《Wolf》Chapter 19- Wolf


I should've known there would be a catch to me leaving again. Beast will rip him apart just to watch me suffer he always hated me "Isabella?" I wandered out from my bathroom a big smile spreading across my face I had never had a man in my room before "what're you doing here?" I skipped up to him jumping into his arms he caught me straight away his strong hands gripping my thighs his arms wrapping me tightly "I told you kitten I missed you" he lay me down on the bed kissing along my collarbone his hands running up my sides lifting my top "wait wait" I whispered he just looked at me through his long lashes, I tapped my ear placing a finger to my lips "ok what the hell is that? Bear just did it too!"

I giggled "our hearing is heightened Bear and Beast can hear everything" feeling the blush creep up my neck to my cheeks, he smirked leaning down to kiss my neck "oh well in that case" he mumbled along my collarbone I bit my lip to hold in the moan from his touch "Reaper" I breathed "seriously Uncle will be so pissed" I pushed against his chest gently he sighed sitting up "ok ok kitten enough for tonight" he pulled me onto his lap kissing my neck softly "I'm gonna kill him for hurting you kitten" I giggled at his lips grazing along my neck "he's just following orders he was never this bad" I froze when the door to my room opened "Wolf sweetheart?" Thea poked her head in smiling sweetly her eyes widened when she saw me in Reapers arms I jumped up quickly "uhm Thea? I uhm well Reaper he was ah and then you em well am please dont tell Uncle"

Reaper stood up behind me clearing his throat "I'll just go I dont want to get you into trouble I'll see you in the morning" he leaned in for a kiss before thinking better of it and moving away I bit my lip and pulled him close my hands clutching his neck crashing his lips onto mine leaning into him, his hands clutched my hips pulling me close to him our tongues dancing tasting each other when we broke the kiss he smiled down at me "goodnight kitten" he whispered pecking my cheek.


Thea stood aside to let him out "you like him?" I nodded to her sinking onto my bed biting my lip "I'm happy for you Isabella" I laughed softly "Uncle will never allow it that's why he wants Beast to fight him. In a week Reaper will die and I will be forced to watch" a tear rolled down my cheek Thea wiped it away kneeling in front of me "actually Bear is going to train with Reaper and that Bolts boy" I stared up at her my mouth hanging open "why?" I gasped she stroked my hair off of my face standing up she pulled pen and paper out of her apron. Placing a finger to her lips and tapping her ear.

That's when I heard it the slight footsteps the heavy breathing just outside my door the increased heart rate. Beast probably. She scribbled on the notepad before turning it to me

Uncle needs to be stopped. He is out of control and insane.

I took the notepad off of her scribbling my own note

What do you need me to do?

She smiled softly writing frantically

Take Bear and Beast with you when you escape they deserve happiness like the one you have. Beast can be helped he just believes what Uncle is telling him.

I pointed at her wide eyed, she shook her head scribbling again

Don't worry about me darling focus on saving yourselves.

I stood up gripping her arms a knock on the door interrupted us she stuffed the notepad away ripping out the page we wrote on she stuffed it in her mouth chewing it madly before swallowing. I cleared my throat "yes? Come in" Uncle breezed in "Wolf dear! Oh? Thea darling is everything alright?" She nodded at him smoothing out her apron "yes dear I was just seeing how Wolf is she had such a busy day today. Goodnight sweetheart" she pecked me gently on the cheek squeezing my shoulder and walking out.

"You seem happier now that the outsider is here" he stated I tilted my head at him "I've killed for you Uncle I've been everything you have wanted me to be I asked for a chance at a normal life you granted me 6 months I returned with Bear voluntarily and I accepted my punishment without arguement. What more do you want from me? Dont I deserve a chance to be happy?" I glared at him crossing my arms "of course you do Wolf but remember you were not created to love you were created to kill"


"No I was sold to a mad man so my mother could get high! You know I found my birth father? By accident really I wasnt even looking he's the president of Reapers club. I found the family I always wanted but you threatened to take that from me the second you sent Bear after me and now you are setting Beast on Reaper. I wasnt created to kill Uncle I was born a human you made me what I am. You made me a monster!"

He took a step backward his expression shocked "you dont believe that do you?" I glared at him "why else did you do what you did to us? You lock us away from the world we only see the outside when you send us on a kill. Beast has no humanity left and for a while I felt nothing but anger and emptiness but Reaper he makes me feel things Uncle he makes me happy and if you really loved me like you claim you do you would let us go"

"I wont do that. You may have lived in the outside world for longer than I wanted but if that man wants to take you away from me he will just have to earn you. Beast will face him in one week and then I will decide if the outsider is worthy enough to taint my greatest creation" he spat at me before turning and storming out slamming the door behind him I heard the lock click and sunk to the floor.

Through the wall I could hear Reaper and Bolts mumbling tucking my hair behind my ear I listened intently

"Man I'd kill for some pussy right now"

"Jesus christ Bolts do you think about anything other than sex?"

"No way! Being buried balls deep in a hot bird? Heaven! Speaking of why are you in here being your usual moody delight instead of next door with that fine ass woman of yours?"

"Think I've pissed off her insane Uncle enough dont you?"

"Sure sure. Wouldn't stop me though to be fair"

"Would anything stop you Bolts? Fucking hell!"

Loud shuffling followed along with some soft thuds of a pillow hitting off of someone I held back my giggle sitting closer to the wall.

"I swear to god Bolts I see your hand reach for your dick one more time I'll cut the fucking thing off"

"My hand or my dick? Cause I can live without my hand you know. My dick is my life brother!"

"You're insufferable"

"That's a big word Reaper you alright? Hurt your head?"

"Shut the fuck up"

"You think I'll find someone like her?"

"Maybe. If you stopped sleeping with everything that moved"

There was more rustling sounded like bed sheets

"You know after mom died I didnt think you would ever be happy again Kal, its nice Kassi was always happy regardless, dad just goes through the motions I mean its nice he has a girlfriend to keep him warm at night but we all know she'll never be like mom. I just dunno if I could find someone like you did, the way she looks at you man it makes me jealous"

"I dont think you're her type brother"

"No I didnt mean that way I never stood a chance knew that the minute she laid eyes on you in the bar I mean the love like your her whole world. That's what I want"

"Look Josh life isn't easy or fair we know that growing up the way we did but there's someone out there for everyone you'll find her"

"Maybe she hasn't escaped from her prison yet"

"Yeah maybe! Night man. You even dream of touching your dick while I'm asleep I'll shoot you"

"Night brother love you too"

I chuckled softly just as I moved from the wall I heard his whisper

"Goodnight kitten"

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