《His Scared Angel》11//She Is Different


I am surprised by the way I have felt protective over Ishita when I noticed the way that Sahani was looking at her with lust feel eyes. But my anger emerged the most when I saw fear in Ishita's eyes making me want to hide her from every hungry eye. So, when I got the chance I let everyone know that she is my wife so they need to back off. I may be a playboy but I respect women so whenever I see someone trying to abuse them, I can not stop myself from helping them.

I look towards the way where my wife is chatting animatedly with her brother and sister-in-law. I have to accept that I like her smiling face because that makes her look even more beautiful. But for some reason, I want to be the one to make her smile. Despite the term and conditions of our marriage, I don't want her to leave me in the future. I may be sound selfish but I have started to see a life with her. I don't know if she has the same thought as mine or not, but I won't force her to do anything she is not happy with.

"Rudra." Someone says from behind so I turn around to see that Vinod uncle is standing there.

"Yes, uncle?" I ask with a smile but he shakes his head in disappointment.

"I am not happy with you." He says making me confuse.

"But why? I don't know what I have done to disappoint you." I reply.

"You are my son-in-law and that makes you my son. So, you should call me Papa but here you are calling me uncle." He explains making me chuckle.

"Oh, that's what you are talking about. Okay, I will remember from now on Papa." I let out with a smile.

"Everything aside, I have something to tell you." He says after some time.

"Yes, tell me." I reply.

"My princess is looking very happy and I am relieved to see the way every one of your family showering her with love and support. But son, I hope that you are also taking care of her. I know I am asking a lot from you because you are not a babysitter. It's just that I want both of you to lead a love-filled life with each other." He answers making me nod my head but this time I am not pretending. Because I also want to take a chance at our marriage and want to make my wife happy the way she deserves.

"I am promising you, Papa. I will definitely take care of your daughter and don't worry about asking a lot. Because a father's worry for his children can not be replaced by any means." I reply trying to ease his tension.

"Thank you for understanding my point, son." He says with a relieved sigh.

"Rudra, Vinod Ji let's go. It's time for cutting the cake." Mom says coming towards us. So we go with her to the stage where a 3 layer cake is waiting to be cut. Soon, Ishita joins me on the stage along with our families who cheer when both of us cut the cake together before feeding each other.

We spend a few hours enjoying the party before we have dinner. I can see that Ishita is getting tired so I tell mom that we should go home. Also, the guests have already started to leave so after one more hour we all leave the venue to return home.


However, when we reach home mom reminds us that today is also our wedding night making both Ishita and I look at each other awkwardly. Our wedding night should be happen at the same day as the wedding but being new in here, mom didn't want to put a lot of pressure on Ishita as if she is not doing it currently. In between all the awkwardness, I also notice the way Ishita is clenching the gown tightly while her eyes showing raw fear making me frown.

Still, I take her hand in mine and lead her to our bedroom. When I open the door I am not surprised to see all the decorations around the room for our wedding night. However, Ishita stops in the doorway looking hella scared to come inside as if there is a monster who will eat her if she comes inside. I sigh in understanding before giving her a soft smile encouraging her to come inside. Finally, when she comes inside I lock the door and turn around to look at her. But my eyes nearly pop out of their sockets when I notice that she is laying down on the bed looking at the ceiling.

"What's wrong, Ishita? Are you feeling sick?" I ask worriedly.

"You want to have sex with me so go on and do whatever you want." She replies without looking at me making me feel like shit.

"Why are you talking like that? Did I do something that makes you think like I want to take advantage of you?" I ask because I don't know what happened to her suddenly.

"You asked me to come inside and then locked the door. It's easy to see what you want from me." She replies making me understand that she has taken my action completely wrongly. I pick her up in my arms much to her struggle and put her on the couch. I take out all the decorations one by one before taking a seat beside her. She tries to scoot away from me but I hold her hand in mine before rubbing circles around her palm.

"Ishita, I am not a person who doesn't respect other's choices and especially my wife. So, you don't need to worry about me being physical with you without your permission. I closed the door because I know my cousins can be nosey sometimes so I didn't want them to keep peeping in our bedroom." I explain the best I can so that she won't think I am sugarcoating my words.

"I am sorry for jumping to a conclusion." She mumbles not looking at me. I put my finger under her chin making her look at me and I wipe the little tears that are dropping from her eyes.

"It's okay to assume things but it will be better if you have a little faith in me." I tell her in assurance.

After that, we change our clothes separately before I ask her to sleep on the bed while I take the couch. She protests at first but I glare at her to make her shut up. I make sure that she is sleeping before I lie down on the couch looking at her sleeping face. It breaks my heart to see the fearful look on her face at the mention of our wedding night. I think she is fearful of being intimate with someone she knows for a few days but then my heart is telling me that there is something else that is scaring her.




