《Keiko Mochizuki | S. Kusuo》012 OKINAWA


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more specifically a three day trip to Okinawa, Keiko had only been there once, but she could remember how warm it was on that southern Island, she remembered the sandy beaches that would heat up the palms of your feet as you ran down the shore. The Blue luscious waves shimmering when the sun was set, Keiko could sit at the beach all day just to watch the beautiful sunset.

Keiko then remembered 'Oh shoot, I need to pick a group to go with on the trip, how many people was it again that you need to group with?' she then heard Kinekshi shout out that you needed a group of three boys and three girls. 'Maybe I could ask Yumehara and Teruhashi, but wait I don't think those to really like me anymore because of that trip to that cafe, I'm still not sure what I did wrong'

Since most of the boys in the class fought over being in a group with Teruhashi, Kinekshi brought everyone together and presented a box towards them "We will draw names to see which guys and girls will group up together. Oh and by the way since there is an odd number of girls in the class, one group with have four girls. First, Teruhashi." the said girl stood up and walked to the front and placed her hand in the box and held out the name card and handed it to Kinekshi enthusiastically.

"Teruhashi's group will join Takahashi's group." All the boys except Takahashi's group groaned in annoyance while the lucky group sat there smugly, looking down at the others like they were peasants even though it really wasn't a big deal. "So with that, Teruhashi's group has joined Takahashi. What about the rest? Should we keep drawing names?" none of the guys seemed to reply as they were too caught up in the fact that Teruhashi was now unavailable 'What a bunch of drama queens.' Keiko thought.

More names were drawn from the box until a group of girls got Nendou's group which included Saiki and Kaidou which they complained about the face that they would have to be Nendou. Teruhashi stood up and raised her hand "Then, we will switch. But only if Nendou's group is okay with it." she then got praised for sticking up for the group but in reality she just wanted to be close with Saiki.

"Whose group is Mera in?" Kinekshi asked the class.

Teruhashi who had Yumehara next to her raised her hand "She's with us."

"Mera can't make it to the trip anymore." Kinekshi told her with the teacher standing next to him who had just informed him "They couldn't fish enough tuna. That's too bad. That also means that an extra girl wont have to join a group." Kinekshi then noticed Keiko who sat by herself "Keiko, are you in a group with anyone yet?" he asked.


Keiko looked up and blushed from embarrassment "no, I don't."

"Oh well that's perfect, you can join Teruhashi's group." Kinkeshi told her, she looked up to see that the two girls had shocked faces, little did she know they both held a grudge against her as they both thought she liked Saiki.


Keiko sat at the dinner table with her parents who were discussing with her about the trip to Okinawa, her mother called Mashiro had short green hair and brown eyes, she was just a little taller than her daughter but had a noticeably big height difference against her husband. She always cooked amazing dinners, tonight she had made Katsu curry which was one of Keiko's favourites. Her mothers took a bit of rice before softly smiling at her daughter, the wrinkles under her eyes slightly but noticeably were shown "Keiko, who's group are you in for your class trip?" she asked.

"Well for the group of girls, it's Teruhashi Kokomi and Yumehara Chiyo and the group of boys is Saiki Kusuo, Kaidou Shun and Nendou Riki." she said.

Daisuke looked up "Ohh, I remember that Nendou guy, quite tall and scary looking her was. I remember that day when he picked you up to go to the beach." he said, as he scratched the back of his slicked back, black hair.

Her mother smiled again "So you're in a group with that Saiki Kusuo boy. I wonder when I'm going to meet him soon, because you talk about him an awful lot." Mashiro teased.

"Mum! He's just a good friend of mine is all. And to what you asked, maybe if he's willing to come over for dinner one time. He's quite introverted and doesn't like to come out a lot." Keiko replied, not wanting to take the conversation any further.

Mashiro gave a soft laugh "Well I'll be excited when me and your father will meet him, hopefully soon, yeah?"

"I'll ask. Also I should mention something else... the two girls in my group, I think they've taken a dislike to me. We use to be quite friendly until we went to the cafe together the other day." Keiko said sadly, placing her hands on her lap and looking down.

Daisuke furrowed his brows "Why's that dear? I don't know why someone would take a dislike to you."

