《Keiko Mochizuki | S. Kusuo》013 STARS


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Okinawa was beautiful, they stood just next to a beach and a few buildings showing different restaurants. Keiko couldn't wait until they were allowed on the beach, she could lay in the sun for hours.

"It's time for lunch!" The teacher shouted to the class of students who stood their hungrily. They were taken to a Soba place, and waited eagerly for their bowls to be placed in front of them, once they did everybody dug in.

"So this is Okinawa soba." Nendou said, picking up the bowl and inspecting it "It doesn't look like soba at all." he added.

Yumehara gestured towards the food "It's called soba, but it wasn't made with buckwheat flour." she informed. Nendou didn't seem to mind and tucked in anyway.

Kaidou placed his hands together, holding his chopsticks and bowed his head "Let's dig in." he said in his ippei achisan language making everyone at the table give him a weird look.

"Yes! Ma san!" He cheered, slurping his noodles. "This is definitely ippei ma san!"

"Kaidou I think your overdoing it, just ever so slightly." Keiko told him while giving him a kind but awkward smile, he sounded ridiculous right now but Keiko didn't want to hurt his feelings.

"But Mochizuki since we are in Okinawa, I have to practice my ippei achisan." he argued back before digging into his soba again. "Eat up! It's ma san!" he then notcied how rapidly Mera was scoffing down her food "Mera, you're such a gachi maya!" she only looked up and gave him a nod and focused on her soba.

"Wow, this food is so ma san that I feel like nada soso. Oh, ma san means delicious. Gachi maya means glutton. Nada soso means crying." Kaidou said, wiping away a fake tear.

Teruhashi smiled "That's cool, Kaidou."

"I can't keep up." Yumehara added.

Kaidou then said something else in ippei achisan and soon everyone ignored him until they finished their bowls of soba.

Kaidou bowed again "Thank you for the food."


After leaving the restaurant, the assigned teams walked down the streets of Okinawa together, one including a group of seven instead of six, Mera looked towards the three other girls "Do you want to look for souvenirs?" she asked, the three agreed and went into a small corner shop that sold range of items much like a gift shop.

As they looked around she noticed the blunette and ginger giving her the side eye occasional times, although the two didn't seem to be directly talking or whispering about her, it seemed maybe her mother was right and they were both jealous that she may like Saiki.

'It's ridiculous, honestly! I don't even like Saiki like that, he's just a good friend' when Keiko spoke to Saiki, she never held any romantic feelings for him or maybe... she was to blind to see that. Saiki definitely shows no romantic interest towards her so it would be pointless if she were to ever develop feelings for him, she would except rejection.


Although Saiki was the most strongest, powerful and smartest person in his universe, both he was too blind to see that he could potentially see a future with Keiko, preferably chose to ignore that future, throughout the past year he's forgotten how much different he acts with the green haired girl compared to others, he's softer, he 'talks' more, he spends time with her and actually enjoys it.

Both teens were so against that fact that they could like each other, they were both polar opposites, his hair was pink while hers contrasted a green, he was cold and introverted while she was warm and sociable, he didn't like people while she wanted to be a friend of the world. It was impossible for the two to work out but you never know, sometimes opposites attract.

Keiko sighed, shaking her thoughts away from Saiki as he did the same with her, she turned to look down at the items and souvenirs, picking up a snow globe which instantly reminded her of the present she bought her pink haired friend, her eyes widened and she slammed the globe down (not breaking it) 'Stupid, stop thinking about him'

She was interrupted by a hand placing on her shoulder, she turned around to see Mera giving her a worried look "Mochizuki, I was wondering if you were okay. I noticed that the other two seem to be distant with you, I thought you guys were friends."

Keiko gave her a sad smile "I thought so too, I still don't know what I've done wrong."

Mera linked her arm with Keiko's "Never mind, if those two are going to ignore you, both of us can enjoy this 3 day trip together, we can become friends if you like?" she asked.

Keiko smiled "I would like that very much Mera, and please call me Keiko."

"Than you'll have to call me Chisato."


It was now night time, the stars were out and Keiko sat on the beach stargazing. They had made it to the hotel and soon the first day would be over, Mera fell asleep early and Yumehara and Teruhashi ran off the play UNO with the boys so Keiko went out alone to sit on the beach.

As she admired the twinkling dots in the sky, she could hear the shuffling of sand behind her, she turned her head to see Saiki walking down the beach "Saiki!" she smiled "I haven't spoken to you much today, how are you enjoying the trip so far?" she asked.

he told her, obviously not including the dramatic events that have happened he said, sitting down in the beach chair next to hers.

