《17》8. New Identity
"What's your name?"
"Lysander what?"
The werewolf rolled his eyes. "Lysander Starveling." It was Rami's idea. Lysander did not know his original last name, so Rami blurted out that his last name should be Starveling, just like Robin Starveling from Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream, which also had a character named Lysander.
"Alright. I think we're good." Rami gave us the thumbs up.
We are parked outside of our college, all three of us. Over the weekend, we have given Lysander a new look. Instead of having black hair, we dyed his hair light brown. We gave him round glasses and nerdy outfits for the rest of his disguise. To be honest, he would make a pretty damn attractive nerd. As for the 'major' part, we figured Lysander knew a lot about historical events, so we just said his major would be history, if anyone asks. Since he will be in campus and has a high chance of interacting with other students and professors, he needs to know answers to their questions, just in case they ask him anything.
He won't be taking classes, since we're in the middle of a semester right now, he cannot register for any classes. The only thing he can do is stay in the library while Rami and I are in classes. But we must keep an eye on him as much as we can. We were thinking of just letting him stay in the house, but that would be the same as locking him in Silverstein. I don't want to put him in a cage. He's not an experiment to me.
"One last thing, if you need to tell us anything, in case of emergency, text us or call us." I handed him my old phone. Eva, being an amazing technology master, was able to fix it and I just needed to pay for a service to make it work again. "You do know how to use a phone, right?"
He glanced at it and shook his head.
Rami chuckled. "What a grampa." His amusement didn't stay for long after Lysander gave him a glare.
"Okay, I guess." This will be hard. "Just press this button, then this telephone icon. You only have 4 contacts. Me, Eva, Rami and Doctor Rai. Whoever you want to talk to, just press their names, then this circle to send a message, or the telephone circle to call them. Cool?" Lysander nodded. "Alright. Let's go."
As soon as we started walking towards the main entrance of the campus, we were greeted by Spooky from our Physics class.
"Yo! It's my boy Rami and my darling Drew!" He gave both of us fist pumps. "So, did y'all see that new episode of Game of Thrones? Because damn. I feel like my heart's been shredded."
"Spoil anything and I will never talk to you." Rami squinted his eyes. "I missed the episode because I was busy... taking care of a puppy."
Rami and I giggled while Lysander crossed his arms. Spooky shrugged and finally acknowledged Lysander, sending him a big friendly smile. "Hello there! I'm Ezra!"
Lysander growled at him and suddenly pushed me at his side, with his left arm going around my waist.
"What are you doing?" I hissed quietly at Lysander while at the same time smiling awkwardly at Spooky.
Rami's eyes are widened as he gaped at the werewolf, then back to Spooky. "That's Lysander." Rami introduces nervously. "He's not very good at meeting new people, as you can see. He just moved here recently and only warmed up to me and Drew. But yeah. We should probably go to class, look at that time! Whew!"
The tall boy furrowed his eyebrows but smiled once again. "That's cool, buddy." He nods at Lysander. "I'll see you around then. Drew, Rami, I'll see you later in Physics." With that, Spooky casually runs to his 9:40 class. He always likes to be in class early.
"Alright." I pushed away from Lysander. "We need to teach you some manners because that was fucking rude."
"I don't care." He said through gritted teeth.
What is wrong with him? I knew he wasn't very social but I thought he would at least try to be civil. But, I guess taking care of a werewolf will be harder than I thought.
50 messages and 10 missed calls from Lysander. I was in class for an hour and a half only.
Where are you???
I'm hungry.
Where are you???
When are you getting here????
I'm bored.
I'm Hungry.
Where are you?
Rami is here and gave me disgusting food.
Where are you?
That was only a few of it. Most were asking where I am and when I'll be meeting him, and the rest are entire complains. When I finally got out of class, I went to the library, at the very back, to find him sleeping with his head down on a table and an opened book called Cycle of the Werewolf by Stephen King. Interesting.
I quietly pulled a seat across from him and took out my books and notebooks to do some assignments. It didn't take long for him to wake up. I watched as his eyes lit up as soon as he saw me, though he covered it with his signature frown. "Finally."
"Yeah yeah, I'm here you impatient sour wolf." I rolled my eyes. "So, has anyone talked to you yet?"
He shook his head. "No. Just Rami."
"That's good." I sighed in relief. "Now, how good are you at history exactly?"
"I need help with my history homework."
