《You wish you knew me now (editing)》Chapter 15


Chapter 15

Mariah's POV

I finally looked up at a worried James who wiped away a stray tear. I removed myself from his hold. Instinct kicked in and I began to run towards the exit. I didn't want Adam to see me.

I didn't want to take the risk; they could both come out any minute and take me by surprise. I just couldn't deal to come in contact with him. I would lose all my strength if I just saw him. I didn't want to be weak again. Not after coning this far.

"Wait up " I heard his feet pounding harshly to the cobble pavement as he ran behind me.

The echoed filled lonely street stood still in time as I felt my body become weak. My pace slowed down. His long legs gave him a better advantage.

He called out my name again. I came to a halt. "What!?" I screeched in frustration, James flinched from my tone.

I felt a sudden rush if guilt but I walked further away; I could hear him breathing.

I knew my fear of the unknown was getting the better of me. I couldn't hear James anymore, as his scent disappeared in the wind. I turned back, just to catch him in behind me, I guess he could smell my fear. The look of concern was etched in his face.

I stepped forward, taking his hands into mines as he finally stood in front if me.

"I'm sorry, I...just want to go home" I felt myself whisper.

"I understand" he hugged me tightly. I took in his scent, cherishing this moment with him.

It felt so right and overpowering. I never wanted to let him go. I wanted him to lie in his arms as a lover and not a little girl he once saved. I know I'm asking for too much, but when love conquers someone anything stupid could come in mind. I shook away the thoughts.

I know once he finds his mate it's going to be more difficult for me letting him go. Thats why I was afraid to ket him know how I truly felt.

I just hoped she was beautiful inside and out just like James was.

"Let's go back to the hotel, you must be tired" James mumbled into my hair. I looked up to his glimmering eyes, admiring ever spectacle thing I could see, the outline of his pupil, taking in the glorious colour of his eyes, the shade that it turns into during the darkness.

My love for this man was endless. He was the complete opposite of Adam. He showed me what love felt like and what it felt like to be happy.

I still couldn't ever deny but say my heart will always belong to Adam. But my feeling for him was never love. It's more anger than love. My feelings are more sustainable in James hands, the way I feel towards him is just something special. The feelings I have towards James can never be replaced, even by my mate.

Adam will be forced with me but James will always be my love from choice. The sparks between us was forced upon us both. Siem say its a beautiful thing but I saw it as a curse. Whereas I believe that love is more than the sparks and the unbreakable bond. I know the love I have for Adam will always be forced but that doesn't me that he is what I desire, he's just what my heart wants', but cant have.


"Can we go to a nightclub or something" I finally asked boldly. I have never been into a nightclub before, and have never thought of going to one, but I needed a way to relive my stress.

James let me go, which made frown. I wanted to feel his strong arms around me. He still held onto the top of my arm's staring deeply into my eyes. "What's happened back there?" He caressed my face. I felt myself pulling away. "You have never ever wanted to go to one before. Every time I ask you to come and join me in any social event you'd decline. But I see partying in a night club is more of your scene?" He smirked.

"Nothing James. I just want to have fun. I want a different scenery with a different me" my voice was full of enthusiasm. I looked back at him and i could tell he didn't buy it. But he sighed nodding his head.

"Come one, there's a night club few minutes away from here,". James finally caved.


The flashing lights and the smell, of alcohol, perfume and lust filling the room had me feeling overwhelmed. As we walked deeper into the crowd the smell of humans was overpowering that it felt odd.

The loud music and the voice of DJ thudded in my ears so, which had me wincing.

The good thing about this nightclub was it was owned by a billionaire who had taste in decor and the people he allowed in his establishment. It was so classy but yet so not. Even though there weren't many people making out like what I was told the atmosphere was just the same. Hunger of the predators and the anticipation of the prey.

"Wow." I muttered under my breath. As the drinks were delivered.

"That is the 100th time you've said that so far." He chuckled, which made my mood brighter. He always seemed to over exaggerate. "I see you like it" He wrapped his arms around me.

"And now you've said that 100th time" I mimicked his voice.

"Whatever. You can't resist my voice can you?" he winked effortlessly. I blushed at how smooth his voice truly was. His voice was so husky and deep it had me quivering.

I felt his thumb caress my left cheek, just his soft thumb touching my skin sent shivers down my spine. I eagerly wanted to wrap my arms around him to feel his body pressed against mines. But the thought disappeared once I saw him pull away.

He then leaned in again but this time closer. The side of his head brushed against mine, with his lips slightly brushing against my ear. "I see I can also make you blush" he whispered huskily.

I felt my rosy cheek's warming up even more. Then I did the most unthinkable thing. I leaned in closer. My lips were brushing against his; I could feel him shiver from my touch catching me off guard. A smirk then creeped up on my face. Who knew I had it in me. "Well let's just say I have an effect on you to" I whispered calmly, but it seemed to come out so seductively. It had scared me, because all my life I never knew I had the courage to even do something like that. My lips were still brushing against his ears, making him freeze not even move in the slightest.