She leaned up and crossed her legs "There was nothing to do in the hotel room, and I wasn't that tired so I thought I would look at the stars and name them."


Keiko lightly slapped his shoulder and laughed "C'mon Sai, don't be like that." she said before realizing the nickname she gave him "I-I'm sorry I didn't mean to call you that."

Saiki glanced her way

Keiko's eyes widened before her cherry lips formed into a soft smile, she gave him an adoring look without realizing "Then I guess I'll call you Sai more often." they both glanced up at the stars and leaned on their chairs.

Keiko pointed to the sky "You see those two stars that are the same size and are exactly opposite?" he nodded "Those two are soulmates, they sit opposite each other and both share differences, one represents night while the other represents day."

"But they never leave, that's what makes it brilliant. One day they will connect and it while create and unbreakable bond, they outshine the other stars." she told him, her voice getting quieter and her eyelids growing heavier.

Saiki looked over to her and saw she was facing him, however her eyes were closed and her breathing become softer, although he gave her an indifferent look, his eyes became softer he said, calling her the name of a sweet dessert.

After he closed his eyes, that's when Teruhashi walked down the beach to then take out one of his control devices on his head.


Saiki was woken up by Toritsuka shouting at him to wake up only to find out that the hotel had gone missing, he looked over to see that Keiko was still asleep on the beach chair. He snapped his head towards Toritsuka and gave him a cold glare

"I'm sorry!" the purple-haired boy whispered-shouted "But the hotel is still gone, and I'm sure you're behind this!"

Saiki got up and looked down at the hole of were the hotel use to stand.

I did it again.


Keiko was woken up to light shaking on her shoulders, her eyes tiredly open and she could see Chisato with a group of other girls they were sharing a room with relieved looks on their faces, surprisingly Yumehara was happy to see her and Teruhashi was... blushing? Her nose was bleeding as well "There you are Keiko! You and Teruhashi were missing and we were so worried about you, I'm glad to find you were just sleeping on the beach."

Keiko rubbed her eyes lazily and looked to the spot were Saiki sat to see it was empty "O-Oh my mistake... I guess we better get back." Chisato helped her up.

"Here lean against me, I don't want to falling asleep mid walk."

Teruhashi sprang forwards grabbing her other side "Here I'll help to." she said, her voice sounded weird like she was putting on a fake voice. Toritsuka, who was disguised to look like Teruhashi leaned his head down to lean against Keiko now extremely happy that he was so close to a girl.


It was now the second day of the Okinawa trip, the class first went to a pineapple plantation and an aquarium in the morning, it soon became the afternoon and the students were finally at the beach.

Keiko was putting on her swimsuit in the changing room, Teruhashi had just walked out and she could hear the distance voices of 'oh wows' from the men.

Keiko thought the purple swimsuit she was wearing was cute, she had a little summer jacket to wear over it in case it got a bit breezy which most likely wouldn't happen. She stepped out of the changing room and soon felt uncomfortable as she saw boys were gawking at her.

"Greeny over here!" she heard a deep voice shout, she saw Nendou waving at her with Kaidou, Saiki and Teruhashi standing there looking her way, she walked over.

a voice unwittingly said.

Everyone's head snapped towards the voice, Saiki looked down at Keiko and then realized what he said as his eyes started to widen. Teruhashi stared at him shell-shocked, she couldn't even get a reaction out of him, her. The perfect pretty girl. But that green haired girl in her basic costume got an 'Oh wow' out of him, how dare she.

Saiki quickly added, why the hell did he say oh wow? He didn't mean it, or did he?

"Oh... thank you Sai." Keiko smiled looking down, she realized that this was the first time she's seen Saiki fully shirtless, he had no impressive six pack or huge muscles, he was slim but he had a nice shape to him, she thought he looked good but was too shy to say.

'She's even calling him nicknames!?' Teruhashi thought in rage.

"Yeah greeny, you look beautiful, purple really suits you." Nendou added.

"Yeah, you suit it really well. I love the colour on you." Kaidou involved himself in the conversation as well.

Saiki looked over at Keiko he asked her.

"I'd love to." she smiled "Let's go." the two walked side by side up the beach, at one point their bare shoulders brushed and Keiko felt a shiver down her spine from the skin to skin contact "I- uhm like your swimsuit by the way." Keiko said then instantly slapped her forehead, 'he's going to think you were checking him out now, stupid!'

he asked her.

"Cookies and cream please." she answered.

The two ate their ice creams together, as the afternoon went on, Teruhashi got hit on by these jerks so Yumehara tried defending her however she was insulted by her looks by them and they received a punch from Kaidou which turned out to be an extremely strong punch for some reason.

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