Keiko bit her lip "I'm not sure, I don't remember saying anything that offended them. The most we did was talk about their crushes and then we bumped into the guys who we are going onto the trip with, and then I spoke to Saiki for a bit and then we left."


Her mothers eyes sparkled at the mention of Saiki, she stroked Keiko's hair which made the girl look up "I think I know the issue. Those two girls are just jealous."

"Jealous? Jealous of what?"

"Your friendship with Saiki of course. And because you're such a polite and sweet girl, they see you as competition, what I think is that those two like the boy who your so fond with. I wouldn't let it get to you Keiko, It's just silly girls having teenage crushes. But don't let those two ruin your friendship you have with Saiki." Mashiro told her.

Keiko wasn't sure what to take from her mothers words, she knew that Yumehara like Saiki, she was slightly surprised with Teruhashi's feelings towards the boy but was that what they were upset about this entire time. What a silly thing to be upset about, it's not like Keiko held any romantic feelings for Saiki... Right?


It was now the day of the trip and the class was standing in the airport, ready to get on their flight to the trip, it turned out that Mera was able to go on the trip now which meant she was put in Teruhashi's group along with Keiko which was originally planned.

Due to a hurricane the trip was cancelled making everyone become miserable but due to some miraculous doings the weather had gone back to normal and there was no hurricane, this was exactly when Keiko walked into the airport a little late which made everyone think that with her presence she made the hurricane go away.

After a bit, everyone got on the plane which had finally drifted off for Okinawa, Teruhashi and Yumehara dragged Mera to sit on the three seats together which meant Keiko was left out, she felt someone grab her arm Saiki said, now dragging her to his seat as the two girls gasped in horror. Usually I wouldn't do stuff like this but I see Mochizuki as my friend and she doesn't deserve to be treated like the odd one out because those two took the wrong idea.

Keiko sat in between Saiki and Kaidou, Nendou seemed happy sitting on a row along as all he did was look out the window and lay on all the seats, he thought that he was given the luxury seats.

When the plane was now in the air, Keiko had noticed Kaidou was holding a bucket over his face, looking extremely pale and nauseous, it turned out he left his travel sickness pills at home but when Nendou tried talking to him he instantly threw up. However, he found them in his pocket which where there this whole time which would usually be the first place you look but oh well.

Keiko laid back in her seat and sighed, she read a book for a bit until she could feel her eyes become heavy, without realizing she dropped the book shut now fully dozing off, her head fell forwards and landed on the closest piece of surface which was Saiki's shoulder.

The girl hid her nose into his neck, feeling the comfort surrounding her not realizing that she was sleeping against a very stiff pink haired boy who's cheeks rose ever so slightly at the contact, he tried loosening up a bit but let the girl rest on his shoulder, not wanting to disturb her, soon he has fallen asleep and his head was now leaning on top of hers but due to a dream to rudely interrupted his peaceful slumber, he needed to save the plane from crashing.


Keiko was sat on one of the coaches next to Nendou when they were driving around taking a view of Okinawa, Nendou was pressed up against the window as Keiko was looking out under his arm "It's so blue!" he pointed out the ocean to Keiko, he then turned to Saiki who sat behind him "Is someone dripping paint into it? Do you know, pal?" he asked stupidly.

"No Nendou, that's the ocean there's up to 71% of water which makes up the world, that's usually why you see so much of it." Keiko informed him.

"But why is it blue?"

"Um I think water absorbs colours from the light, I'm not too sure." Keiko answered him.

"Eh I'll just to someone dripping paint, that's easier to remember." Nendou shrugged off. He then turned to Kaidou who was reading something and patted his head "Hey, little guy! What are you reading? Look outside! It's the ocean."

"How kashimashi." Kaidou started he then looked towards the ocean "That ocean is absolutely chura."

"What's a chura?" Keiko muttered, Kaidou then leaned over Saiki and opened the coach window.

"This is ippei achisan."

"Oh, I've heard of that! Okinawa dialect, right?" Yumehara asked, the group turned to see that the girl's shirt was undone and her bikini bra was underneath, Kaidou went read and the girl soon realised she forgot to button up her shirt.

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