I moved back slowly, to get a better view of James. His muscles were tensed and I swear he wasn't even breathing. His eyes were glued onto mines.

"You can also treat me to a burger" I added blabbering like a fool I could truly hit myself for that. James blinked his eye's still locking his gaze with mine.

"Yes" his voice was dry and he let out a big cough. "Urm...want to get some water?"

"Who said I want water?" I questioned, crossing my arms over my chest. I just hoped we both could go back to being normal. I never intended to have this awkward moment with him. We have never flirted with each other or neither have we come close like this before.

I regret whispering anything back to him; I didn't want to lose him because of my stupidity and his.

"What!" he shouted over the music.

"I said no more water; let me drown myself into some alcohol"

"What has gotten into you?" he asked, i could sense his shock.

"Nothing I just want to have fun" I said screaming over the music and letting my hands fly in the air like a lunatic. I didn't care if I'm becoming wild. I want to have fun. I have never had the opportunity to truly enjoy myself and let loose.

"Look you can't drink, your underage" he told me


"It's illegal. On your 21st we can go out to drink."

"But thats 8 month away.Just one shot or something." I pleaded, pouting my lip's which made him groan, and give in. I knew the put would always work.

"Fine, only one and that's it" he said gritting his teeth. I stifled a laugh, just his face was priceless.

As we walked side by side a pain erupted in my stomach. My heart was in such an undesirable pain, I could feel my muscles pulling around my chest. I bent over clutching onto my chest. The pain had increased and I knew what was happening. Adam was doing it again. Marking his territory.

I stopped in my tracks.

"I know that look from anywhere. Is it him?" he asked with concern. He put his warm hands in my back comforting me, he pulled me closer to him. The pain was still their but it wasn't bad as it was before. "Is he...." he trailed off.

"I don't care" I felt my self say harshly.

"He's here isn't he?" I buried myself deeper into his chest. "He's in France isn't he?" James arm's tightened around me while his body shook violently. I didn't say anything to him just laid there in his arms, he calmed me down and his body had stopped shaking to. His grip loosened around me and I finally was out of his hold. I wanted to be held in his arms possessively again. I knew I had to forget about them and have fun.

I held onto his hands guiding him towards the bar. The gold black theme covered the tiles on the counter. The bartender had poured us out some drinks which I greedily drank down ordering more.

I could hear James telling me take it slow while I kept drowning myself into more and more alcohol. The feeling was tremendous, it was feeling I have never felt. I just felt like everything I was worrying about had just disappeared in thin air.

"James come lets go dance" I cheered, taking a grip of his hands, not allowing him to answer me.

At first I wasn't sure what to do, because everything was turning into a blur. I could see the beautiful features of James though. His piercing grey eyes boring into mines twinkling while the nightclub lights flickered in different colours. His pink lips stood out the most for me.

I could feel his hands on my waist; I felt my knees tremble by his touch. I don't why I became so sensitive when any part of his body touched mine. My back faced him and he took control of my waist, making me sway from side to side with the beat of the music. But the thing is I had encouraged him more when I swayed my hips faster by my control. He spun me around so I was facing him, he roughly-but yet so gently, pinned me against his muscular, strong chest. I could feel his muscles from under his t-shirt; I attacked his chest with one of my hands and rested it there.

I looked up to James smirking at me and now I reflected his smirk, but mine was more sultrily and playful. He held one of my hands into his strong hands.

We danced just swaying around looking into each other's eyes, not caring what was really around us. I felt the alcohol slowly diminish my senses coming back. My head felt like it was going to pop out any minute and I felt like I was in a dark hole all alone. But the dark hole I was in was with only James. I stood on the dance floor with just him.

I got out of his grip and ran outside, loving the feeling of freedom. I hadn't felt this good since, well I just couldn't remember when.

I felt the cold wind attack my bare arms. I extended my arms taking in all the cold air. I couldn't see anyone, but I could hear James footsteps behind me. I paced faster, giggling as his pace had gotten faster to. I ran using my werewolf speed, not caring that my hair could get ruined at any point; I just wanted the feeling of freedom.

I finally halted and stupid me tripped over a rock and landed on my bottom. I could hear James chuckling at me. I felt so stupid and embarrassed. I hid my face in my palm, but James grabbed my hands before I could. He was only inches away from me, stroking my cheeks, he smiled at my embarrassment.

I didn't know what overcame me I leaned in forward placing my lips on his. He hadn't pulled away but shockingly kissed me back. He tugged on my bottom lip playfully; I didn't know what to do so I gave in. I felt so real and excited; finally I got what I wanted. James.

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