As it turns out, he is indeed quite smart with a lot of historical events because he has lived for so long. It trips me out that the man in front of me is as old as the stories from my textbook. He was there. He has lived through them. And you know what? The textbook lies. American textbooks only tell you what they want you to know. Not the full story. Not the information that make them look bad. Lysander told me a few of the things that actually happened and frankly, America is a mess from the beginning to now. I'm not surprised. According to Lysander, his pack didn't interact with other humans. They just kept to themselves. However, they do patrol around the woods and watch the humans destroy each other.
But anyways, afterwards, Lysander and I headed to the cafeteria because we are both starving. I got a burrito while he had a big burger. He wasn't exactly fond of it, but it was the best choice that he liked out of the rest of the menu.
"So, what's your deal with Spooky?" I asked out of curiosity.
He frowned and tilted his head. "Who?"
"Spooky. Ezra, the one you met earlier. Why were you so rude to him? That's not how you make friends, I hope you know that. Unless that's how you make friends in the werewolf way, then that's pretty weird."
Lysander shrugged. "I see the way he looks at you. I don't like it. I don't like him."
Right now, the expression I have is just pure confusion. "The way he looks at me? Like the way he looks at Rami and everyone else? Because he's just a friendly person?" This boy is giving me headaches. "Besides, it doesn't matter to you how anyone looks at me."
"Yes it does!" He snapped, his pupils dilating.
"It just does." I crossed my arms and glared at him while he avoids eye contact. He decided to put all his attention to his drink, but I never tore my gaze from him. His eyes darted back to mine for a brief second before looking away once again. "Stop that."
"Stop what?"
"Looking at me like that."
"Like what?"
He groaned and threw his head back.
All of a sudden, he froze. Lysander tilted his head and his nostrils flared. Then, he stood up and started walking somewhere. "Hey! Where are you going?!" I quickly threw away all of our trash and ran after him. His pace increased, leading towards the parking structure of the campus. When I caught up to him, I grabbed his shoulders to stop him. As soon as I opened my mouth, he covered it with his hand and pulled me back behind him. He then hid behind a wall and peeked at something in front of it.
I copied his move and peeped behind the wall, right underneath him. We are both spying on a young man, a student, who is pushed against the wall by another man who is holding a knife by the young man's throat. Narrowing my eyes at the man, I covered my mouth to hide the gasp that almost slipped out. I recognize him. It was that drunk man who sang at the karaoke the other night. Dean.
"Oh my god. What do we do?" I asked Lysander, whose attention is completely at the two men. My heart is racing so fast. The boy is about to get killed! Should I call 911? The police? I'll call the campus police at least. I pulled out my phone and typed in the number. However, right when I was about to press the call button, I heard some slamming and grunting. I watched the men again. The younger one is currently throwing punches at Dean, who is hitting a few back.
"Lysander! We need to help!"
"No." Lysander refused. "There's something off about them. Both of them. They aren't... One of them aren't normal." This time, the young man had Dean against the ground with his hands around his throat. And I don't know if I was imagining it, but I could have sworn I saw his very sharp teeth. Fangs, actually. Holy shit. What the hell.
Dean, who is quite strong, managed to push away the fanged boy and kicked him in the stomach. The boy fell to the ground in pain and Dean wasted no time trapping him with his body. Dean then quickly got his knife again and was about to stab the boy.
At that moment, I accidentally let out a squeal and I was certain they both heard me. I wasn't sure because Lysander immediately enveloped me with his arms, pushing my face in his chest tightly. After a minute or two, he released me and we both checked the men.
Dean is gone, but the younger one is still there, laying on the floor.
"Stay here." Lysander instructed before running towards the fainted student. He knelt down beside the boy and sniffed him. I watched as he grimaced, sticking his tongue out like a child. But he wasn't being attacked, so I took that as a sign that it's okay to be there.
I joined Lysander's side and examined the unconscious body. He most certainly look like a normal teenage boy, except for those sharp teeth. I dared to part his lips, revealing those sharp white fangs. Gulping, I slowly looked back at Lysander, to find him staring at me deeply.
"Is he like you?"
"No." He took another sniff of the boy. "He's not exactly human, but not a werewolf. He's one of the undead." He closed his eyes and inhaled once again. When he opened his eyes, I was able to catch a brief of sadness in them. "I remember now. This scent. I haven't caught this scent ever since I was little. With my pack and my family. The scent of our enemies."
Undead. Enemies of werewolves. That only means one thing.
He nodded, clenching his fist. "They're still alive. There is more of his kind." He then let out a loud growl, the loudest I've heard since he's been out of Silverstein. "A vampire! That's what's been following you all this time!" My heart raced at his sudden rage. "His scent is the similar to the one that I caught on your bedroom and the park! It's not his scent, but another vampire." He paced back and forth, clenching his fists and jaw.
