《Wolf》Chapter 18- Reaper


We rode for 5 hours straight only stopping at an abandoned house to stretch our legs "we gotta be close!" Bolts moaned "this is the first place around for miles!" I just glared at him before a snapping twig caught our attention unhooking our guns we aimed at where the sound came from "you're trespassing" a large man with wild eyes and even wilder blonde hair emerged from behind the cabin "are you joking? Theres no one even here" Bolts barked "easy man this is our land so you are trespassing" Bear came up behind the wild man nodding his head towards him "this is Beast" his eyes widened slightly and I gulped.

Beast will kill you on sight

"Uncle requests you join us at the compound" Beast spoke that man gives me the creeps I side eyed Bolts and he just nodded silently "fine we'll follow you on our bikes lead the way" I holstered my gun straddling my bike. We followed them for miles along a dirt track before we pulled up outside a gigantic white building "this must be the infamous compound she told us about" Bolts muttered to me I clenched my jaw nodding.

Inside was just as creepy as outside the whole damn place was white felt like I was walking into a mental asylum we were led to a room where an elderly man sat at the head of a long table he looked like a gentleman but his wild eyes held a touch of insanity standing beside him stood a younger woman not by much her expression soft and gentle her eyes warm.

"So? You're the outsider?" The elderly man spoke up I cleared my throat "excuse me? The what?"

"The outsider. Someone from outside the compound" Bear mumbled behind me I looked around me "Where's Isabella? If you've hurt her I swear to God you'll die slow and painful" I growled clenching my fists Beast let out a blood curdling laugh "that would be interesting to witness. Wolf is alive I wish I could say well but I have been delivering her punishment since she returned" he looked evil to the core "I swear to fucking God I'll rip you apart" I went for him but Bear pulled me back "he will rip your head off in front of her for sport the man feels nothing" he whispered in my ear.


The old man sitting at the table laughed "take a seat boys Wolf come please. She will be joining us soon" I sank into the chair beside Bolts this whole place creeps me out no wonder she wanted out. After a few minutes I heard voices outside feeling the old man who I'm assuming is the elusive 'Uncle' watching me I shifted in my seat uncomfortably Bolts muttered something beside me another couple of minutes she walked in looking breathtaking in a knee length white dress that flowed nicely over her full curves her eyes gazed over the room quickly I could see the fear and panic in them I cleared my throat softly "hello kitten"

She finally looked at me and her expression changed in a flash she was straddling me on the chair stroking my face "you're here" she whispered I rubbed her back gently "I missed you" I mumbled fluttering kisses along her jaw she hugged me close burying her face into my neck breathing in deeply "I missed you too"

"Well isn't that lovely" old man spoke up Beast and Bear glared at me I felt Bolts tense up "Wolf darling. Take a seat it's time for dinner" she climbed off of my lap sitting into the chair beside me still holding my hand tight.

"Uncle I'd like to go home" she played with the hem of her dress "you are home dear" he stared at her wildly she just shook her head "no I'd like to go home with Reaper and Bolts please Uncle?" She glanced up before quickly looking back down his expression flashed murderous before calming himself "of course dear Mr Reaper can take you home" his smile didnt quite reach his eyes "if he can beat Beast"

"Excellent" asshole number 2 formally known as Beast perked up in his seat "something tells me that wont be a fair fight" Bolts mumbled, Isabella stiffened beside me her hand still clutching mine "no Uncle he will kill him please" she pleaded he tilted his head smiling "well then if you wont let your boyfriend" he looked at me with disgust "fight then I want your first born" he twined his fingers together his elbows resting on the table.


"Hell no! Let's just get this damn fight over with so I can take my woman home" I grumbled stabbing a weird looking vegetable with my fork.

She hung her head in silence "great we will give you a week to prepare yourself" the mad man smiled, the woman beside him brightened up "oh wonderful I do enjoy when we have guests" she clapped her hands excitedly. After the creepy dinner was over we were led to our quarters it was called, a twin room "we haven't shared a room since we were kids" I muttered to Bolts throwing my bag onto the nearest bed flopping onto it he just shrugged "you think you can beat this guy? He looks like a savage"

"I have too it's the only way to get Isabella back" he sat beside me "listen man I know you're crazy about the girl and all and I'm sorry you know that we are in this situation but that guy is called Beast for a reason"

A knock at the door interrupted our talk before one of us could answer Bear had walked in "look I know uh me and you well we didnt get off to a great start but uhm well Wolfs room is next door. Uncle will be doing his rounds at 9:45 he goes to her last and then its lights out at 11pm. I couldn't help but overhear your conversation and uhm well Uncle has granted you a full week to prepare so I will train you. Alright good night"

He turned to leave but I stopped him "why?" He glanced back at me "Uncle had arranged for Wolf and I to marry and procreate but I could never make her happy the way you do. I only saw you together for one night but it was enough. As for training you Beast has had it coming for a long time. He's cold and heartless Wolf and I we still held onto a sliver of our humanity but he didnt. I know his weaknesses I can help you. Maybe he can be saved who knows?" he whispered so quietly I almost didnt hear him, he tapped his ear and exited.

"I'll be back in a while I need to see her" I left before Bolts even had a chance to respond heading to the nearest door I noticed the sign on it WOLF opening it gently I let myself in "Isabella?" I whispered into the empty room it was only when she came out of the bathroom in her short pajamas that I noticed the healing bruises and cuts that asshole had inflicted on her.

Oh yeah Beast is as good as dead now.

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