《His Scared Angel》9// Feeling Emotional


Maa has left me alone in Rudra's room and told me that no one will disturb me so that I can rest well. However, the more I am trying to sleep, the more I want to cry thinking about my family. The look on Papa's face is still visible in my mind, neither of us wanted to leave each other but I can't live there after being married.

Suddenly, there is a knock on the door making me look at the clock to see that it is already midnight. Still, I go to open the door and to my surprise Soniya is standing there while holding a tray. I welcome her inside the room before shutting the door. She puts the tray on the nightstand before handing me a glass of chocolate milk while she takes the cup of coffee. I look at her with surprise because only my family and Kuhu knows about my love for chocolate milk.

"I have gotten to know a lot of things about you from your bhabhi. So don't be surprised and come sit beside me." Soniya says with a gentle smile. I sit beside her and take a sip from the glass.

"I can understand how you are feeling Ishita as I was in your place too. As a girl we are destined to leave our family to start a new phase of life. But when the new family starts to treat you like the most valuable thing, your every insecurity flies away in a second. Believe me Ishita, you are very blessed to have this family because they are going to cherish you very much." Soniya comments while looking at me with a gentle smile.

"You know, I have never thought that I could be comfortable around other person than my family and my best friend. But something about you all is calm enough to make me feel better knowing that I don't have to hide from you all." I let out making her beam at me.

"That's great to know because I love to make new friends but as a publisher, I don't get much time to spend with other persons. That's why I don't have many friends but now we can become friends although you are more like a little sister to me." She replies with a heartwarming smile. After that, we both chat for one hour before we both decide to sleep because tomorrow we need to wake up soon. I get surprised when she informs me that she is going to sleep with me tonight because she doesn't like the idea of me sleeping alone in a new atmosphere. I just pray to God that I don't get any nightmare tonight and thankfully I sleep peacefully the whole night.


The next day

Soniya and some cousins of Rudra are getting me ready for the Mooh dikhai rasam which is a very important ritual where the bride will cover her face with a dupatta (veil) and the other elder people of the family will lift the dupatta to see the bride's face before giving her gifts and blessings.

Just like Maa said yesterday, she has really chosen a beautiful pink floor-length Anarkali salwar suit for me alone with matching jewelry. Soniya has already put makeup on me and now she is braiding my hair in a messy french braid. She has asked me not to look in the mirror because she wants to surprise me with my first post-wedding look. After she is done putting some artificial flowers in the braid she tells me to look at the mirror.


I get awestruck with my look as if I am seeing a completely different person. The makeup and hairstyle is done amazingly but what making me feel more fascinating is the sindoor between my hairline and the mangalsutra around my neck.

"How do you like my magic, Ishita?" Soniya asks from behind making me look at her through the mirror with a bright smile.

"Thank you so much for making me feel pretty." I reply.

"You are already so pretty so I didn't need to do much. I am sure that when Rudra will see you he won't be able to take off his eyes from you." She replies making me blush while the other ladies around us start laughing.

"Come on let's go downstairs or we will be late for the ritual." One of the ladies says and Soniya puts the dupatta over my head covering my face. Thankfully, the dupatta is transparent so I don't have to worry about getting crash to anything.

Soon, we arrive at the living room where the ritual is going to take place. Maa walks towards me with a smile and kiss me on the forehead. She makes me sit on the couch and asks everyone to lift my dupatta to see my face. Although it's her right to see my face first per ritual but she says that she wants to perform the ritual at the end because she has a very special gift for me. One by one all the relatives come before lifting my dupatta to do the ritual. They give me a lot of gifts and compliment me about how beautiful I am looking. I have a permanent blush on my face hearing all the compliments because I am not used to it.

"Now, it's your turn Archana auntie. We are also eager to see what you are going to give Ishita." Soniya comments from the side.

"Calm your horses, Soniya." Aarav says making Soniya pout at him.

Maa sits beside me and lift my dupatta to see my face. She looks at me with a gentle smile before giving me a small wooden box. I thank her and try to keep the box on the side but she stops me. I give her a confusing look because I don't understand why she has stopped me.

"Aren't you going to see what's in there in the box?" Maa asks with a smile.

"Umm, I will see later." I reply timidly.

"That's not fair bhabhi. We also want to see what Mom has gifted you." Lakshya bhaiya whines and gets a slap behind his head by Rudra who has a scowl on his face.

"Okay, now open the box." Maa orders and with hesitation, I open the box. However, what I see inside making me feel someone has put a lot of hardship on my shoulder. I gulp in fear before looking at Maa who takes the gold key chain out of the box.

"This is the most important thing in my life as it was given to me by my mother-in-law and now I am giving it to you in the belief that you are going to hold this family together." Maa says while putting the key chain in my shaking hand.

