《The Heart Wants What It Wants ✔️》Ch. 20


The Bad Ass Girl. That's my new title. In just 2 days, I went from the wallflower to the bad ass. Isn't it amazing what new clothes could do? All I did was change up my normal attire, and poof! I'm popular.

I told Chris about this story when I got home. He was so proud of me. He takes pride in saying that he made me more confident and outgoing. Because of him, I got out of my shell. That's what he says, and I honestly think he's right. Ever since Chris shared his crazy outgoing self with me, I've been a bit more outgoing myself. He rubbed off on me.

Emma and I are getting closer as the days go by. No one bullies her anymore. She and Lennon are still not talking. He's trying to reach out to her, but she won't let him get close to her.

Hannah, Annabeth, and Kim haven't been bugging me. They're trying to get their popularity back. Ever since the cafeteria incident, they're popularity went down. One of the main reason is that the bad boys have left them. They were the main source of their popularity,but now that they're gone, they lost a lot of popularity points.

I'm popular I guess. People just talk about me, not TO me. Everyone knows who I am now. Since no one talks to me, it's still just Emma and I.

Jaxon...I haven't seen him. I haven't seen any of the guys. They've been MIA for the past few days. We're unfortunately not talking. You'd think that I'd feel sad and upset, but my heart is currently locked up. I've been locking it up so that I won't get hurt by him anymore.

I was snapped out of my thoughts by someone sitting in front of me. She turned around and stuck out her hand.

"Hi! I'm Mali!! I'm your new best friend." She says. I look at her in confusion.


"I was the girl who yelled Hannah's a bitch" She says

"Oh, well, hello new best friend!" I laugh

Mali was a chubby girl. She was big, but she was beautiful. She had beautiful long blonde hair. Her eyes were green and her makeup was on point.

"Nice to finally meet you. What took you so long to talk to me?" I say

"I never got the chance to talk to you. You were always with your friend, and if you weren't, I was too intimidated to talk to you." She says sheepishly

"Why do people think that? I'm a normal person." I pout

"Yeah, a normal person who stood up to the most popular girl in school." She says


"Well people think you're popular now, so they think that you only talk to other popular people." She says

"That makes no sense" I say

"Humans make no sense"

"That's true."

We share a laugh and from then on we talked about everything. She transferred to the seat next to me, so the teacher won't catch her talking to me. Mali is a really nice and fun girl.

After class, I was headed to the tree since it was free period and after that was lunch. Emma was going to come here later.

"Hey, what's your next period?" Mali asks

"I have free period, so I'm gonna go to where I stay during lunch" I say

"Can I come with you? I have free period too." She says

"Of course!"

We talked more and more as we waited for Emma. She was gonna eat lunch with us as well.

"What about your friends?" I ask her

"It's fine. They won't mind." She says

"Are you sure?"

"Yup! I'm not that close with them anyway. They each have their own best friends. I'm just there if their best friend isn't there" She says


All my friends have problems with their friendship. I think I have found my people.

"So you feel left out?" I ask


"Don't worry, Em and I will take care of you." I chuckle. I notice Emma walking towards us with her food.

"Speak of the devil"

"HIIII EMMAAA" I yell while waving my arms around wildly. She laughs in the distance and walks faster towards us.

"Hey Harley! Hello new person!!" She says as she sits down next to me

"Heya Em! This is Mali, our new friend" I introduce her to Em

"Cool!! Hi Mali! I'm Emma. I love your makeup by the way." She says

"Thank you!" Mali says

They talk about how Mali did her makeup. As they do, I notice people, who I haven't talked or seen to in a long time, walk over to us. I sigh and make sure that my heart is locked up. I prepare my emotions. I do not want to break down anymore.

"Long time no see, boys." I say

"I'm assuming you need something" I look at Jaxon

"Nope." He says

"So why are you here?"

"To make things right." He says

"It's not because you're suddenly the most popular girl. It's because we actually want to be friends with you." He says

"JAXON MISSED YOU" Reece yells. Jaxon glares at him and hits him in the head.

"Shut up. You missed her too. You kept saying how "It's boring" and "I want Harley's pizza again". " Jaxon glares at Reece

"Of course. You come back to me for food" I roll my eyes at them

"We do want to be friends with you again Harley." Kaden speaks up. I roll my eyes.

"You guys are such liars. I've experienced it so much that I can see through you already. Who's info do you need and why? Also you have to pay now. It's $2 for minor secrets, and $10 for dark/ dirty secrets." I say

"Why are they so expensive?" Reece asks

"Secrets are expensive" I shrug

Jaxon pulls me up and drags me far from them. I bite my lip to keep from smiling. I've missed his touch...

Once we were away from the group, he turns around to look at me.

"I'm sorry." He says

"You said that before and then you hurt me again." I say

"Why should I trust you now?"

"I remembered the other night when I stayed by you when you were crying. You were so upset. I realized that I was probably the reason for that. I kept hurting you. Ever since I was born, I was taught to always respect girls. I failed to do that. I guess it was because of the popularity or ego in my head. I don't know. I just...I want to make things better. I want to make it up to you." He says

"I'm sorry, Jaxon. I really can't believe you. You've fooled me so many times, and I don't want to fall for another one of your tricks again." I say

"It's okay. You have every right to not believe me,but at least give me a chance to make it up to you." He says. I took a deep breath. I wanted nothing more than to forgive him, but I'm changing now. I am not going to be easily fooled or easily hurt.

I can't just give my heart what it wants anymore. Every time I try to, I end up getting hurt.

Do not forgive him

Do not listen to your heart

Do not

Do not

Do not-

"Okay...one last chance."

Dammit. You're still a stupid fool, Harley. It's just too damn hard to resist the heart I guess.


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