《His Scared Angel》10//He Is Not Bad


"Phui, please pick up the call." I mumble while pacing back and forth in the kitchen but to my disappointment, she doesn't pick up the call. I think she is in the airport with others on the way to Mumbai for the reception party. But I need her help because I'm stuck in a big problem and I don't know how to get out of it.

Maa has asked me to make Kheer(rice pudding) for my first rasoi ceremony and when she told me that she will help me, I have told her that I can make it by myself. However, in reality I don't know how to make the dish. Also, my mobile internet speed is very slow so I am not able to see any youtube video to get help. That's why I am trying to contact anyone from my family but I don't have any luck in that too.

I look at the kitchen island which was clean before but now it looks like someone has destroyed it because there are so many things that are laying here and there. I think for sometime before picking up the bowl of rice and rinsing it out with water. Then I start to boil the milk and put a handful of sugar. After that I put the rice in the boiling milk and steer it with a ladle. Hopefully whatever I am doing is alright.

"Bhabhi, is the kheer ready?" Lakshya bhaiya asks coming inside the kitchen.

"Maybe." I reply timidly.

"What do you mean by maybe? And why are you looking so tensed?" He asks worriedly. He is very gentle with me from the start and I feel very comfortable with him. So, I have decided to tell him my dilemma.

"Actually, I only know simple things to make. Like coffee, tea, noodles, sandwiches etc so I am struggling to make kheer." I let out making his eyes widen comically. But then he clears his throat and smiles at me.

"It's okay bhabhi. I will help you." He says surprising me.

"You? Do you know how to cook kheer?" I ask not believing him.

"Of course I know. Mom has taught me and Rudra bhaiya to cook because she wants us to become independent in everything." He replies making me nod my head in understanding. So, my husband also knows cooking.

"But first let me taste the kheer you are making." He says while picking a little kheer in a spoon before blowing air to get rid of the steam. He then puts the spoonful kheer in his mouth making me bite my lip to see his reaction. But then he makes a disgusting face before spitting out the kheer in the sink and clean his mouth with water.

"What's wrong?" I ask in panic.

"Thank God I come here or you would be in big trouble in front of our guests. There is no sugar, instead there is salt in the kheer." He informs me while I hang my head low in shame.

"Bhabhi, don't feel bad. It's okay to make mistake but we are here with. Now, come on we don't have much time to make the dish." He says gently making me smile. He then starts to instruct me what to do and I follow his lead. It only takes twenty minutes for us to prepare the kheer this time and by the smell, I know that the kheer is going to taste very good.

"Lakshya bhaiya, thank you so much for your help. I don't know what I would have done if you didn't help me." I tell him while serving kheer in little bowls.


"I am always here for you bhabhi and please stop thanking me. I don't want anyone to look down on you so I will help you whenever you need my help." He says with a wink. I smile at him before putting the bowls on a tray and get out of the kitchen to serve the dish.

When I reach the dining room I notice that Maa is serving breakfast to everyone while the guests are busy chatting with each other. Upon seeing the tray in my hands Dad's face lit up like a baby making me chuckle. I put the tray at the table before serving everyone the kheer. I wait for their expression while fidgeting with my sleeves.

"The kheer is very delicious, beta." Dad says praising me.

"Yes, it's tastes really good." Sheela bua says with a smile.

"Thank you." I reply and look at Lakshya bhaiya who gives me thumbs up making me smile. Everyone praise me for the sweet dish while Rudra only smile at me in response which is not odd. Because I have observed that he doesn't like to talk much.


"Beta, here is your dress and jewellery for today and also the makeup artist will be here to get you ready for the reception." Maa informs while coming to my room. She shows me the blue off-shoulder gown which I will be wearing at the reception party along with a diamond necklace set.

"Maa, they are so pretty. But don't you think the jewelry is too much." I tell her sheepishly because I am not a fan of big jewelry.

"I know sweetheart that you don't like to wear heavy jewelry but today is your special day. So, I want you to wear this set." She replies while kissing the top of my head.

"Okay as you wish." I reply.

After some time the makeup artists come and start to get me ready for the party. Papa and everyone from my family is coming to the party so I am quite eager to meet them after so many days. Although I have been talking to them over the phone every day, it can't be counted as seeing them in front of my eyes.

"Ma'am you can look at the mirror." The makeup artist tells me after they are done with my hair and makeup. I look at the mirror and admire the woman staring back at me. I can't believe that I can look this elegant. They haven't put a lot of makeup on my face, instead they have kept it very little to my liking. I get up from the chair and turning around to thank them for their work.

Just then Maa along with Soniya comes into the room but stops when they notice me. I give them a nervous smile not understanding if they are liking my look or not. But then Soniya squeals loudly and runs straight to me while giving me big smile.

"Ishita you are looking drop-dead gorgeous." She compliments making me shy.

"Yes, Soniya is correct beta. You are looking so pretty that I need to put a kala tika behind your ear." Maa says and put a little kala tika behind my ear making me recall the time when my Kaki used to do the same thing to me.

"Auntie I think we should get going or we will be late for the party." Soniya says from the side.