"But this is a huge responsibility." I reply in a trembling voice while my eyes well up in tears.

"I know that well and that's why I am going to teach you everything. But you don't have to worry about anything because I am not going to put all my duties on your shoulders as I know you are not ready for such big responsibility yet. I am just assuring myself that now I have someone who will be able to look after this house after me." Maa lets out while cupping my face with her palms before wiping some tears that has successfully fallen from my eyes.


"What if I make mistakes, Maa? I have never given such responsibility before. I don't think I will be able to carry this responsibility." I reply.

"Beta, you are our daughter now and we want you to feel comfortable with us so don't hold back anything in your heart. I know that you are scared seeing the keychain but as Archana said, I also believe that you are going to be a more responsible person than your mother-in-law." Dad says while putting his hand on my head.

"Bhabhi, don't be scared when you have a handsome brother-in-law like me. I am going to teach you everything I have learned from mom and dad. Also, I know that you are an excellent student so I am sure that you will learn everything pretty quickly." Lakshya bhaiya jokes making me chuckle through tears.

"Aren't you going to say something too, Rudra?" Soniya asks making me take a glimpse at my husband who is standing at the side of the living room.

"What do you want me to say?" Rudra asks looking confuse.

"Dude, your wife is scared seeing the keys of the house and you are not going to console her?" Aarav retorts.

"She is an adult person so I am sure she can take the responsibility. There is no need to cry in every little thing." Rudra replies rudely before going out of there. I feel a sting in my heart by his words but don't react because what he said is true. I always cry like a baby in simple things and it's time that someone reminds me about my fault.

"Don't take his words to your heart dear. He is always like this but I am sure that you will be able to change him for good because I have faith in you." Maa says and hugs me.


I know I am being rude but what they expect from me when they know well how I feel about crying. Also, I don't like to see tears in Ishita's eyes because her tears make me feel like someone has stabbed me in the heart. I don't want to get attached to her knowing well that I am not capable of loving someone. That's why I stormed out of the living room without taking a glance at her.

"Rudra, what's gotten into you?" Aarav asks coming to stand beside me in the backyard.

"Nothing." I reply shortly.

"Talk to me bro, I can feel that something is going on but you are not telling any of us. I am your best friend and we share every little thing. Then why are you not telling me what's bothering you?" He asks making me look at him with a sigh.

"I don't want to love her." I let out and he gives me a look of understanding before putting his hand on my shoulder.

"Look, Rudra. I am not saying you to forget everything and start a new relationship. But I want you to try to get to know your wife and think if she is the one for you or not. I may be sound like a horrible person but this is the truth. I see you not only as my best friend but also as my brother so I want what best for you and I can assure you that Ishita will change your life." He explains with a smile.

"What do you mean she will change me?" I ask with a scoff.

"I have noticed how you are clenching your fist seeing her cry and this is not something I usually get to see. She is already changing you and you don't even have any idea about it. That's why I am sure that she will definitely melt the boundaries you have put around your heart." He replies getting a glare in return from me. However, before I can reply I hear someone's footsteps coming towards us. So, I turn around and notice that Ishita is coming in our direction.

"Sorry to disturb you both but Maa has told me to inform you that the lunch will be served now." Ishita says standing in front of us without making any eye contact.

"Thank you for the information because I am starving. Okay, I am going and you guys come too." Aarav says in a hurry before running away from there but not before signaling me to apologize to Ishita. When he is finally out of sight, I look at Ishita who is busy playing with her fingers making me feel extremely bad for talking so rudely in front of her. So, I decide it will be better if I apologize to her for my behavior.

"I am sorry." I tell her but she only nods her head not lifting her face to look at me.

"Are you mad at me?" I ask but again she only shakes her head not saying anything. I sigh and put my finger under her chin to make her look at me. I notice that her eyes are still a little red from crying and her lips are trembling as if she is holding back a cry. Now, I really want to hit myself for making her sad.

"Please don't cry. I know my behavior was not good but I really don't know how to console a crying person. I get frustrated and say whatever comes to my mind." I tell her while wiping a lone tear with my thumb.

"I am sorry too for crying in little things." She replies with a hiccup which I find quite adorable.

"You don't have to apologize because you're not at fault." I answer as gently as I can.

"But you got angry because of me." She argues.

"Yes, I know that but you didn't have any idea that I would get angry." I reply.

"Okay, then I will remember from now on that you don't like crying." She answers making me smile at her.

"You don't have to do that because from now on I will remember that I need to stop getting angry at simple things." I let out making her smile.



I know I am very late in updating but what to do when you have tons of notes to make for your students?🥴

But here is an update so hopefully now I am forgiven.

Now, tell me what do you think about the story so far?

I love you all❤❤❤

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