《17》7. Hide


"I am officially a criminal. I'm going to jail for stealing a werewolf. They are going to find me and I'm going to be in so much trouble and my sister will find out and she's going to make me go back home and I'm going to see all those horrible people again and I won't be able to get a good science career and I'm going to be sad and live the rest of my life with cats and -- "

I stopped pacing back and forth my living room, realizing the werewolf himself is simply sitting on the couch, watching me with his head tilted and shirt resting on the ground. I gave him a 'What are you doing?' glare, glancing back at the shirt on the floor. "The shirt is uncomfortable."

This is mad. I don't think Lysander even understands how serious the situation is. I'm not 100% clear of what happened either, but I do know that this is something so much bigger than handling a science project. We're talking about how a werewolf, who are now known as myths, still exist today in the 21st century and may be tampered with science, with chemicals, to be used as a weapon for the military. And the fact that I'm the one hiding him from those military. I'm literally going against armed forces, the government.

While I was in the middle of frowning at Lysander, he pointed at the door. "Someone is coming." Confused, I faced the door. After a few seconds, there were three knocks. I slowly tiptoed to it and peeped at the little hole to see who it is. Rami. He is looking around, as if paranoid.

I quickly let him in.

"How'd you know we're here?"

Rami nodded at Lysander. "Doctor Maxine told me what happened. The government doesn't want to get the word out in public so only the lab and the government know about the stolen werewolf." We both stared at Lysander, who really couldn't look anymore careless. "No one knows you have him. Only myself, Doctor Maxine, Doctor Rai and unfortunately, Doctor Tarver. Doctor Maxine thinks that Tarver works with the military who wants to take wolfy here."


I nodded in agreement. "Yes, it would make sense." Doctor Tarver never seemed like a good doctor to me to begin with. Also, why wasn't he there when Doctor Rai was telling me to take Lysander? Clearly, they aren't on the same side. "But what happens now? Will they trace me or what?"

"No. You're not in the Silverstein record. Interns do not have records, our information, because we don't work there. Yes you've been promoted to work there, but you were still new and were not put in the system yet. You can thank Enoch's talent of procrastination for that." I let out a breath of relief. Thank goodness. That's one less thing to worry about. "The lab won't be open for a day, but will get back to normal then. Except of course, there will be people looking for Lysander. So you two cannot go back in there, or anywhere near Silverstein."

Damn it.

"Well," I sank down on a bean bag chair. "I guess no more internship for me." Lysander looked down while Rami sent me a sad smile. I shook my head and pushed all the thoughts aside. "But that's the least of our worries right now. We have to figure out what the hell we're going to do with him."


A few moments after that, Eva entered the apartment and froze as soon as she sees the shirtless guest. "This should be interesting." She was currently talking to someone on the phone, but her eyes are already questioning us. "Nina, my queen, I will call you later. I have some interrogating to do with Drew. No I won't be mean. Okay. I love you. Bye." With that, she hanged up, dropped her bags and took the last empty chair on the living room.

She crossed her legs and intertwined her hangs together. "Hello, children."

Rami and I explained everything that happened to her. Starting from the fact that Lysander is a werewolf up to the crisis at Silverstein. For a good 5 minutes, she was gawking at Lysander. Then, she took a deep breath and nodded. "Alright. Fine. I'm down to help him. But only because I've never met a werewolf and that's freaking cool. And because Drew is in this and also needs help, so count me in."


"Thank you! This is why you're the best human being ever to exist." I exclaimed, giving my best friend a bone crushing hug.

She let out a giggle. "I know. Now, where will you be staying?"

Lysander glanced at me and Rami before shrugging.

"I unfortunately do not have anymore room in my apartment. 5 boys is enough." Rami grimaced. "And I don't know any other place."

"He needs to be with one of us at all times, so I guess he can stay here." Eva nodded in agreement. "Lysander, you can sleep in the living room."

"But of course, there will be some rules." Eva declares, crossing her arms while looking at Lysander sternly. "First, you have to do chores just like all of us. Second, just help out as much as you can and please don't be gross and don't slack around. My brother did that when he stayed for summer last year and it was horrible." Yes, I most definitely remember that. The whole apartment reeked of weed. "And most importantly, do not eat my chocolates."

I chuckled and smiled sheepishly at her. I am very guilty of that. "You don't have to worry about that." I replied rather bitterly. This dude doesn't like chocolate. Tragic.

For the rest of the time, Lysander told us a little about himself. Apparently, he has been living in the woods by California, all his life. He had a pack, but they've mostly been killed by humans as the population grows. The very last other member of his pack died just two years ago, and ever since then, he has been living by himself, isolated from everyone else. No technology, no neighbors, no socializing.

One night, he was patrolling the woods when a group of hikers found him. He had turned back into his human form when he was taken to a laboratory. Doctor Rai was there and decided to bring him here. All year, Doctor Rai tried to research about him. Eventually, he got Doctor Tarver as a partner and together they worked on him. And here he is now, stuck with me.

"Also, since you're a werewolf and all, does that mean you have superpowers? You know, superhuman stuff like Jacob Black from Twilight?" Eva asked a bit too excited. This is why she's my best friend.

Lysander shot her a look of annoyance, the same one he gave me when I called him Jacob Black. "I have enhanced senses, speed and strength. I also heal fast. But that's it."


You can most definitely call us nerds.





I opened my eyes to find Lysander's face hovering over mine very closely. I couldn't hear what he was saying because I fell asleep listening to music and Led Zepplin is blasting through my headphones. I picked up my phone and paused my music. While doing so, I saw that the time is 2:15 a.m.

"You better have a good damn explanation for waking me up at two in the morning."

Lysander clenched his jaw and sniffed. "Someone was here. Someone was watching you, Andromeda."

I checked my room and saw no sign that anyone had been here. "No one's here except you, honestly." I just want to go back to sleep. "Go back to bed, Lysander. We'll talk tomorrow."

"I can't recognize the scent. I just know it's someone who's following you. It's the same scent you had that one time and the same scent I caught on the park. You're being followed." He growled, clutching my arms with his hands. "You're in danger."

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