《The Heart Wants What It Wants ✔️》Ch. 12


I shut my locker and leaned my forehead against it. I had to stay back at school because my teacher wanted to talk to me about my studies. Nothing bad, I just needed to do better to get higher grades. I wasn't failing, but she says she knows that I could get an A+.

I adjusted the strap of my bag and started walking out. I smell smoke immediately as I head out. I hear someone talking and another one grunting. I gulp knowing who it was already.

I walked slowly and carefully towards the noises. At the side of the school, I saw a sight that made me want to scream. Justin was slumped against the wall. He had bruises and blood everywhere. Kaden, Reece, and Jaxon towered over him. They each had a joint in their hands. Kaden's brother was silently crying in the distance. He was covering his face and delicately holding his neck. I bit my lip and took a picture. I didn't like doing this, but I always do this. If I were to speak about someone's secret I must always have evidence. No one would believe me if I didn't.

Kaden's brother looked up and saw me. I smiled lightly at him. Kaden started to speak, and I immediately bolted out of there. I ran as fast as I could back to my apartment. I didn't stop running until I was in front of the apartment. I was breathing heavily. I tried to slow it down as I waited for the elevator to come down.

I pressed the number to my floor and walked to my room. I unlocked it and was greeted with Mike. I bent down and petted him on his head. I went to my room and took off all my clothes. I changed into a grey camisole and black shorts. I walked to my kitchen and grabbed some snacks.


I played with Mike to try and forget about what just happened, but it seems that wasn't what was gonna happen. Someone knocks on my door repeatedly. I open it and there stood two out of three of the boys I was running away from.

"Harley, we need your help. Please." Reece begs me. I let them in. Reece and Jaxon rush to my couch and laid Kaden's brother, Ethan, on my couch. He was breathing heavily and sobbing uncontrollably.

"He's having a panic attack. Kaden is on his way with his medicine" Jaxon says as he stands beside me. I walked closer to him and sat down by his head. I lifted him to sit up and brought him closer. I gently wrapped my arms around him. I rocked him and ran my figers through his hair.

"Hey...Hey... it's okay. Everything is over. It's all okay. Everything is okay now. " I try to comfort him. It didn't seem to be working until I try to unwrap my arms from him. He clung tight to me. He tries hard to control his breathing. I hugged him and continued comforting him until he calmed down.

"Okay? Are you okay now?" I whisper to him. He nods slowly.

"Are you in pain?" I ask. Another nod.

"Let me help you. I'll go get my first aid kit, okay?" He gives me another nod

"Do you like dogs?"


"I have a dog who can keep you company. You wanna meet him?"


I call Mike and he trots over to us. Mike licks Ethan's hand. Ethan begins to slowly pet him. I got up and rushed to my bathroom and got my first aid kit. I rushed back to the living room and knelt down next to him.


"Can I see where it hurts?" I ask

He nods and lifts his shirt. I bit my lip to stop a gasp. His body had many bruises. Blue and purple everywhere. As I am gently putting some cream on his bruises, the door busts open. He flinches and squeezes his eyes shut. I looked over to see Kaden panting and breathing heavily. He held Ethan's medicine in his left hand.

I turn back to Ethan and tell him to open his eyes. He sees Kaden and the boys behind me. Fear flashes in his eyes. Kaden sees this and takes in a breath. The medicine drops from his hand. I block Ethan's view of them and smile lightly. I continue to tend to his bruises, and, after an hour of treatment, he fell asleep.

I cleaned everything up and brought back some water for the guys. Jaxon and Reece take one, but Kaden still sits there with his head in his hands.

"You guys shouldn't have done that..." I spoke up

"We caught him beating Ethan up" Reece says.

"So you beat Justin up in front of him? You've scarred him! The boy is scared of you. You're high and you practically killed the guy in front of him. No wonder he's scared!" I exclaim

"How'd you know we beat him up?" Jaxon asks as he looks sceptically at me.

"...I saw you. I bolted out of there before you guys could see me. I didn't want to be part of this." I admitted

"Plus you're knuckles are bruised" I add

Kaden doesn't say anything.

"Kaden...it'll be okay." I say

"How'd you do it?" He looks up at me

"Do what?"

"How'd you calm him down?" He looks at me straight in the eyes

"I just did what I thought could help." I shrug

"He doesn't trust anyone that isn't family..."Kaden says

"Maybe he was desperate for comfort." I say. Kaden nods and goes back to his previous position

"...Thanks Harley. Thank you for everything you've done for us." Jaxon looks at me straight in the eyes

"Even after everything that w- I have done, you still help us. Thank you." He says truthfully

"It's no problem." I shrug

"Even if you know and saw our really bad sides, you still help us. Why?" Reece asks

I couldn't think of an answer, so I spoke my thoughts.

"I don't know..."


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