《The Heart Wants What It Wants ✔️》Ch. 10


As soon as I enter my house, Mike comes running up to me. I kneel down to pet him. I push all the sad thoughts to the back of my mind. I need to start getting ready for dinner, and I can't have any negative thoughts while cooking.

I enter my kitchen and begin my magic. I was making Deep Fried Tortellini with Tomato Sauce for appetizer, Tomato Basil Penne Pasta for the main course, and Watermelon Vodka Sorbet for dessert. Our drinks will be wine because I wasn't feeling up to making some cocktails for them.

Once I was finished, I took a quick shower and put on some fresh new clothes. I dried my hair and combed it. I loved that my hair was wavy and not curly. Curly hair was way too poofy for my liking. The bell ringed and Mike started barking. I rushed downstairs and told Mike to calm down. Opening the door, Lennon and Emma greet me with big smiles. I put on my fake smile and greet them.

"The food's all ready, so you're just in time." I say

"I'm so excited!!!!" Lennon exclaims as he rushes to the table. By the time Emma and I got there,he was already seated and ready to eat. The doorbell rings once more, and upon opening it, Reece and Jaxon barrel in and rush to the table.

"Come on in" I say sarcastically. Kaden puts his hand on my shoulder. Remembering what him and the other boys did, I tense up.

"Thanks for having us." He says. I nod and smile at him. I force myself to relax and act normally.

The rest of the night went well. Everyone praised me for my cooking. They enjoyed every single course. I was happy to hear that they liked it, but there was still some lingering negativity in the back of my mind that stopped me from enjoying the moment.


We were now currently sitting at my living room and talking. Well, they talked among themselves and I just listened. I sat at the edge of the couch with Kaden on my right. We were both quiet until he spoke up.

"I know you saw us." He spoke softly so that only the two of us will hear.

"What do you mean?" I pretend to not know. I didn't want to dwell on this topic.

"You saw one of our really bad sides." He says

"And you took a picture of it." He adds

"I did" I nod my head. There was no point in denying it.

"That's why you don't want to talk to us" He says


"I'm sorry you had to see that." He says


"You weren't meant to."


"We don't want you to think so badly of us"



"Kaden, stop. I don't care. I just want to forget about it." I say

"Forget about what?" Emma asks

We turn our attention to our friends. They were all looking at us intently.

"Nothing. It's just something stupid." I wave it off. Jaxon raises his eyesbrow, but decides to drop it.

"Hey, Harley, what are you doing tomorrow?" Lennon asks

"Nothing much. I'm probably gonna go out for a run, but that's it." I shrug my shoulders.

"You should hang out with us!!! Some of our friends are coming over for a small outing. We're gonna watch a movie and go to the arcade" Lennon says excitedly

"Uhm no thanks. I wouldn't want to intrude."

"You wouldn't! Our friends will love you!!" He says

"Maybe next time, Len. I'll have a "me" day tomorrow" I say

"Oh how I envy you" Emma says looking at me


"I am being dragged to join by this idiot" she adds.

"Care to join me, Em? We could have a girls day out" I laugh as Lennon glares at Emma, daring her to say yes.

"Maybe next time. I don't wanna be kidnapped and dragged to the cinema" She says. Lennon smiles in content.

"Wait a minute!!!" Reece says loudly. Everyone turns to look at him.

"Harley, how come they have nicknames and we don't?" He pouts at me

"Uhm cause they're my friends" I say

"S-so we're not your friends?" He looks at me with puppy eyes


His jaw drops. He looks like he just received the worst news ever.

"Oh...Okay..." He sniffs. He begins to fake cry

"After everything we've been through...it's okay. I'm fine" He "cries"

"You're such a drama queen" I roll my eyes

"DAMMIT HARLEY! STOP HURTING MY FEELINGS" He yells and then goes back to loudly "sobbing".

"You're an idiot"



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