People tell the truth that no one can hold the time. We try to do everything on our own way but there are some things in which we have no emphasis. My marriage with Ishita is one such aspect that I never wanted. But after spending two months with ner I can say that I didn't make any mistake by marrying her. She may be a child by heart but she knows very well how to take care of everyone at home.

From giving Dad his medicines on time to working in the kitchen with Mom, studying hard for her degree while playing video games with Lakshya after he gets home from office, she has become an expert in everything. I was very tense at first whether she would be able to mingle in the new environment or not. But I think she is determined to prove me wrong which I find quite amusing.

She also hates whenever anyone try to give her something expensive saying she doesn't like them. So, we try to get her things that are not expensive or branded. Another thing that I find amazing about her is that she loves to play with kids so she and mom often go to the near by park to spend some time with the kids. The kids also love to hear stories from her because I have heard that she is a great storyteller. I have come to realization that she is completely different from other girls who only want me for my money and looks. She knows that I am a billionaire but never drags about it in front of anyone to gain popularity. Maybe that's why my opinion about marriage is changing so quickly.

Currently I am driving towards my company in a hurry because I need to get there to sign some important papers. I am already late for work and now this traffic is making me more late. After half & hours of struggle I reach my company. I get out of the car before going inside. I directly go to my cabin and start working on the new project. I don't know for how long I have been working but when I hear the ringing of my phone I look at the caller ID to see that Ishita is calling me.

"How can I help you?" I ask after receiving the call.

"Umm, can you pick me up from college?" She asks with hesitation.

"I am not trying to sound rude but where is the car I have assigned for you?" I ask while getting up from my chair before tidying up my desk not wanting to leave any mess.

"I have called the driver but he is not picking up my call so I thought that I should call you. But it's okay if you are busy, I will take a cab." She says.

"You don't need to worry because I am already on my way to your college. By the way, where are you standing?" I ask after getting inside my car.

"I am standing in front of the college gate." She informs me.

"Okay then wait for fifteen minutes, I will be there." I reply and start driving towards her car. Soon after that, I reach her college and notice that she is talking to some students. I get out of the car before walking towards her. One of the students notice me and nudge Ishita who looks at my way. I give her a small smile getting one in response from her. She comes walking towards us and follows me to the car. I open the car door for her and after she gets inside I go to the driver's seat before starting to drive the car.

"How was your day?" Both of us ask at the same time.

"You go first." I say with a chuckle.

"It was good because I got to learn a lot of new things. Also, I have made some friends." She replies excitedly.

"That's great to hear. I am happy that you are liking your new surroundings." I reply while taking out a chocolate from the pocket of my coat before handing it to her.

"What's the reason for the chocolate?" She asks looking confuse yet happy at the same time.

"A little birdy told me that my wife loves to eat chocolate so I thought I should give her one because she is coping up with her new college so well." I answer making her giggle.

"Thank you, wise Sir." She says with a posh accent while taking off the wrapper from the chocolate. She offers me a bite but I refuse with a smile.

"You didn't tell me how was your day so far?" She asks with a pout.

"Hmm, it's boring because I didn't have any meeting today so I only had to sign some papers and then review some reports." I reply looking back at her.

"That's really sounds boring." She responses.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you that I will be going on a business trip to Malaysia for a week." I inform her after I park the car in front of our house.

"Okay." She replies but her tone is sounding as if she doesn't like what I have said. I look at her to see that she is looking at her lap with a frown on her face.

"Now why are you making that face?" I ask while looking at her with an amusing smile.

"You have promised me that you will take me to Delhi but now you are saying that you will be going to Malaysia." She replies while folding her hands in front of her chest.

"I didn't say that I am not taking you to Delhi." I reply shortly wanting to tease her more.

"Then how will you go to Malaysia if you will take me to Delhi?" She asks confusingly.

"First I will take you to Delhi and then I will board a flight from there to go to Malaysia." I explain making her smile brightly at me before throwing her arms around my neck. Oh, did I tell you that we hug very often without getting awkward with each other? If not, then sorry.

"Thank you thank you thank you so much." She says while pulling away from the hug.

"You are welcome. Now go inside and start packing your bags. Because we will be leaving tomorrow morning." I inform her with a smile.

"Aren't you going to come?" She asks.

"I have some pending works so I need to go back to the company." I reply making her nod in understanding.

"Okay but try to come soon." She says before getting out of the car. She waves her hand at me with a smile and gets inside the house. I sigh before driving away to my company.


A very simple yet important chapter for you all. I want to wish all the women out there A VERY HAPPY WOMEN'S DAY.❤🙏

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The next update will be on Friday. Till then keep voting, commenting and sharing.💞💞💞

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