《The Bad Boy's Toy | ✔️》(24) Dates and Distractions PART 1


"Tell me," a long heart pounding silence..... "Tell me the truth.... do you love me?"

I stuff a hand full of popcorn in my mouth passing the bowl to a wide eyed Isabella staring at the screen in anticipation.

Enrique takes a deep breath the intensity in his eyes so fake, but so real at the same time. "Mi amor, you are my world."

Isabella throws a popcorn at the t.v "You're a liar Enrique! You know you slept with Tiffany while Rosa was visiting her sick mother in El Camarizo!"

I'm so proud.

Rosa stares at him the music getting more anxious more dramatic if that's even possible. "Answer me, Enrique. Do. You. Love. Me?"

Enrique's forehead is slick with beads of sweat and he stares at her so intense it looks as if he was trying to see into her soul.

With anticipation Isabella grabs my hand and we both kneel in front of the t.v.

Enrique licks his lips, "Rosa, I-" Just when the truth was almost out, we hear a loud slap! and Enrique's eyes are filled with shock now facing to his right his cheek bright red despite his dark stubble.

"Oh. My. God." Isabella and I both breathe. "You are a liar Enrique. You always have been. Always will be." And as the strong independent woman Rosa Del Carmen is she saunters out in her red saucy cock-tail dress leaving a shocked Enrique alone with his lies in the living room, a silent tear rolling down his cheek.

A Spanish commercial comes on for Crest toothpaste and Isabella and I clean up the popcorn and talk about how we should be more like Rosa.

Today Bain has gone out doing god-knows-what or should I say god-knows-who and I decided that Isabella and I would have a girl's day.


Nothing like home manicures, ice cream, and disgustingly yet addicting dramatic soap operas to have a awesome girl's day.

Isabella smiles and raises her hand to push the frame of her glasses farther up the bridge of her nose, "I had a lot of fun today, Ashley."

I smile and dry my wet hands from washing our ice cream bowls on a towel. "I'm glad. I had fun too. Having a brother I don't really get to do much of this girl day kind of thing. " I mean I have Ryan, but she usually gets hers professionally done. 

Her face brightens even more than it already was, "Me too!" We both giggle and suddenly my phone rings.

I answer the call, "Hello?"

"Hey," Sammy says, "So don't be mad at Ryan, but she kind of told me where you are."

Well then.

I sigh and pinch the bridge of my nose. "But- I want to tell you that I really don't care except for one thing."

I raise my eyebrow even though he can't see me, "And that would be...?"

"Is... is she there?"

My eyes flicker over to where Isabella is sitting on the couch her legs tucked under her as she quietly reads her book waiting for me to come back.

I should have known.

"Yes." I say and I am almost sure I can hear Sammy grin.

"Is she right beside you?"


"Is she single?"

I know it's wrong to assume, but Bain never let's the poor girl out. It would be a real shock to me if she did have a boyfriend, but if she was out in the world and not locked up here, i know for sure the boys would be after Isabella like white on rice.


"Yes." I say and I hear Sammy whisper a low, "Yessssss."

I roll my eyes and then suddenly get an idea. I bite my lip and look outside. Bain's been gone for three hours now.... He should be gone for the rest of the day.

"How about you come over?"

And in that moment, both Isabella and Sammy say , "What?"


"And just a little bit of more mascara to really open up those big beautiful green eyes," Ryan says applying light finishing strokes to Isabella's already long eyelashes.

She looks absolutely stunning.

Long blonde beautiful hair, now curled and wavy just like the girls that walk the red carpet (i'm so unbelievably jealous you have no idea), and a very cute light blue sundress to complement her tanned skin.

A light clear lip gloss to illuminate her perfectly pout-y model lips. She's going to give Sammy a heart attach.

"And you're all done!" Ryan smiles and stands back admiring her work. "I can't believe I hardly put make up on you, and you look absolutely gorgeous. It's the genes, Honey, your blessed."

Isabella smiles in the mirror blushing slightly. As if i could read her thoughts, "I bet you look just like her."

Isabella beams.

Knock, knock.


I open the door to see, "Bain." My eyes widen. Holy shit.

Bain walks in, "Good to see you too, Kitten." Not knowing what to do I close the door behind him and go through 100,456, 789 ways to possibly try and get him to get out of the house again.

And after the 100,456, 789, I come up with 0.

"What's up with that face? You look like you've seen a ghost."

I gulp and try to keep my cool. "W-why are you here?"

Oh way to keep your cool, Ash yeah this is great.

Hush you!

"I live here?" Bain says confusion in his eyes and then he sighs bowing his head. "I know I'm not about to hear a toilet flush or some cliche shit like that and find out that you brought Ben in this house and you and him fu-,"

"Woah! No, what?! No, are you crazy!" My cheeks burn with embarrassment turning a bright lobster shade of red.

"Then what's your problem?" He takes off his coat.

"I-I need you to take me out."

Bain raises his eyebrow his jacket half on, half off. "I thought you were already seeing someone?" Dammit, bad choice of words.

"I mean, I need to go shopping for somethings. For me and Isabella."

"Do I even want to know what it is that is so important you have to buy it now?"

I shake my head with a smile. "Nope." I say popping the 'p'.

Bain sighs pulling his jacket back on. "Fine. Let's go."

"I'll be right there, I just have to go to the bathroom."

Bain makes an annoyed noise and I chuckle and run to the room. I explain to the girls that Ryan is going to stay here and make sure everything goes okay with Sammy and Isabella. I'll try and keep Bain distracted for as long as I possibly can and text Ryan incase I can't or he doesn't buy it and tells somethings up.

I hug Isabella wishing her good luck and tell Ryan thank you. I grab my bag, my phone, and head out of the door taking a deep breath getting into Bain's truck.

I really hope I can do this.

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