《Violet》«Chapter 15- Helping him.»
I watched the scene of Mr and Mrs Hayes worrying over their son who was unconsciousness. "Anything else that is needed for him, doctor?" The doctor turned to Mr Hayes to answer his question. "Not for now but he'll regain consciousness in a few hours." She replied before pulling her briefcase out and tucking in her report for Adrian's condition.
"You'll need to help him to his medication, water mostly too, he can feel a little light headed due to the lacking levels of energy he has." Mr Hayes nodded and looked back at Adrian who lay soundless in his bed, with his sick complexion, and his ruffled blonde hair. I clutched the hem of my shirt tightly, my hand whitening at the action.
As soon as I called Mrs Hayes, she informed the doctor to arrive at Adrian's house whilst she drove here in the meantime. Mr and Mrs Hayes arrived on the doorstep looking worried and anxious for their son's wellbeing. I had to say that Adrian's health was deteriorating for that past weeks without my knowledge.
I had noticed the change of form in Adrian, his tired face spoke everything. But I wasn't aware of how much stress he was going through that led him to faint. I felt guilty, I didn't even try to help him and now he was suffering all cause of me. I was only a burden who always attracted trouble.
"Everything is going terribly for him, Henry." Mrs Hayes sighed and shook her head helplessly at Mr Hayes who wrapped an arm around her shoulder. "He won't change."
"No don't say that." Mr Hayes muttered, trying to unleash some hope. I gulped back my remorseful tears, I knew it was all cause of me. I should've told them about Adrian's tired position when I noticed.
The doctor finished packing up by the time I looked at her. "I'll leave then, goodbye." The doctor smiled briefly and turned on her heel to leave. Mrs Hayes stood up and cast her husband a look before following the doctor out the door, probably to say her goodbyes.
The room was silent which covered it like a blanket. I felt horrible and dull, everything was a mess. I stood at the far corner of Adrian's room and held my head low as if I was in a time out for a mistake. Every now and then I would peek at Adrian beneath my eyelashes, feeling more guilty.
Mr Hayes sighed heavily and rubbed his forehead. "Violet?" I lifted my head off the floor and to Mr Hayes, he gave me a short smile. "Come here please." He patted the seat beside him where Mrs Hayes sat down before, at the edge of Adrian's bed.
I nodded and inched forward, taking baby steps and hesitantly took a seat beside him. "Do you know why we sent you here to live with Adrian?" Mr Hayes' question had me thinking in confusion.
Why did they send me here in the first place?
Well, for the safety from my family who were still missing. And then... I had no clue, maybe so later on Adrian would help me to my own place once everything was calmed?
I shook my head not understanding Mr Hayes and he frowned. "Well for safety, that's for sure," he sighed, "And also for my son." It was my turn to frown questionably.
Why was I here for Adrian?
Mr Hayes' eyes glossed over, and I realized that he was tempted to cry. "Violet, he just wanted to help you." I kind of knew that, but it didn't make sense of why I needed to be sent to live with Adrian.
"When you were at the hospital, he was crazed. Obsessed over your health." Mr Hayes smiled a little. "A very mad son I have. But, we sent you here to comfort him, stay with him."
I wanted to laugh, me? Comforting him?
"Maybe he got attached to you over time, and he wanted to fix everything between you both. I mean his mistake of that unfortunate day." Mr Hayes placed his hand on my shoulder.
"Please forgive him, Violet." I gazed at Mr Hayes' glistening eyes. I lowered my head and looked away, feeling an intense pain in my heart.
Was that the truth?
Adrian only wanted for my forgiveness and probably sought for some kind of friendship between us?
But why? He could just leave me like he did that day. What changed his opinion on me? My skin felt hot, I couldn't do this anymore, I had to say something. Before I ended up having a panic attack by my inner thoughts.
"I-I'm sorry." I whispered so lowly that I doubted that Mr Hayes heard. "For everything. I d-didn't understand." I closed my eyes feeling the need to pour my emotions out but had to force them in. It was too dangerous to speak.
Mr Hayes patted my shoulder. "I know, Violet. He's just under the stress of making you feel happy." I nodded, even though my mind refused to believe that Adrian wanted me to be happy. But then again, maybe I was blinded to the fact that Adrian was trying to make me comfortable around him.
The door creaked open and I spun around in my seat just as I caught sight of Mrs Hayes closing the door behind her. I stood up immediately from the seat thinking that Mrs Hayes probably wanted it back. "It's alright." She assured grimly and walked over to us and sat on the other side of the bed's edge, stroking Adrian's soft hair.
"We should stay here for a while, Henry. He needs us." Mrs Hayes muttered in a low voice. "We'll bring our bags here-" Mr Hayes interrupted her. "No Dola, we have to go."