"Hmm, then let's go. Come Ishita hold my hand." Maa says and gives me her hand to hold which I do with a smile. We walk out of the room and make our way towards the living room where everyone is waiting for us. But I stop walking in the entrance when I notice the back of my Papa. I look at Maa who gives me a small smile while nodding her head at me.


"Vinod di, here is your princess." Maa calls out to Papa who turns around swiftly. I try not to cry because I don't want to ruin the hard work of the makeup artist but I don't think I am very successful in it. Papa walks towards me in long strides before hugging me in his chest. I clutch the back of his coat while sniffling to control my tears. He pulls away from the hug before holding my face in his big palms. He kisses me on the forehead and I do the same with his cheeks.

"How are you doing, princess?" Papa asks me.

"I am doing good, Papa. But I miss you every day." I reply.

"Me too baby girl. But look I am here so you don't need to miss me anymore." He replies making me smile.

"Vinod Ji, your daughter is a gem and believe me we are very happy to have her in our family." Dad says coming to stand beside Papa.

"It's my pleasure to hear that Sachin Ji. I was very worried for my daughter but I can see the happiness in her eyes. So, I know that she is happy here with you all." Papa replies with a proud smile.

"Papa if you are done then can I meet the crazy?" Gautam bhaiya asks making me pout.

"Gautam control your language, your sister is married now." Phui scolds him but he only shrugs in response.

"I don't care if she is married because she is my baby sister first and then anything else." Bhaiya replies before opening his arms for me. I walk towards him and hug him. I feel him kissing the side of my head before we pull away from the hug.

"I didn't miss you." I tell him.

"I also didn't miss you." He replies with a smirk.

"These two are never going to change." Papa says making everyone laugh. One by one I meet everyone from my family who asks me about my in-laws and my new family.

While talking to them, I can feel a burning stare at my back. I turn around and notice that Rudra is looking at me intensely making me gulp in anticipation. He is wearing a three-piece suit the same color as my gown while his hair is combed back. He is looking very sharp and handsome, but I am not going to tell him that.

Soon we leave the house to go to the hotel named ITC Grand Central where the reception party will be held. Everyone takes different cars while Rudra and I are order to ride his car by Maa.

"I want you to stay close to me at the party. Because there will be a lot of people whom I hate to interact." Rudra says while the car stops in front of the venue.

"Umm, I will remember it." I reply timidly. The whole ride he hasn't talk to me making me feel awkward and now ordering me to stay close to him. He gets out of the car first and then comes to my side before opening the door for me. He offers me his hand so I take it before getting out of the car. I also notice that our families are already standing at the entrance which is beautifully decorated with lights.

We walk inside the hall before Dad asks us to go into the stage and sit down on the couch.

Soon the guests start to come and congratulate us for the marriage. I get to meet a lot of people from the business world as well as the education world. After some time Lakshya bhaiya asks us to come to the dance floor so we get there. Rudra wraps his arms around my waist making me gasp in surprise.

"Wrap your arms around my neck." He whispers in my ear. So, I wrap my arms around his neck trying not to tremble. A romantic song starts to play so he starts to sway us side to side.

"You don't need to be scared, Ishita. I am not going to bite you." He says making my head snaps towards him in surprise to see that he has an amusing smile on his face.

"I am not scared." I reply stubbornly.

"Yes, I can see the way you are clenching your hands." He retorts sarcastically making me pout.

"You are so mean to me." I tell him.

"What have I done with you that you are calling me mean?" He asks in confusion.

"You are making fun of me." I answer.

"I am not making fun of you, I am just messing with you because it's quite fun to see you get angry." He says making me roll my eyes but still, I smile at him.

"By the way, you are looking good." He compliments with a smile.

"Thank you." I reply shyly.

Suddenly, his hands tighten around my waist making me confuse. But when I look up at him, I notice that he is looking behind me. So, I turn my head to see that a man is looking at me with lust evident in his eyes making me gulp in fear.

I start to tremble remembering something horrible from the past. But then Rudra place his hand behind my head making me look at his eyes which are looking at me with an assurance. I don't know why but I feel like I am completely safe in his arms and nothing can harm me anymore. He signals me to put my head on his chest so I do as told and my fear vanishes in a second when he starts to rub my back gently. Surprisingly I am not hating his touch like I do with other men.

"I must say you have married a very pretty lady, Mr. Bajaj." I hear someone says standing behind me. I don't like the way that person called me pretty because I can feel the bad vibe from him. Still, I turn around because it's not looking good that I am hugging my husband in a room full of people.

However, Rudra's hand doesn't leave my waist instead he pulls me more towards him. I notice that the person standing in front of us is the same man who was looking at me wrongly earlier. It's not like he is not looking the same way anymore but the hand around my waist is enough to make me feel protected.

"That I have to agree with you Mr. Sahani. Indeed My wife is looking very pretty but you know what?" Rudra retorts emphasizing 'my wife' making me blush.

"What?" Mr. Sahani asks with a smirk.

"I am a very possessive man so I don't like when someone other than me looks at my wife. I hope you understand what I am trying to say." Rudra replies arrogantly making Mr. Sahani's face pale. He looks here and there before excusing to go somewhere else.


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