《Wolf》Chapter 20- Reaper


I've always been proud of the fact that I am a strong capable fighter in hand to hand combat being 6ft 4" and 225lbs of solid muscle naturally though all of that went out the window the second I went up against Bear. He had pre warned me that he wouldn't go easy on me in trainings which I welcomed for two reasons.

1. I needed to release serious sexual frustration

2. I wanted to kill the asshole that was putting her through hell in the containment room next door.

A muffled cry rang out followed by a sharp thud and I stiffened Bear used that distraction as an opening to lock me into you guessed it a fucking bear hold fucker nearly cracked my ribs "you shouldn't get distracted by her pain Wolf can handle it" he panted out after I flipped him onto the mat "I know that. Doesn't mean I like it or that I'm ok with it" I snapped at him "how did you guys get your names anyways?"

He gulped down some water his mouth tugged up into a smile "I got mine because I bulked up bigger I used to be short and scrawny plus once I get someone in a hold they usually dont get out of it" felt a bit badass not gonna lie "Wolf got hers because when Uncle injected the serum into her the first time around he said her eyes reminded him of the wildness of a Wolf plus she's untamed she moves faster because she's smaller more nimble she's pretty flexible too" he muttered the last part probably hoping I wouldn't hear him but I did so I punched him.

He cracked his jaw back into place "easy man we were kids. Teenagers. We didnt get out of the compound at all back then so we were curious" he shrugged "honestly it felt weird and awkward so we only did it the one time me and her were always just friends. Beast on the other hand always had a thing for her she just wasnt interested"


"Is that why he's such an asshole?" I gulped my own water he nodded "sorta yeah when we were young Uncle paired us off for procreation when we were old enough. I got paired with Wolf Uncle mistook our friendship as something more Beast got paired with Ellie he was pissed but he accepted it over time they actually started to fall in love with each other only after she died his humanity went with her. He hasn't been the same since"

We got into our fighting stances circling each other "and he's called Beast because?" He just laughed "clues in the name man. I've seen him rip men twice your size apart with his bare hands for sport. He's bloodthirsty. He's merciless Wolf is ruthless in her own way she doesn't fear death nor does she have a problem inflicting it but her and I we held onto our humanity it allows us to love to feel emotions we would have felt before Uncle made us what we are. Beast- Matt he used to be a nice guy but he's just lost right now I guess. Seeing Wolf again after she rejected him 2 years ago seeing her happy when you got here set him off. He wanted that. He wanted her"

I stopped in my tracks and stared at him "so the man is gonna kill me because of something that happened before I even knew her?"

Bear shrugged his shoulders "well yeah. Everything about us is heightened our emotions, our senses our rage is maxed out to 100% after he heard that Wolf and I had even just experimented with sex he beat me so bad I was in the infirmary for a week recovering"

"So how do I beat him?" I crossed my arms I'll never admit it to him but Bear is starting to grow on me almost like a little brother. If he spent enough time around Bolts he would probably end up a man whore like him.


He rolled his eyes "have you not been listening to a word I've been telling you? Wolf is his weakness always has been. Yeah he loved Ellie in a way but we were made into animals man. Primal creatures once he caught scent of Wolf he didnt want anyone else Ellie just filled in where Wolf should have been" I scratched my chin "so what? I tell him she's pregnant or something?" Bear just laughed "no he wont believe you because her scent hasn't changed. I'm guessing you guys haven't even had sex yet she reeks of frustration" he sniffed the air "so do you actually"

I cleared my throat "so uh what's she like?" He barked out a laugh clutching his stomach "like I said we just did it the one time years ago but she's wild man even back then" I nodded at him grabbing another water my throat suddenly dry my balls tightening definitely have a case of blueballs coming on"so if Beast loves her so much why does he beat the crap out of her"

"Because he can't have her. Plus he's trying to tame her like I said Wolf is wild is more ways than one her instincts are more lethal than ours she's a natural predator that's why she's Uncles favorite. No one expects a woman who looks like her to be a cold blooded killer she looks soft and innocent. Sweet almost gentle as a feather until her blade reaches your neck and before you even have a chance to blink she's sliced your throat open"

Bolts burst through the door "this place is fucking weird brother! That woman from last night stroked my arm and told me I had a lovely physique I need to get out of here before I end up like one of them" he pointed to Bear who was laughing again "nah she just likes you. Her and Uncle don't share a bed she probably just wants sex or something Wolf's raging pheromones have been putting us all on edge the last couple of weeks" he wiped his eyes chuckling to himself. Bolts looked like he had just been told Christmas came early "well then excuse me I do believe I have an itch to scratch" he turned for the door but I grabbed him "easy there casanova. We came to get Isabella not for you to bury your dick in pussy you can stay here and work out your frustration like a normal human"

He looked at the door pouting "fine but when we get out of here I'm burying myself in pussy for a week dont even try to stop me" I sighed and agreed Bear shuffled his feet "least you get some I dont get out of the compound. Only person I had sex with was-" his voice trailed off Bolts let out a choking sound wrapping his arm around his shoulder "stick with me man I'll hook you up"

I sat on the floor watching the two of them spar and joke around now that I think of it Bear would be handy to have in the club his instincts are sharp he could teach the boys a thing or two about fighting and shooting a gun. A roar from next door had me up on my feet panting the other 2 froze and I stared at Bear his head tilted listening in his eyes glinted "Wolf requested a night out, dinner and some drinks in the outside world" my heart raced "for who?" He looked at me smiling widely

"All of us"

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