Mrs Hayes scowled at her husband. "Why? My son is sick!"
"Violet is here to look after him, right Violet?" Mr Hayes' eyes swatted over me. I gulped and nodded, lowering my head to avoid his eyes. Mrs Hayes slapped a hand over her forehead and stood up, anxiously. "I caused this mess didn't I? I should've just agreed with him over the baby, or else he wouldn't have been caught up like this."
I started to tremble as tears rimmed my eyes. It was all my fault. I stood up very slowly from my seat as I walked over where Mrs Hayes was situated.
I sat on the edge of the bed, right next to Mrs Hayes and held her arm in a petite manner. "I-i'll take care of h-him. I've caused enough t-tro-" I closed my eyes for a moment as I stumbled over my own words. "Trouble... I'm sorry." I sobbed and gazed at Mrs Hayes.
"It's alright sweetheart. Don't cry." She patted my shaking body. "There is no point in crying. Now, is there? Wipe those tears please." She continued as she cupped my face in her hands and wiped the tears off my red stained face. "I'm sorry too dear, I didn't understand that you were under trauma too to help Adrian."
Mrs Hayes turned to Mr Hayes and smiled a little."Yeah... maybe we should leave." She turned back to me. "I trust you, Violet. But you must tell me if anything is bothering you or him." Then Mrs Hayes shook her head and sighed a shaky breath. "I know this is hard on you but all I want is for you and Adrian to get along and..."
I nodded my head and stared at Adrian's face behind Mrs Hayes. "Okay." I whispered slightly dejected but optimistic. I'll take care of Adrian for Mr and Mrs Hayes. It'll make them satisfied for all that they did to protect me from my horrible family.
It's time for a change.
Little droplets of water fell from a hot rag into his forehead. Adrian groaned and frowned, all while keeping his eyes closed.
It had been around three days since the departure of Mr and Mrs Hayes from Adrian's house. I was determined to stand loyal to my promise to Mrs Hayes, even if it meant spending my time around a man that I truly felt uncomfortable and fearful of.
But I was perched on the side of his bed, watching his weak posture. Pale skin, red nose and cheeks. His appearance screamed of weakness, a side of Adrian I hadn't crossed.
The warm and yellow light casted a luminous glare across Adrian's face, making him look a little soft, like a puppy I think. I soaked up another strip of cloth in my palm and ringed it out again on his face, allowing the steam of to float away. Adrian groaned again and shook his head while his palms were clenched.
The past three days have been like this. Adrian did open his eyes for a limited amount of time but then fell asleep immediately. I sighed and placed the cloth in the water bowl and watched him whine. "No no no no no." Then he coughed suddenly. "Hot!... I-I need w-wate..."
I reached for a bottle that was placed beside the bowl of water on his desk and screwed the lid open. I briskly placed my index finger and thumb on either side of his cheeks and helped him open his mouth, and next I poured some water.
Adrian opened his eyes and sat up as he began coughing and clutching his neck. I reluctantly placed a hand on his back and patted it to help him end the coughing. When he stopped coughing, I urged him to drink the water once more. Adrian nodded and took a long sip of water, half of the liquid dropping on his chin and shirt.
After calming himself down, he slumped back against the bed frame and gulped. His blue eyes were glistening like diamonds, I felt bad for him. "How l-long was I out f-for, in days?" He asked in a hoarse voice, like he just screamed his heart out. I raised 3 fingers on my palm to represent 3 days.
Adrian frowned and muttered curses under his breath. I stared at his face, I agreed there was a little more color to it now, but he still needed to rest and take his medication. I averted my gaze off him and made my way to his table were I placed a bag of medication that was prescribed by the doctor before.
I grabbed a spoon and the medicine bottle then I perched myself on his bed's edge and opened the medicine bottle's lid and poured the syrup into the spoon, carefully stopping before the syrup overflowed the spoon.
I looked up at Adrian to find him watching the spoon in my hands ungratefully. I nudged the spoon to his mouth, and he opened it without a word of protest. I held back a smile, he hated this medication.
Adrian cringed as his shoulders shuddered at the bitter sweet taste that blasted on his tongue. I pulled the spoon away from his mouth and stood up to put it and the medicine back to its original position. I walked over to the edge of his bed and assumed he would head back to sleep so that I could help him to bed, but he didn't.
"Violet... I need to talk to my parents. C-can you call them?" Adrian turned his head up a fraction so that I could see his eyes. They were glossed over and water rimmed his eyelids.
"Please?" He stressed and immediately turned his head away, as if he was afraid that I would see him cry.
I froze in my spot for a moment then nodded. I ran to my room and searched for my phone and called Mrs Hayes when I found it on my bedside table. My fingers tapped the screen steadily as I listened to the call ring. After a few moments Mrs Hayes finally answered the call.
