《The Bad Boy's Toy | ✔️》(25) Dates and Distractions PART 2


"Oooh it's just me, myself, and I, Solo ride until I die cause' I got me for life," I sing along with Bebe Rexha and G-Eazy.

Bain turns off the radio roughly, "Oh my god just shut up already."

I purse my lips and narrow my eyes at him. "Meanie."

"Childish," Bain shakes his head.

I sigh and rack through all the options I have left to distract Bain for the night. "Hey are you hungry?"

Bain keeping his eyes on the road shrugs.

"Well I am. How about we stop some where to eat?"

Bain raises his eyebrow, "I thought we were going to just pick something up really quick?"

I roll my eyes. "Yeah, but I'm hungry and I bet so are you. Let's stop to eat something, I don't think either of us are in the mood for drive through." I gulp hoping he doesn't argue.

Bain with a sigh, too tired to fight back, turns into a 24/7 Breakfast House diner. I decided not to argue with his choice and decided that I was actually craving some good hash-browns and sunny side eggs with yummy toast.

We both get in the diner and settle into a booth. Amy-Lee is the name of our waitress (at least that's what her name tag said) and she asked us what we both wanted to drink.

I ordered my drink and Bain sighed telling her he didn't want anything. There was something about him tonight... he wasn't happy at all.

I bite my lip and look down sneaking peeks at a fighting Bain sighing over and over again rubbing a hand over his face. He looked sad, annoyed, and frustrated on so many levels. His stormy green eyes stressed.

I have an inner war in my head contemplating rather if I should ask Bain if he was okay.


"Bain," I say softly testing the waters, and he moves his hand from his eyes and looks at me lifting his eyebrows as if to say, what?

"Are um," I clasp my hands onto the table. "Are you alright?"

Bain gives a dark chuckle with a rather frustrated and angered smile. "I'm just fine. Why do I not look fine to you?" Oh no.

His stormy green eyes have grown even darker searching my face for an answer and his jaw is tight.

"Well uh actually," I gulp rubbing my hands together, "You look k-kind of constipated."

I know, I know. I have a death wish, but at this point i'm trying to crack any kind of joke I can to keep my butt alive.

Bain took a deep breathe and stares at me. "What is wrong with you?"

"What do you mean?" I say.

Bain leans closer to me over the table and my eyes widen slightly my pulse quickening.

"You look scared shit-less of me, but the words coming out of your mouth sound like your purposely wanting to make me angry. Yet it's so fucking stupid," he shrugs staring into my eyes looking confused and rather surprise, "and yet it makes me not want to throw something."

"I'm," totally not understanding a word your saying and am so freaking confused just looking at your stupidly gorgeous asshole face, "Sorry?"

Just in that moment Amy-lee drops off our drinks and asks if we're ready to order. I happily oblige and take the menu aching to change the subject.

I tell her I want a waffle and a Texas melt omelet with a side of hash browns my mouth already watering. When she turns to Bain asking him what he wants and again he waves off her offer.


What is up with him tonight?

We sit there in unbearable awkward silence until Amy-Lee saved me once again by bringing me food. At least i'll be distracted with the delicious food.

"You eat like a man," Bain says with a evil smirk on his face and I but just keep stuffing mine with food ignoring his insult.

"And you don't?" I say covering my hash browns with ketchup. Bain furrows his eyebrows in confusion.

"Well yeah."

I shrug, "Then alright what's the problem?" hehe god i'm evil.

Bain narrows his eyes at me, "You're a girl."

I raise an eyebrow, "Okay and?"

Bain shakes his head his eyes still narrowed at me, "You ruin everything."

I did a mini bow and dug into my delicious omelet moaning as the amazing flavors filled my mouth.

"Don't do that." Bain says and i just look at him.

"Do what?"


I narrow my eyes at him, "Why not? The foods good."

"Do you see that?" he said pointing at something out the window and i look, "No, what it is?"

"It's the last fuck i could give about how good your food is flying away."

Oh. He's good.

I narrow my eyes at him and lift the fork up to my mouth eating it slowly and moans exaggeratedly.

Bain glares. "Fuck you."

"Oh I know you want to." I smirk and wink at him finishing my omelet.

Bain his eyes suddenly light and looks me up and down and I look at him suddenly self-conscious. "And if I do?"


"Um," i say my cheeks flaming.

Bain shrugs. "There's no sense in hiding it." He sighs and leans closer to me from across the table. "You damn well know how badly I'd love to lay you down here on this table and make hot angry sex with you." As if what he just said had no effect on him he took my water and sipped it.

"Then round two in the car. And three at home on the dining room table. Then four against the wall in my room. And finally take you to the most amazing paradise you've ever been in, my bed with me in between your legs. You wouldn't ever stop moaning like that, except much much louder while screaming my name." He steals a little bite of my hash browns.




Bain lays some bills on the table and gets up from the booth walking away to the car outside. I am sitting there frozen when Amy-Lee walks to the table and takes the cash.

"Only If I were that age again," she sighs, "Honey, if I were you I'd take him up on his offer."

Then she walks away my flaming cheeks.

Did I say that right?

Don't know I.

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