《My Rude boy[J.Jk Ff][Completed] ✔》part 26



I didn't have any time to made a plan.so I quickly got in to the car.before I start the engine namjoon hyung leaned towards me through the window.

"Be careful. We will be there on time. Please don't do any stupid stuffs okay?"he said in a calm voice.

I only nodded at him.I don't know hyung.I might do anything to protect her.

I started to drive.

I was able to go there on time.my old house where I used to live with my family.i got out from my car and went to the main gate of the mansion. Some bodyguards came to me.

"Who are you?"one of the man asked me while pointing his gun towards me.

"Tell your boss that jeon jungkook has arrived."I said with a confident tone.

He spoke through his earpiece to someone.then turned to me.

"Check him"he ordered to his other men.they started to check me.

Then I saw a familiar figure was approaching us.minhyuk

Guards stopped checking me and removed from me.

"Hey brother!you came!"he said and smirked at me."so how are you my baby brother? It's been a long time you left your house.how do you feel after coming back?"he asked me and tried to place his hand on my shoulder but I jerked it away.

"Where is she?"that's the only thing that I was caring right that time.I was gritting my teeth.

"Oh my brother.I'm so disappointed at you.you came to your family after a long time but you only care about your little cutie."he said in a sad tone but it was sarcastic.

"I'm not here to listen to your bullshit!!just give me her back!!"I shouted at him.anger was boiling through my veins.

"Okay calm down.she is fine.But before you meet her,you have to meet dad.he is waiting for you"he said raising his hands.


I had no other choice.I will do anything to get back her.I sighed loudly.


I followed minhyuk silently. He brought me to my old bed room.now we were at the door.it was closed.I was nervous as hell.

"He is inside."he said before going away.

I knocked twice at the door.

"Come in"I heard him say.

So I entered the room.my mind kept remembering all the memories about this room.how I was playing with my brother.how I was sleeping with my mom.how I cried with my brother after practices due to the physical pain.shattering all those moments I heard the voice that I last wanted to hear.

"You're back my son"he said as he was sitting on my bed."finally you came to your dad."

"I'm only here to get her back.give her back to me."I said in a calm voice.

"Oh my soon to be daughter in law.let's talk about her later.But aren't you gonna give your dad a hug?"he said while standing up and spread his arms.

"I will never call the man who killed my mother as my father.you don't deserve that tittle.and I'm not glade to see you. so no.I'm not gonna hug you!!"I said in stern voice.

He looked disappointed.

"Where the hell is hana?!!just give me her back!!"I yelled at him.I clenced my hands in to fists.

He rubbed his forehead.

"Okay I'll give her to you.But I want some thing from you"he said with a serious face.

I didn't say anything. I knew what he was about to tell me.

"Be the heir of the marfia team of mine"

"NO!!I am not a marfia!!I don't want to be one."I shouted at him.

"You're a marfia. Don't you remember how you killed people skilfully . You're the best that I have ever seen my son.you're very talented just like me when I was young.I can't lose such a talented son of mine."



He sighed heavily.

"Guards bring her here!"he shouted towards the door.

That's when I started to calm my self.

After few minutes that felt like forever a man came with hana.my eyes soften after seeing her.

Her hands were tied with a rope in her back.her eyes were swollen due to her crying.my heart was aching.after seeing me she started to sniffle. She was about to burst in to tears.I felt like my heart is breaking in to pieces.

The guard who brought her,throw her towards me.I quickly grab her and embrace her tightly.

"J-Jungkook..I'm scared"she stuttered and buried her face in my chest.

"Shhh.it's ok.now I'm here.everything is gonna be fine."I tried to calm her down.But she was crying on my chest.

Then my father came to near us. He was going to stroke her hair but I turn a side avoiding his hand touching her.

"Don't touch her!!"I hissed.

"Why?she is my daughter in law.I was going to calm her."he said while smirking at me.

I didn't say anything. I was only focusing on hana who was on my embrace.I kissed her head.

"Looks like you need time to be with your little girlfriend. Okay.I'll give you an hour.But you have to reconsider about that thing within that time.and her life will depend on your decision. "

No no this can't be.what should I do??

Then he left the room and locked the door.hana was still in my embrace.her hands were still tied with the rope. I cupped her cheeks.fear was written on her eyes.I was also scared.not for my life but for her.

"Are you okay?did they hurt you?"I whispered to her.

She shook her head.

Then I removed the rope on her hands.as soon as she got released she circled her hands on my neck.I grabbed her waist and hugged her.But I felt she was not calmed yet.she was trembling. So I kissed her her without breaking the hug.I kissed her passionately. After few minutes I felt her breath was becoming steady so we break the kiss.

"J-Jungkook I'm sorry.this is all because of me.y-you had to come here because of me."she said looking down.

I raised her chin with my index finger and made her look in to my eyes.

"Hey,it's ok.and it's not your fault.don't blame yourself okay?"

Her eyes became watery.

"What do we do jungkook?"

I hugged her and whispered to her ears.

"Hyungs will come.let's wait.dad must be watching us through the cctv.let's act normal."

She nodded at me innocently. I grabbed her from her waist and legs and carried her in bridal style to the bed.I placed her gently on the bed.I laid on the other side of her.I place my hand on her waist and she placed her head on my chest.

There must be high security on every places including the secret paths.I know my dad very well.he must have prepared for my returning.I know we have no where to escape.if I was alone I would have run away by now.But I can't do it with hana.her life will be in danger.the only thing I can do right now is waiting for my hyungs.

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