《The Heart Wants What It Wants ✔️》Ch. 19


The next day, word had gotten around as to who I was. I arrived at school and was yet again the top gossip.

' Hey there she is'

'Harley Deyes. She's the one who came in the motorcycle yesterday.'

'Damn how have I never seen her before? She's fuckin hot'

' She's so pretty'

' She looks so cool'

'I heard that she stood up against the Queen B's'

' No way!'

'She's bad ass'

I felt myself smile as I hear all their comments. I spotted Emma by her locker and immediately approached her.

"You left in a hurry today" I say

"I forgot that I didn't have any clean clothes" She smiles sheepishly at me

"You could've borrowed mine instead of waking up super early to go back home" I chuckle

"Dude, we are NOT the same size. I'm way smaller than you. My body is like a fourteen year old's while yours is like a twenty one year old model's. " She says

It is true. To put it simply, Emma had a smaller chest than mine. Not to be egoistical, but I had curves in all the right places. It didn't come natural though. I worked super hard for this body. I thought that if I had a good body, then guys will start to like me. I exercised and went on a diet to achieve my body goals. Another reason why I try to stay fit is because my blood line is known to have diabetes. Every female Deyes suffers from diabetes. I did not want to go through that, so I stayed healthy.

"Mmm okay" I say

I hear the click clacking of heels start to approach us. I sigh. My time will yet again be wasted by the fake sluts.

"Hello again, Harley" Hannah says. Hatred filling her every word.

"Hi!!! Soo very nice to see you again, Stupid Loser 1" You could practically see the sarcasm from my words

"Listen here, bitch" She spat

"You don't talk to us like that. We run this school. We can make your life a living hell. This reputation that you're making for yourself can and will go down the drain. Learn your place, you little shit."

"Heyyy that's my line." I smirk

"You have the nerve to say that?!" Kim exclaims

"Uhm yeah. My body has a whole nervous syst- oh wait...sorry I guess that's too advanced for you stupid loser bitches." I say.


"What?" Kim says in confusion

The crowd that has surrounded us laughed. I noticed that everyone stopped what they were doing and started watching this hilarious dispute.

"You're going to regret-" I cut Annabeth off before she starts talking. I love doing that to her.

"Listen, whores. You can do whatever you want with my reputation, I honestly don't give a single fuck, although I am positive that you don't think the same. I have information that can tear down your reputation. The difference between how you will ruin my reputation and how I will ruin yours is that you're gonna spread rumors and I'm gonna spread you're dirty little secrets."

This is a big perk in having the little skill I have. You can use it to take revenge on bitches like this. Just make sure that you don't let the power get to your head.

"You can't do that. You have no power. You're a loner" Kim sneers

"Oh? Try me. I can show everyone here the video of you making out with the janitor. I can make them listen to the 1 hour long audio of you two fucking. How was he, Kim? Must've been good if I caught you doing it 3 more times." I spill one of her secrets. I say it lowly and quietly so only she and I can hear. Her eyes widen in shock. I bit my lip to not spill too much secrets. This is probably enough

Her face goes red with either embarrassment or anger. Hannah and Annabeth stand with her and glare at me.

"You're gonna pay for this" Annabeth says

"This is not over." Hannah adds. They turn to look at Kim, who looked like she was abot the blow. I snickered quietly as I quickly grabbed the mirror from Emma's still open locker.

"YOU FUCKING BITCH!!!" She finally blows. I raise the mirror as soon as her mouth starts talking. People started to laugh at what I did.

"I know right." I stepped to the side. I held the mirror where my face should have been. Instead of her yelling to my face how I'm a bitch, she yelled at a reflection of herself. She didn't realize until Annabeth told her about everyone around us laughing at her.

This angered her more. She gave a frustrated huff before storming out.


"Watch your back, Deyes." Hannah says

"Thanks for the warning, Queen Bitch" I roll my eyes at her lame threat

"You-" The bell cuts off Annabeth this time.

"Finallly! Thank god. I thought this stupid dispute will last forever. Jeez...Emma remind me to never come here early annymore. It's so boring and such a waste of time" I say. I grab Emma's arm and drag her to our class.




I've been the peak of gossip for three days straight now. I've never been so popular. Everywhere I go people start to whisper amongst themselves. No one has had the guts to talk to me though. I've only been talking to Emma.

Emma got her food and we started our walk all the way to the tree. As we're walking, I see Kim smirking at us. I heard heels clacking again, and suddenly I was drenched in water. I nod my head as the water is poured on me. Everyone laughed at me. I just smiled and turned to the shock stricken Emma.

"Go get me some paint and ink from the art room please." I say. She nods and runs off to the art room.

I turn around to face Hannah. Beside her was Annabeth and behind them were Jaxon,Kaden, and Reece.

"You're so low and unoriginal." I say to her

"Seriously? Spilling food on me? Everyone has seen that happen before. God you're such a loser" I say

As soon as I say that, she slaps me hard on the face. The sound of skin hitting skin echoes in the huge cafeteria. My cheek stung from the impact.


"You're nothing, but a stupid little bitch who nobody loves and nobody cares for." She sneers at me

Damn. It's like she KNEW what I was going through. That insult actually hit me hard, but I wasn't gonna back down.

"You have no right to say that, Hannah. Aren't we the same? Nobody loves you." I look up at her with a smirk

"Everyone loves me" she scoffs

"Oh really? I clearly remember your Daddy giving all his attention to your step sister. I also remember you trying to talk to him, but alas he was too focused on his new princess. You see? Your daddy doesn't love you." I spill one of her secrets. Her eyes widen and she becomes even more angry.

"Who here loves Hannah?" I ask everyone in the room. Nobody raises their hand.

"She's a BITCH" Someone yells out loud. People nod and mumble in agreement.

"Who said that? You're my new best friend" I laugh at the person's bravery.

"Now, who here loves to fuck Hannah?" I ask. A lot of guys raise their hands including Jaxon. Ouch...okay...

"You see Hannah? You're just a toy to them. They don't love you. They just love to fuck you. You're nothing but an unloved slutty toy that will spread her legs for anything that has a dick." I noticed Emma running over with ink and green paint. I smirk and take them from her.

"You wanna see something original?"

I slap her hard and push her to the ground. I held her down and poured the green paint all over her. I splashed the ink on her pretty white dress. I made sure that she was covered. Once she was, I pulled her up by the arm and smirked as everyone snickered and laugh.

"Voila! Behold my masterpiece. I call it Le Bitch Shrek" I say. That brings people to laughing fits. People take out their phone and start taking pictures. This seems to bring back the anger in her.

"UGH!!! JAXON!!! DO SOMETHING!!!!" She yells at him

"Why?" He says

"You're my boyfriend!!! Teach her a lesson!!!" She screeches

"No I'm not. Why would I date a bitch like you? Like Harley said, you're just a toy." He says dead serious

Hannah screeches again and walks away. I chuckle and high five Emma. I walked over to the principal who has been standing near the door since the beginning of this.

"Okay! Let's go Mr. Principal!!" I smile innocently at him

"Technically, she started it. You were just defending yourself and standing up for yourself. You did take it a bit too far, but since you're a good student, I'll just give you detention for today." He says

"I'm sure your wife would love to hear this story. Hannah has been flirting with you ever since you started here. If you were to punish me, I'm sure your wife would convince you to not do it since I did something she'd want to."

Yeah. I got off with a warning.


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