting into tears.


Well...I don't know

He only had his pants on before asking what's wrong.

I just shook my head and pulled the covers to my chin.

"Quinn...?" He whispered walking over attempting to grab my face to face him but I soon covered it with the blanket. "What what's wrong?"

I shrugged my shoulders under the covers. I soon heard laughter. So I managed to let one eye ball out the blanket to see what was so funny. "Did you really think I was going to put on my clothes and go? Just like that? Hit it and quit it?"

I pouted "Maybe"

His face got serious and he gave me a teasing look "well you're right. Bye" he said skipping to the door. I grabbed my pillow and threw it at him. He caught it and laughed some more. "Come on Quinn, I'm not that mean geez" he explained before hopping on the bed next to me. Feeling embarrassed for crying, he wiped my tears for me. "I'm not going to hurt you...


He nodded.

"What about Roxy? What about your friends?"

He paused for a second. "Quinn, I won't let them hurt you anymore." He then smiled. It was contagious.

We were just on the bed smiling at each other as if we dated for years.

I finally lost my virginity.

To the man of my dreams.

"You have a beautiful smile."


He nodded and leaned in for another kiss but a sudden bang on my door halted us. "Quinn?"

My heart dropped when I heard my brothers voice.

Jin and I scrambled off the bed. He threw my pants at me. I caught it and placed them on. I forgot that I left my shirt downstairs so I went through my closet for one as Jin put his on. "Quinn open the door!" He growled.

When I Finished placing another shirt on, my door broke open.

My brother fucking broke my door. Invading my privacy like the piece of shit he is. He stared at us with his Sophia right behind him; they were both staring at us like they were our parents or something. I didn't even get a chance to ask what the Problem was. He shut me up by screaming at Jin "name a reason why I shouldn't come across this room and slap you back to where you came from" he scowled

It didn't take long for Jin to answer "because I'd probably drop kick you to another century, but hey, come at me if you want" he said already standing in position to fight.

Both men were the same size. Both were strong so I didn't really know who would win. But there was no way I would allow a fight to happen. Not right now.

Jackson stepped forward but Sophia held him back "it's not worth it, just leave it alone"

"Leave what alone? You have not right to come here Jackson-

"No right? Quinn! He just wants to get in your pants!-

"No he does not! What- you think just because I'm fat I can't attract a guy out of my league? It's not even your business so I have nothing to say to you-

"Quinn that's exactly what I'm saying! He doesn't care about you!" He screamed banging the door with his fist so hard, that he left a dent. "Quinn, you're making a huge mistake right now. Guys like him will use you, because they think you're easy. With your low esteem you might be-

"Mistake? Really? And I'm easy?"

I was beyond embarrassed. It was like my own brother was calling me ugly. I don't deserve love? The more he spoke the angrier I got. How dare he get in my business when he stood quiet when everyone else was bullying me!

"Yes you are! And you're going to see that he's a no good bitch just like his friends!" He continued. Jin tried to hold my hand but I flinched back. I was so angry I started seeing colors. I didn't even realize my mom walk from behind Jackson. She had her work clothes on; keys still in hand as she stared at all four of us. But her eyes rested on me "Quinn...what's going on?"

I wiped my tears and pointed at Jackson. "Him mom! Why did you and dad have to have him? Why did you two have to make him my brother? Why couldn't you just abort him! He is so useless! So mean! Such a bitch! Such a bully and I hate him!" I found myself screaming.

Everyone's jaw dropped. But my brothers was the lowest "What? I'm just trying to protect you!"

I almost laughed "protect me? From what?! We had the same class together, did you protect me from all those bullies? Did you speak up for me!? Did you even try? No! You were too busy locking lips with a girl that hates me! A girl that bullies me in silence! A girl that you love more then your own sister!"


"Don't what me! I'm not blind! I saw you two suck each others face off as I was being harassed by the entire class! You even had sex with her in the girls bathroom rather show me around the school like a brother is supposed to do"

Sophia shrank back as my mother crossed her arms and glared at Jackson "Jackson...is this true?"

Jackson hesitated "mom! Really?! ...let's not make this about me! She has a boy in her room! How are you not paying attention to that? ..why am I to

Blame here?-

"You mean the boy that actually stood up for me? The boy that protected me? The boy that punched his own best friend for me? The one that called me beautiful even though my own brothers thinks I'm ugly? That boy!?" I yelled pointing at Jin "so yes mom, I did skip school. Jin was here to comfort me, everyone was calling me a whale and Jackson just sat there. He just fucking sat there!" I said almost letting out another cry.

My mom's whole face turned red as she pinched her forehead in irritation "Jackson.....tell Sophia to go home. I'm going to talk to you-

"Mom, you're not serious are you!?..she has a boy in her fucking room!!!"

I didn't want to hear anymore. I just went on a rant and he was still playing victim. So I grabbed Jin's hand and led him away. He respectfully shook hands with my mom and apologized for everything. She didn't even seem mad that a boy was in my room. She only gave him a thankful smile before grabbing Jackson's ear "I am so DISAPPOINTED IN YOU!"

As we made it to the bottom of the stairs I could hear my mom yelling at both Sophia and Jackson. "You have one sister! One! How would you feel if you lost her! Bullying is no joke! I told you to protect her! She's your little sister!"

I opened the door to escape the madness. Jin and I got back on the motorcycle and he drove us to a nearby park. It was empty and I was more the thankful.

We just sat on the bench for what seemed like hours.

In silence

He finally broke the silence with "nice family you got there"

I let out a smile. "Don't start."

He placed his arm around me; comforting me. "You know, you don't have to go back to school. Let's skip for a couple days. Until you're comfortable"

That would be a great idea. I'm sure mom would not fight with that. She thinks I'm going to hurt myself because of the constant bullying. I wouldn't go to that extreme. I did in the past, and the marks were all over my wrist. But that's the past.

I'm pretty sure Jin had a good luck of my wrist already. So I tried to change the subject "were you really a Virgin?"

He took his arm off me and gave me a look of offense "what? You think I just sleep with anything that walks?"

Uh yes?

I shook my head "no...well..."

He chuckled "guess you judged me before really getting to know me"

He's right. I did judge him. Thought he was the type to just sleep around. I mean he did date Roxy. And she is a train wreck. But I'm glad we lost our virginity to each other. Staring into his beautiful face I finally felt....like I deserved to be in this world.

I hope nothing changes that.

"I'm sorry about your brother. He doesn't realize how much of a great sister you are" Jin finally said.

No matter how many times he repeats that, I will never believe it.

I hate Jackson

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