《My Rude boy[J.Jk Ff][Completed] ✔》part 27



After jungkook went we six went after him with our special van.it was a black van and no one can see through the windows from outside.Inside were full of technical equipments including a large screen.it was belonged to namjoon cuz he is the hacker of the team. And there were various types of guns, knives,daggers.

We all were in black.jin hyung was driving as fast as possible while namjoon was trying to hack the security system of the mansion.and others were loading our guns.

I looked at namjoon who was trying hard to hack the system.

"Can you do it? "I asked softly not wanting to break his concentration.

"I'm trying tae. "He said without glancing at me.

"Tae!"I heard yoongi hyung called me.I turned my head to him.he was putting his cap to his head.

"I'll go to the roof of the mansion instead of you. I know you're afraid of heights.we don't want to ruin our plan because of any mistake right? "

I frown at him.

"I'm not afraid!but thank you.I'll go to your position "I said with my boxy smile.

At mansion


I was in my room sitting on my bed.


After calling jungkook I turn off my phone.I took a look at the girl who was crying silently. She looked at me with her teary eyes.

"H-He is your brother. W-Why a-are y-you doing this to him?"she asked while sobbing.

Everything I have done so far is to protect him.How am I supposed to tell you girl?this is the first time I have ever failed to protect him.No one knows about this.not even jungkook.

I didn't say anything to her.I need to do something to protect my brother. So I went outside of the room.when I was about to go I saw lucus was heading to that room.'oh god.why him now!I know that pervert will do something to her.I can't let him touch her.she is jungkook's happiness.'


So I headed to the room again.as I expected he was touching her thighs.

"Please stop!!don't touch me!"she was crying.

"Lucus!"I shouted at him.he immediately looked at me.

"Hey what's up bro!"he stood up.

"Get out"I said calmly.

"What?"he was confused.

"I said get out" again I said in a calm voice.

"Oh got it.you want to have fun with your brother's girlfriend?you're such good brother. Okay!good luck! "

He patted my shoulder and left.I sighed in annoyance. Hana looked at me with terrified eyes.

"Don't worry.I won't do anything to you."

"Thank y-you"she whispered.

"Are you hungry? "I asked.

She shook her head.


I was about to go but she stopped me.

"W-Wait.h-he is suffering because of this.please!stop t-this.he doesn't want to be a mafia.why a-are you forcing him?let him live peacefully "She sobbed while stuttering.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.

"I'm suffering too"I whispered. But she heard me.She looked at me with a confused face.I don't know why but I felt like I could trust her.I was bottling up my feelings for a long time.I had no one to tell.but now I feel like I couldn't do it anymore. I need to tell this to some one.

I walked towards her.

"Do you think jungkook is the only one suffering here.No!you're wrong.do you know what have I been doing here until this moment? I was protecting him"I said in a calm voice.but I felt my eyes getting blurry.

She was shocked to hear the truth.her mouth was opened.

"Do you know how badly I wanted to run away with my mom and jungkook?but I couldn't.if I decided to go with them we would have definitely got caught by my father without passing a second. So I decided to stay here and do everything to protect them.I lied to mom and jungkook and stayed here just to protect them.mom and jungkook escaped easily because of me.I hacked every security system.they didn't know about it.but my dad saw them while he was in a mission.I didn't expect him to see them.h-he killed my mom"


Now I was a crying mess.I saw her face also was covered with tears.

"I should have been more careful.but I failed to protect my mom.luckily bangton found jungkook.my dad had to leave as soon as he shot her because he was in the middle of a mission. I knew all about this in the next day.I -I couldn't even go to her funeral.I didn't want my dad to find where did they go.So I had to bottle up my every feelings."

"S-So all these years,were you protecting him?"she asked me with a shacky voice.

I nodded.

"But lucus found about him.I couldn't stop him.then he found about you.he tried to kidnap you.So I decided to warn jungkook.that's why I went to him with my men.I knew we won't be able to touch him because of bangtan.I was sure that I was going to get beaten up by him"I chuckled a bit.

"He is a better fighter than me.but I did what wanted to do.I warned him about you."

"B-But why aren't you telling him the truth? "She asked me.

"Because if I told him,he won't let me risk my life here alone.then I won't be able to protect him"I said while looking down.

"So w-why are you telling me this now?"

"Because I can't bottle up my feelings anymore. I was suffering too.I always needed some one to tell this.but I had no one.I was stressed.but I felt I could trust you."

End of the flashback

Don't worry my brother.I will get you out of here.I have vowed myself to protect you.and I will do it no matter what.

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