《MC's Viking Warriors- Rogue #5》Liam


As I sit on my bike, I count my lucky stars that the president didn't decide to skin me alive, instead he's giving me the benefit of the doubt and letting me go, this once.

I have two days to leave their territory and if they catch me they will quote, rip my balls off unquote.

I don't dare to turn around and look at the president watching me speed away. As I hit the main road, I realise that I'm still being followed by the roar of another bike engine.

Cursing I speed up, my head is still pounding and I would prefer not being knocked on my ass again today.

A shot fires and ricochets around my ears alongside my curse. My back wheel squeals under me as the tire leaks air.

Well, at least they aren't shooting to kill me... just stop me so they can do whatever... they want...

Shit, today has been a really bad day.

I have to stop, you can't ride on only one wheel. My heart is thumping in my ears as I hear the engine of the bike roaring nearer to its prey, that prey being me.

When the engine cuts out, I swiftly dismount and swell my body to make my height seem even greater than before. The man stalking towards me is not one I recognised from before, but he's wearing the same damn cut as the others.

Why won't this club leave me alone? They've kidnapped, attacked and then released me, I really hope we aren't just going round in circles.

Unable to help myself, I glance up at the nearest sign post, it's not the same as the last one so hopefully I'll be okay.

"Rogue!" The man calls as he gets closer, I can see his eyes now but his expression remains unreadable.


I don't remember deciding on a name for them to call me... but that might be to do with the bump to my head.

Because I was waiting for my presidency before choosing my club name, I only go by Liam but right now, I like the way rogue sounds.

"What? I'm free to go, your president said so."

"Yes, he did. You are still but we have an offer for you."

"An offer?" I frown into the sun and step nearer to the man.

"One of our men is out of action and we want you to fill in until he recovers."

"What?" My surprise comes across in my voice, I had never even considered leaving my father's club.

"Who would I be in the club?" I venture, I'm not saying anything until I have checked all corners.

"A nomad, once our man recovers you will be free to leave... or to stay." He adds on after a moments thought.

I think for a moment before I nod my head. It would be good for me to get out of my father's influence for a while, if I hate it I can always go back. If not I can stay, I have nothing to loose.

"Alright." I hold my hand out for the other man to shake.

"Congratulations Rogue. I'm Adrian, I'm in charge of weapons in the club."

We step away and I glance over at my bike and let out a heavy sigh before kicking my flat tire.

"Did you have to shoot my bike man?" I bend down to look at the damage in more depth, I'm not sure a patchwork is going to fix her without a new tire.

Adrian shrugs with an unbothered expression on his face.


"It was your tire... or your leg."

I let out a startled chuckle, I'm not used to this blunt sort of aggression. I'm starting to realise how insular my life has been before leaving my club.

"Drink?" Adrian offers up as I let out another curse over my bike, I love her and it causes me actual pain to see her hurt.

I gesture at my bike with irritation and Adrian rolls his eyes. I sense that he is a man of few words, which suits me just fine, half my life is spent with on of the triplets talking my ear off.

"You'll figure it out?" Offers up Adrian before he walks back over to his bike.

"You're only two streets away from the compound, you'll get back soon."

"What the f-" I begin to curse out but Adrain's bike has already pulled away. Groaning in frustration, I walk back to my bike and hold the handlebars. Looks like I'm dragging my poor lady around for the time being.

It takes me longer than expected to make it back to the compound, I'm sweating and in desperate need of a drink. I drop my bike of where repairs happen and I make the man promise me he will treat her gently, before I finally head over to the sound of men drinking.

Unable to help myself, I glance back up at the window where I caught that girl's eye. To my disappointment, the girl is gone but at least her curtains are drawn, I wouldn't like the thought of someone else looking in at her window.

"Aye!" Adrian laughs as he pulls up a stool for me, "You made it!"

There are a few other men dotted around the room, Adrian is the only one at bar as the rest are sitting in booths with women on their laps.

I nod and flop down tiredly, a prospect hands me a full glass. I don't even look down at it before I pick it up and neck it.

Adrian and a few of the watching men cheer at my action as I slam the glass back on the bar.

"We've got a drinker here boys!"

I laugh along with the rest of them, I've always been a good drinker and with a few years of practice I'm practically a professional.

"So," I lean my arms on the bar and look over at Adrian, "what do I need to know to survive here."

Adrian looks over his shoulder before nursing his glass of whiskey again.

"The president's daughter, stay away from her."

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