《The Bad Boy's Toy | ✔️》(23) Maybe


"Are you ready?" Ben smiles and I nod buckling my seat belt. We drive off and every now and then I see Ben take sneak looks at me. I blush.

"So," Ben says smiling that adorable smile of his, "I don't think that I caught your name."

I raise my eyebrow, "Really?"

Ben chuckles, "Really, really. You were in such a hurry with that guy you gave me a number, no name."

I blush with embarrassment, "Oh, ha. I'm Ashley." I say and Ben automatically smiles.

"I'm Ben, Ben Rivera." If you've ever heard a hot a guy name, that would be it.

"Ashley's short for Ashleyn, but everyone just calls me Ash." Ben nods and smirks slightly in the most adorable way.

"Mind if I call you Ashleyn?" He says.

I raise an eyebrow, "Uh no it's fine. But why?"

He shrugs with a smile, "I want to be different from everyone else. I'll call you something no one else does. Different."

I smile. There was something about him, I couldn't quite pin point it that was just right. His smile was genuine and beautiful.

"You look gorgeous by the way." He says and I blush again. Man, can this boy flatter a girl. My cheeks have blushed so many times I think they might just stay this way.

"Thank you. You look handsome." I smile and he smiles, but doesn't say anything. I take this as my moment to check him out. Nice dark jeans, a cute white button down with the top buttons undone showing off his rather nice chest. His dark tan skin looking rather, how do I put this? Yum.

The ride to Marty's was rather silent, but in a good way. We stole glances at each other and laughed a little when we both caught each other checking the other out. It was comfortable. Which is already a plus from when I'm with Bain.


Woah, wait, what?

Why are we thinking about Bain when we're on a date with Ben? We're supposed to be thinking about him instead of 'the one who shall not be named'.

Oh my god she's -er - I mean I'm right. I should be focusing on my date with Ben and only be thinking of Bain.

Um, don't you mean Ben?

I mean yeah........ Only thinking of Ben..... obviously.

Ben leads us to a good booth by the window. I slide in first and he sits next to me.

I can feel the warmth from his body and here I go again blushing. Ben smiles that charming smile ordering us our drinks asking me what i'd like.

Ben and I talk and talk. All through the dinner we laugh and share things about ourselves. It was so comfortable and fun, and I can safely say that I can definitely see me and him together, it was something almost like to be expected. Like we would make the perfect couple together.

Later, when we are parking in front of the house, I see that Bain's car is gone so it's safe to let Ben walk me up. We turn to each other and I smile tucking a strand of my hair behind my ear. "Thank you for today Ben, I had a really great time."

"So did I," He says with a soft smile on his face those eyes looking at me in the most amazing way. He gulps and smiles softly. His nervousness is adorable.

"So," he says quietly tucking my hair behind my ear again and strokes my cheek softly.

Oh hello butterflies!

"I don't know about you, but I don't kiss on the first date," I smile and we both laugh, "So we'll have to settle for this." He leans in slowly and I close my eyes as he kisses the my cheek softly staying there for a moment just enjoying our closeness. Suddenly a soft breeze and I smell a mix of Ben's delicious cologne and a smell so amazing that could only be his natural scent. "Ben," I whisper in heaven and Ben grumbles, "Hmm?" in reply his eyes closed his lips still brushing against my cheek. His hand like a gentleman in his pocket except for the one resting on my cheek still stroking it gently. He had a couple of tattoos I didn't see before that just added to his attractiveness.


I sigh softly in content

Ben chuckles a sound rumbling in his chest that brought warmth to me. He takes a deep breathe standing up straight pressing his warm lips on my forehead placing a soft sweet kiss there. "Goodnight, Ashlynn."

I smile. "Goodnight, Ben." I say and walk back inside watching him walk to his car.

"Well that was disgusting." I hear through the darkness of the house and I jump. I turn on the light to see Bain leaning against the counter an apple in his hand.

I roll my eyes a hand to my heart. "You have got to stop doing that. Is this your thing now? Lurking in the shadows?"

"I mean really," He says and takes a bite out of his apple ignoring me, "What kind of guy doesn't kiss on the first date? He want's to leave a good impression."

I cross my arms. "For your information I thought it was really sweet and cute that we didn't kiss."

Bain points to me. "Exactly." He walks forward step-by-step closer. "Sweet and cute doesn't get you anywhere. I mean, what girl wants someone sweet and cute? For that get a damn puppy."

I shake my head.

"If you want a girl to like you," walking close now he looks down at me with those green eyes and speaks low in that raspy voice again his voice a mere hush. "You have to come out irresistible. Hot. Look at her like you want to kiss her till her lips are swollen and grab her like she's the last woman on the planet and you need her desperately."


I'm speechless.

His eyes drop to my lips. "You always leave her wanting more in the end. Kiss her passionately, but know when to let go and leave her standing there wanting more and feeling like a woman. A woman in need of a real man to lay her down and take her to heaven."

Dear lord and all the stars above. Help me.

Bain whispers now his lips inches from mine, "Tell me, Ashlynn. Can Ben do that for you?"

I let myself take my sweet time to remember the curve of his lips. The dark cloud of want covering his emerald eyes.

And I smirk. "Probably not...... but neither can you." And with that I leave a shocked Bain standing in the living room frozen in place and I walk into my bedroom closing the door.

I lean against my door and take a deep breathe.

God this is going to be harder than I thought.

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