《The Heart Wants What It Wants ✔️》Ch. 11


True to my word, I'm going out for a run this morning. After changing into a proper runninf attire, I grab Mike's leash and we head out.

Once outside, I notice that there was someone new moving in. I got closer to the car to see who the new person is, but saw no one. The trunk of the car was just open for the world to take their stuff. At least that's what I thought,

"I hope you're not thinking of stealing anything." A voice chuckles from behind me. I jump and turn around quickly. I was face to face with a guy who was about 19 years old. His hair was brown and curly. It looked incredibly soft. He had brown eyes, and he had a five o'clock shadow.

"I have pictures if you want?" He chuckles, snapping me out of my thoughts. I blush bright red in embarrassment and fluster.

"S-sorry. I wanted to greet the person who was movin in. I-I didn't know it was you and I wasn't gonna steal anything! I swear." I stutter

"Woah! Chill. I was just messing with you." He smiles kindly. My blush deepens.

"Are you okay? You're really red. Have you just finished a run?" He says

"N-no...Uhm...I uh gotta go." I stutter out

"Okay...well, I'm Chris by the way." He puts his hand out to shake

"Harley" I smile and shake his hand

"And who is this fellow?" He crouches down and puts his hand out to Mike.

"This is Mike, my dog." I say. Mike lowers his guard and lets Chris pet him.

"We're allowed to have pets?" He looks up at me

"Yup, as long as they are trained" I say

"That's so cool! I think I'm gonna like it here." He smiles as he stands up

"It's near the mall, it's near the park, you're allowed to have pets, and a beautiful lady lives here too." He winks at me. I blush and look down. Jeez...this reminds me of the time Jaxon first started talking to me. My face was so red the entire time. I felt like you could boil some soup on my cheeks.


"I should uhm get go going. I was supposed to go out for a run" I say

"Oh! I'm sorry. I'll let you go now."




I finished my jog, and all throughout it, Mike ran by my side. He mever left my side, and it gave me comfort that he would protect me. We walked up to the apartment complex and I see Chris carry what seems like the last box of things from his car. I walk up to him and tap his shoulder.

"Heya" I say. He turns to look at me and smiles widely

"Hello again Harley!!" He says

"Finished moving in?" I ask

"Yup! This is the last box. Next thing to do is unpack, which I will be doing tomorrow because I am so tired" He says

"Have fun with that" I chuckle

"I know right! In my room for the whole frickin day just unpacking boxes" He groans

"I could help if you want" I offer

"Really?" His face brightens up

"Yeah. I'll give you moral support" I smirk

"Jee...thanks Harley" I laugh as his face drops.

"I'm so tired" He groans as we get into the elevator

"What floor?" I ask him

"5th" He says

"Dang I'm in the 6th" I press in our floor numbers

"Awww. I was hoping we could be neighbors" He pouts

"How old are you?" I randomly ask

"That came out of no where" He laughs

"I know, but I was just wondering and suddenly blurted it out" I laugh

"My name is Christian Jarred Williams. I am 19 years of age, and I am proud to represent U. S. A." He says in a beauty pageant way. He even does a little pose after he finishes talking.

My stomach started to hurt from laughing. By the time we reached his floor, I was still laughing, but this time he was laughing with me. He got out and I waved bye as the doors closed. I was still giggly as the doors closed.


Once the doors open, Mike makes a run for home. I walk slowly behind, but as I got closer to my room I noticed someone was waiting outside. He was patting Mike, and Mike was allowing him too.

Walking closer, I sigh in relief as I realize it was just Kaden.

"Kaden, what are you doing here?" I ask him. He looks up at me and stands up.

"I need some information." He says

"I'm done helping you guys hurt people." I say as I unlock my door.


"What?" I say in annoyance

"I need your help." He says

"And I'm saying no." I close the door on him, but his foot blocks the way.

" Please. This is important." He says

"Last time...this is the last time you come to me for information. I'm done. I don't want to have anything to do with any of you." I sigh. I'm going against what my heart wants, but it's what's good for me in the long run.

"No promises." He says. I sigh and let him in

"So who is it?" I ask


"From the basketball team? He owes you guys money for drugs?" I cut him off. I know that Justin's secret will piss Kaden off.

Let me give you a little background information on the three bad boy's.

Kaden Dalling is part of a very wanted gang that deals drugs. He is a dealer and user. He's a ganger member because it pays a lot and it keeps his family stable. He has a lot of issues with money ever since his father kicked him, his mother, and his younger brother out when they found out his mom was pregnant again. To help with money, he turned to drug dealing.

Reece Lavier is a street fighter, drag racer, and drug user. He is known as the king of the streets. I'm not entirely sure what's his problem, but I do know that he ran away far from home. To make money, he went to do illegal shit.

Jaxon Parker was born into the illegal world. His father owned places where illegal shit happened. Not only that but there are also rumors of his father being a gang leader himself. I'm not sure. It was never clear. He is also a user himself.

All three of them do drugs. Reece and Jaxon even deal drugs sometimes. The one thing they have in common is money. They do what they, they are what they are because of money. Though I have never truly seen how bad they are, many other have. I believe others because of the sole fact that these three are great at lying.

"Yes he does." Kaden says

"He has two biggest secret." I say

"One is that he's a big asshole because his parents are homophobic and treat gay people badly. Unfortunately, their own son is gay. He hides the fact that he's gay by being an asshole. His second biggest secret is that his parents don't know that he does drugs. He doesn't have his own money to buy your drugs, instead he uses other. He uses the money of his victims. His number 2 victim is...Ethan Dalling."

After saying his brother's name, Kaden's eyes turn dark. His fists clench and he looks like he is about to kill.

"You mean to say that my brother...is being bullied?" He says slowly. His voice sounded deadly.

" Yes. He bullies your brother and steals his- along with many other kids- lunch money to pay for drugs." I say

Kaden stood up and looked up at me. His eyes were dark and clearly saught revenge. He stormed off before I could say anything. I rushed to Reece's room and quickly told him about the situation.

The next day, Justin didn't come to school and Kaden had bruised knuckles.


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