I observed the vampire once again. He isn't bleeding, nor did he have a spot where he has been stabbed. That means he's still alive, just knocked out. And it looks like Lysander knew this as well.
"I'm going to kill him." Lysander hissed, crouching back down and getting a fistful of the boy's shirt. "I need a stake. Silver or wooden. That's the only way to kill a vampire." He glanced around the area to find no stake. "Fuck." I have never seen him like this. Not even towards the evil scientists back in the lab.
I put a hand on his shoulder. "It's okay. It's fine. You don't have to kill him. He's just a boy."
"Andromeda." He frowned. "Vampires live just as long as werewolves. He may look like a child but he's probably a hundred years older than you."
He has a point.
"But still. You don't have to kill him. It looks like Dean is after him already. And speaking of, what the actual fuck was that man doing to him? Why was he after this guy? Why was he trying to kill him?" The world is getting crazier by the minute. Before Lysander could answer, I noticed the boy stirring, starting to wake up. "Come on. We have to go."
Just when I was about to run, I was being lifted off to the ground Lysander carried me and ran. He ran so damn fast, I was barely able to see my surroundings. It wasn't like he's running as the speed of light like the Flash, but faster than any other animal. He released me once we were back in my car at the parking lot.
My heart is beating so fast, I swear he could hear it. In fact, I'm sure he did, because he glanced at my chest and gave me a small smirk, before crossing his arms and holding his head high, obviously proud of his speed.
I think I'm going to throw up.
"You're telling me that vampires exist? In real life?" Rami asked eagerly as we arrived at my apartment. "That is so cool! I mean, werewolves, I can believe they exist. We have evidence and all. But vampire! That opens up the whole gate of supernatural beings like fairies, mermaids, witches, dragons, giants, and who the hell knows what else is out there! Does Hogwarts really exist? I know it does! The government just refuse to give us our letters because they're narcissists and egocentric and just complete a-holes. How about dragons? Where are you guys hiding them? Hmm? I want to be like Khaleesi, the Mother of Dragons. Or perhaps I could be like Rhysand, the High Lord, ruler of the Night Court and be epic as hell? Hobbits, maybe? Boooy, there is so much out there!"
Well, that was definitely not the reaction that I was expecting but I don't blame him. It is mind boggling and exciting to think about the existence of those creatures that we grew up hearing about, like dragons and mermaids, and how it's possible that our favorite fictional characters like Harry Potter? That would be so rad! But then, if you think about it, how much has the media changed our perspectives towards those creatures? Werewolves and vampires are not like how Twilight portrays them to be. Witches are not like how Hermione Granger is. I'm sure they're bit more frightening in real life.
I bit my lip to hide a giggle that wanted to come out after seeing Lysander's face.
"Anyways," I coughed. "Point was, we saw a vampire who goes to our school and apparently, there's another vampire who is stalking me for some unknown reason. I haven't pissed off any vampire, I swear. So I don't know why anyone would have a reason to follow me or whatever." I am scared, but that's okay. I can handle it. First of all, yes I have Lysander with me. But most importantly, I'm smart. Do vampires die with poison? Like Cyanide? I know how to make cyanide and a few other dangerous stuff, thanks to those science courses. Oh, and I have pepper spray, if that helps.
"And you said that that one drunk dude from the restaurant was trying to kill him?"
"How? What did he use? Weapons? Gun?"
Lysander answered this time. "He was using a silver stake."
Rami nodded. "I've read about vampires when I was learning about Lycanthropy." Lysander glanced at him curiously but said nothing. "The only way to kill vampires is using a wooden or silver stake and stab them through the heart. If this Dean dude is trying to kill that vampire, he must be a werewolf as well, or something else that want vampires dead."
"Humans." Lysander blurts out. "Humans want to kill anything different from them."
"You're talking about hunters." A new voice joined the room. Eva. She has just came out of her room, hair messy. "Hunters are skilled and full of knowledge when it comes to killing animals, or like you said, anything that is not human. They still exist today."
"Of course. He's like... Sam and Dean from Supernatural." I grinned. "So, Supernatural is very real. Obviously. You know what? I got this. I watched every episode of Supernatural."
All three of them just stared at me like they're absolutely done with me and I don't blame them. Eva doesn't like Supernatural and Rami hasn't watched it, so I'm the only Supernatural fan in the room. And Lysander is just overall done with everything and has that permanent expression.
"So that night, when Dean saw us at the restaurant, he must have known you're a werewolf." Rami said to Lysander worriedly. "That must mean he's after you also. Lysander, you're in trouble."
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