《The Boss Is An Alpha (COMPLETED) ✔》Chapter Eight


It feels like someone's been watching me or I'm just getting a little bit paranoid?

I immediately fasten my pace for this feeling is getting overbearing and unsettling. I feel sweat trickling down my neck and slightly drenching the neckline of my t-shirt.

"I'm almost there.." I mumble as my mind is screaming in relief.

I open the door and close the door shut behind me. I drop my bag on the floor beside me and wipe the sweat from my neck with my sweaty palms. Okay, that just escalated.

I quickly went to a window overlooking the front yard and look around for any suspicions.


Absolutely nothing.

"Well, better prepare dinner before dad arrives." I whistle whilst going to the kitchen.


I can sense a wolf's presence not far away. I immediately let my feet run in high speed that I don't normally do at times like this. This is insane. Why is a wolf stalking or spying on me?

Now I remember the Lawrence guy that obviously likes my best friend. I can see the powerful aura emitting around him. He must be an alpha and he sent one of his hounds to check on me because I am a natural enemy. Well, the treaty has been long signed and sealed so there is no point on fighting with them or else the elders will guarantee punishment or even worse—death when a vampire and a wolf fight.

I still haven't gotten used to using the speed-walking so I tripped myself over by some pebble that was barricading my way. Before I tripped actually, someone caught me by the hip and I immediately try to get away from his arms.


I'm doomed.

"Sorry pal. A wolf and vampire? Never to be."

His blue eyes stare back at me and I just want to run my fingers through his blonde hair. Uh, this is PATHETIC!




It's already the first subject and I haven't seen Ema anywhere. Usually she is always punctual and never late at school but today.. Something seems odd.

Suddenly my mind completely went unto thinking about Lawrence.

I kind of miss him- scratch that, I really do miss him. I hope he is well at work. Damn, I'm not that worried about father anymore.

I'm more worried at that boss of his.

"Sorry I'm late!" I notice Ema bombarding her way inside the classroom, "traffic."

The teacher just looks at her and continues lecturing as if she just saw a strange shadow and decided to dismiss it. Uh, people these days.

I slowly raise my hand to catch her attention. She quietly and lowly approaches me and sits beside me. She instantly grabs a textbook from her bag and slowly reads it.

"You're acting strange. Did something happen?" I raise an eyebrow and flick the textbook she is reading, "hey Ema."

"N-nothing." She smirks nervously at me and I just roll my eyes, "it's just.. I met a guy.."

"Now that I think about it, you are in the stage of finding that term 'mate' right? Is it a vampire too?" I make it sound more like a whisper at the end

"No." She replies and that caught me off guard, "he's.. Uh, a wolf."

"Wolves really exist? Oh please." I shook my head lightly, "I'm starting to think that your super high-speed powers were just mere illusions."

"Trust me. The supernatural exists."

"What's going on over there?" The teacher focuses her attention to us and we just lower our heads


"What did you discover?" I ask Leo who is acting up all of a sudden, "Leo, did something happen?"


"I discovered my mate." He looks at me as if he isn't that happy at all- more like surprised

"Really? That's great news!" I stand up from my swivel chair and approach him, "who is it?"

"Alpha.. It's the vampire that is friends with your mate." Leo speaks up and I stiffen, "she is my mate, Alpha."

"You're not kidding, right?"

"I'm not." Leo sighs and scratches the back of his neck, "I don't hate her."

"It's okay.." I go back to my seat, "at least I know that she isn't going to harm my Claire."

"Speaking of Claire, how about you visit her?" Leo suggests and I stop scanning and writing, "you must have missed her somehow."

"I do miss her." I close my eyes, "I really do."

"Then let's go together and visit."

"You're just doing that because you miss yours."

"I can't help it. I know how intimate a mate bond is now." Leo grins and I grin alongside with him


It feels like I sense Lawrence coming to school.

"Oh my gosh! Girls! Look outside! There are major hotties!"


"I sense Lawrence." Ema reacts and goes to the window so I follow her

"Girls! Students! Settle down!" The teacher keeps on yelling and catching our attention

I see Lawrence leaning on his car likewise Leo looking at our direction. He is like looking at—

"Ema?" I see Ema stiffening at how she looks at Leo

Wait a second.

Leo can't be a wolf, right? If he is then does Lawrence know?

Or is Lawrence also a wolf?

That's why he is like keep on seeing me or acting like he owns me when we first met?

Why I was stunned just by looking at him for the first time?

Why my heart always pound fast every time he is near?

Why my mind always yearn for him every day?

HAHAHA! That would be crazy, right? I'm human so technically only supernatural beings tend to have mates.

"I'm gonna slap him silly after school." He or they just garnered attention from girl students. Our teachers are going to kill me if they find out that they just want to see me or us both Ema and I.

"Uhh.." Ema covers her face, "of all beings—why him?!"

Now I'm thinking the same thing- why does it have to be Lawrence?


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