《The Heart Wants What It Wants ✔️》Ch. 18


We arrived at my apartment after a pit stop to the mall and to the ice cream shop. It was already 6pm by the time we reached my house. Emma was staying over which made me really excited. It would be my first sleepover ever.

I was making us some pizza for dinner. One was all cheese and the other was all meat. I have a feeling that we will be having a guest for dinner...

"So...do you wanna talk about why I found you sobbing your eyes out?" I glanced over at her to see her shoulders sag. Sadness washed over her.

"It's okay if you don't. Just know that you can always trust me,okay?" I say

"Yeah I know...I'll tell you. I do need a friend to talk to" She says

"So...you know how Len and I are best friends?"


"I didn't have any other friends in my old school. Lennon usually stuck by my side. Recently, he joined the basketball team and has gotten popular. He was always such an outgoing and likeable person. Because of that, we've been growing apart. Just last year, I developed a little crush on him. Can you blame me? I'm pretty sure that if you have a best friend of the opposite gender then you're bound to have a little crush on him/ her at least once."

"Anyway, last week I found out that...that he was going on a date with this. Yesterday, I fond out that they are officially a couple...I'm not heartbroken and depressed because I'm not the girl he chose. It's mostly because I know that this is the time that I may lose my best friend. When they weren't together yet,he's already been spending more time with her than with me. Since they're now a couple, I bet he will completely forget about me. Plus the girlfriend won't like it if he hangs out with me."


"I've been alone recently. I usually spent my time studying since I have nothing better to do. That's when Hannah started teasing me. She kept telling me I was loser. I've been bullied before but Len was always with me. This time, he's not. I realized that everything is gonna happen again. I'll be bullied again, but this time I'll be all alone. No one will be there to save me and defend me this time."

She ended her story with a sob. I glanced back at her and saw her crying. She was crying the whole time that she's been talking. I took off my gloves and walked over to her. I hugged her tightly and let her cry on me again.

I can relate to how she feels. She's lonely. She's scared to go through life alone. I also don't want to be alone anymore.

"Emma?" I call her name. She wipes her eyes and looks up at me

"You won't be alone. You could lose one friend, but you did gain another" I smile at her


"Of course!"

She tackles me in a tight embrace. I chuckle and hug her back.

"I've never had a girl friend before." She says

"Well I'm honored to be the first"

We ended the topic there. We changed the topic and talked about random things. We played 20 Questions and 2 Truths 1 Lie. I learned a lot of things about her and vice versa. By the time we were finished with one whole pizza, someone burst through the door. Mike barked and rushed over to the visitor.

"Harleyyyy, what did I say about doors and locks?" Chris asks as he enters the living room. He looks at the pizza laid on the coffee table.


"If I give you the pizza, will you forgive me?" I bargain with him

"Did you make it?" He asks


"Okay deal" He takes the pizza and places it on his lap. Emma shyly looks down.

"Chris, meet Emma. Emma, this is Chris" I introduce the two

"Herro Emvwa" Chris says with his mouth full

"Chrissss, what did I tell you about mouths and full" I mock him. He playfully glares at me. I stick my tounge out response. Chris swallows the food in his mouth before talking again.

"Real mature, Har" He says

"Thank you" I do a little bow

"Anyway, like I was saying, Hello Emma" Chris greets properly this time

"Hi" Emma waves shyly

"Chris, take the pizza and go. Emma and I are having a girls night" I say to him

"Awww okayyyy. Thanks for the food Har! Nice meeting you Emma!" He takes the plate of pizza and walks to the door

"I'll give you the plate tomorrow Har. Goodnight you two!!!" With that, he takes his leave.

Emma turns to me with a smirk on her face as soon as the door closes.

"So...friend or boyfriend?" She asks

My eyes widen and a blush goes across my face.

"Or maybe courter?"

"He's just a friend" I say. My face was still burning red

"Mhm...yeah...sure" She says in disbelief

"I like another guy" I say

"Really?! Who??"

"I don't know..."

"Come onn I told you mine"

I bit my lip as I decided if I should tell her or not. Maybe I should, but I won't get into detail. We're not yet that close. We've been friends for a day, I'm not sure if I can fully trust her.

"I like Jaxon...but I'm trying not to anymore. I realized how much of an asshole he is, so I'm trying to stop my heart from liking him."

"But the heart wants what it wants"


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