"Hey Violet dear, how are you? Is everything okay?" She asked me softly. I gulped tensely before speaking. "Mrs H-Hayes, Adrian is awake and wants to s-speak to you." There was silence on the other side of the line before Mrs Hayes spoke again. "Give him the phone honey."
That was all it took for me to sprint into Adrian's room and hand Adrian the phone. Mrs Hayes sounded very eager, obvious as she finally got to talk to her son.
Adrian sat right up and held the phone to his ear, his hair ruffled. "Mom?... I'm fine now. How are-" I inaudibly tiptoed out his room and closed the door, for respecting his privacy.
I leaned against the door frame and sat down on the cold wooden floor, waiting for whenever the call was over.
"No thanks."
Even after several protests from Adrian, I fed him the bowl of warm tomato soup. I shook my head at his latest complaint and blew at the spoon of liquid to cool it down. Adrian crossed his hands over his chest grumpily and cursed under his breath.
I bet he was cursing at me for being such a pain but I couldn't afford him to skip his dinner.
Lifting the spoon towards his lips that were clamped shut, I stared at his face. Annoyed would probably be the best choice of word to describe his expression but regardless, he knew he wouldn't win against me in this situation so he sighed and opened his mouth. I smiled as I dipped the spoon into his mouth and pulled it out.
"Did you eat yet?" He asked and I nodded, scooping another spoon of soup. A loud growl of thunder blew from outside the house and it was followed by heavy rainfall pounding on the windows. I blew at the spoon again and dipped it in Adrian's mouth. After a few more spoons, the soup was completely consumed.
Feeling happy with myself, I got up onto my feet and placed the empty bowl on his table. I then walked over to the window and realized how much it was raining. The wind was dreadful as it was pushing the trees and created extensive sound while the background was dark, only lit by some light poles around the corners. This storm was definitely a harsh one, hopefully it will tranquillize soon. Another round of cracking by the lightning rang, then I tugged the curtains together.
I turned around and saw Adrian hugging himself whilst trembling. I was confused but let it slip as I thought he must've been cold. I grabbed a blanket from the corner of his bed and unfolded it. Adrian slowly and unwillingly lied his back on the bed and I covered him with the furry blanket that radiated warmth.
I turned on Adrian's lamp on his bedside table which shed a soft yellow light across his face. It was then when I realized that Adrian was really shaking, not for warmth but for something else. I padded over to him and touched his forehead, it wasn't hot. I heard another clap of lightning and Adrian flinched. He was whining and covering his face with his hands.
I froze for a second in confusion.
Was Adrian scared of the thunder?
I gazed at Adrian's hands covering his face and delicately tried to pry them open but they stayed resilient. Adrian whimpered as the lightning struck again. Not knowing how to calm him down, I caressed his hair by pulling my fingers through his soft hairs.
After a few moments of combing my fingers through his hair, Adrian relaxed. I sighed, he must've been asleep. I noiselessly removed my hand from his hair and skipped over to his table to collect the empty soup bowl and then tiptoed to the door. I felt exhausted and just wanted to get some sleep.
I switched off the main light and was about to open the door to leave, but then I heard Adrian's faint words in the silent room. "Can you stay with me?" I stood planted to the ground and turned my head around to make out his silhouette. "I-I can't stay on my own." Adrian said in a faint voice that seemed fearful.
"I'm scared of-of..." I could hear his voice cracking and I felt my heart ache. I could understand his fear, he simply hated the thunder.
I grew up with a family like the thunder, and I still get a little nervous of harsh thunder. I think it was something that we could relate to. You don't live without fear, you just couldn't. Its just an attachment which sticks, for eternity even.
Turning my entire body around, I walked back towards his bed, not forgetting to drop off the empty bowl on his table. Upon approaching Adrian, I could visibly see how afraid he is. His eyebrows were scrunched together, cheeks soaked with tears and hands clenched. I sat on the bed and watched his glimmering blue eyes that were almost hidden in the shade.
Adian sniffled. "Do you mind, just for tonight?" I shook my head but hesitantly. I held one of his tensed hand in mine and stroked it. Adrian sniffled again and sighed. I let go of his arm and then settled myself in his bed. I felt very reluctant and vexed at myself.
Why did I need to comfort him?
He was ignorant when I needed help, shouldn't I do the same?
But then I remembered my promise to Mrs Hayes. I would help Adrian and I wasn't an arrogant person to avoid him, I just couldn't be one.
Adrian immediately wrapped his arms around me. My heart stopped and felt as if it were to shatter. I stared at Adrian for a while and could make out a smile that expanded on his face. "Thank you, Violet." He whispered and hugged me closer to him whilst I on the other hand was left stunned.
I was lying in a bed with Adrian snuggled up to me.
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