《My Rude boy[J.Jk Ff][Completed] ✔》part 25



A week has passed since I got to my house.since that day I never saw jungkook.he was absent in the school.

And anther thing to say,now I have a car with a driver.I asked my parents for a driver.


I was sitting on the couch with my parents.

"Honey!we're really sorry we came late.we had important meetings. You must have being lonely."my dad hugged me.

"It's ok dad."I answered and hugged him back.

"Mom, dad,I want to ask a favour"I suddenly told them.

"What is it sweetie "my mom asked curiously.

"C-Can you hire a driver for me.To go to school and come"I asked nervously.

They both seemed shocked and confused.

"Why?it's not a big distance from here to school."my dad asked.

"I-I don't feel safe going alone to school or anywhere. These roads are creepy"I made an excuse.

"Did something happened?"Mom asked with worried tone.

"Ah n-no.but I just don't feel going alone is good."I lied to them cuz I don't want them to worry about me.

"Okay then"


Jimin and hoseok were accompanying me when I wanted to go to a restaurant or somewhere. They were protecting me instead of jungkook.what happened to him.

When I was in the class room I saw yerin was coming to the class.she sat beside me.

"Hey!good morning sunshine!"she greeted me.

I greeted her back.but my voice was not cheerful.

"Hey!what's wrong?is everything okay?"she asked with concern.

I sighed.

"Nothing "

"Yah!don't lie.is it about jungkook?"

I didn't say anything. Yerin sighed heavily.

"Hana,listen.I know you like him.but I think it's time to forget him."

I looked at her with disbelief of her words.

"Yesterday I met taehyung.he told me everything. Jungkook doesn't want to meet you again."

"What!!but why?what did I do?"

Those words hit me like a thunder bolt.why is he doing this to me.we kissed.was it nothing to him?how can he-he made me feels like I likes me too.but what now?!

"I don't know hana.but tae told me they will protect you no matter what"

"Why is he doing this to me?was he playing with me that night?why?!!!"

I placed my elbows on the desk and hold my head with hands.

"Wait!!what!!that night??what do you mean?"her eyes were about to popped out from her sockets. "Did he-"

"No no!!that's not what I mean.."I quickly said before she could say anything wrong.

"Then what?"she asked while observing my small movements carefully.

I told her about the night we kissed again.

Her eyes got even wider than before.

"What the fuck!!how can he??!!"


I was driving my car to school when I got a call from jungkook.luckily I was parking my car at the car parking of the school.after parking it carefully I answered him.


Tae-hello jungkook!

Jk-hey hyung!are you going to school?

Tae-I just parked my car at the parking right now.are you calling me to asked about her?

I asked him directly cuz he was calling me over and over again just to check on her in the past week.

Jk-yeah.how is she?

Tae -she is fine.don't worry.but she seems to be upset.why are you doing it to her.you like her and she likes you.then what is your problem jungkook-ah?

Jk-*sighed*you already know hyung.

Tae-but being away from her is not the solution.you need to be with her.what if they come again?huh?you being away from her will only bring her more danger.it will be easy for them.

Jk-but she needs to be free.I can't let her life to be destroyed by them.they will immediately understand that there is nothing between us when we're a part from each other. They will understand that she is not my girlfriend. And they won't touch her.till then please protect her hyung.please.don't let anything to happen her.

I sighed.

Tae-arasso.we will take care of her.by the way when will you return to school.it's been a week kook.

Jk-I will come quickly. Don't worry.just take care of her.don't tell her about this conversation. Okay?

Tae -okay.

Then he hung up. When will this end?I think we can't stop this without holding guns.if they are not going to stop this,we will stop them.

I looked at the gun in the secret locker in the car.yes.I'm also a marfia.not only me but also the other five members without jungkook.but we're bodyguards who were trained to protect jungkook.it was his mother's idea.she trained us secretly.we haven't seen jungkook when we were training. We first met him when his mother was shot by his father.we had promised to his mother to take care of him as our own brother.his mother was a great woman.she was very kind to us.she even helped our family when we were poor.thanks to her now my family owns a big company in the Seoul. Same goes for others.she has helped them a lot.and she even gifted us a little donseng.our maknae jungkook.we will protect him with our life.

I quickly got out from the car and headed towards the school.then I met my hyungs in the rooftop.

"Did you get any informations?do you have any idea about what are they up to now.they are oddly silence in these days."I asked from namjoon hyung who is the hacker of the team.

"No special things.but I'm sure they are up to something. I'll try to find it quickly "he answered.

"We need to end this quickly. Jungkook won't be able to live safely with this condition"I said while running my hand through my hair.


"Not also him but also hana."jimin aka sniper man in the team like me said.

"Then let's do something.something really bad"hoseok said with an evil grin on his face.

"Kids calm down.we still have to wait.any wrong move,it will be the end of jungkook or hana."jin hyung said with a deep serious voice.

Time skip.


It was 3.00pm.I was lying on hana's bed.I still can feel her sweet smell of her.it was so lonely without her.then I got a phone call from an unknown number.I answered it without getting up cuz I was so lazy to get up.


??-hello brother!long time no see.

I quickly got up after hearing his voice.

Jk-minhyuk! What do you want?

Mh-nothing special.Ah how is your little girlfriend? Is she doing okay?

I could hear that he was smirking.

Jk-we broke up.stop talking about her.

I know he won't believe me.but I have to do everything to keep her away from those bastards.

Mh-oh really?oh my poor brother.it must be hard for you.

I can clearly feel the sarcasm in his voice.

Mh-do you want me to teach her a good lesson for breaking my baby brother's heart?

Jk-just don't touch her!she has nothing to do with me now.just leave her alone.

I hissed with anger.

Mh-do you think I would believe you like an idiot?oh my brother. I'm not dumb as you.

Jk-it's the truth.I broke up with her.just leave her alone.

Mh-let's see how long will your act remain.see you later at our house.

Jk-huh!why would I see you there?

Mh-you will see.you will definitely come.Mark my words.you will come here within 5hours by yourself .dad is waiting for you my brother.

Then he hung up.what does he mean?why would I go there?what is he planning?

Then my eyes widened.hana!

I quickly got a call for jimin while running towards my car.

J-hey kook!

Jk-hyung!!where's hana?!!

I screamed through the phone.

J-she just went home with her driver.

Jk-no no hyung!!follow her!!she is in danger!!go!!

Jimin didn't try to say anything. He quickly hung up the call.

I drove towards the school.I tried to call her but her phone was switched off.when I was driving through the street I saw my hyungs were running like wild.I stopped the car and got out and ran towards them.

"Hyung!!"I shouted at them.they ran towards me.

They were panting heavily.

"We couldn't find her.but she must be going through this road."yoongi hyung said while breathing heavily.

I ran my fingers through my hair.I was scared to death now.what if they kidnapped her.no no no.

"Maybe she went home quickly? "Hoseok asked.

"No she didn't.I called her home.her mom told me she hasn't come yet."jin hyung said looking at his phone.

"Hyung!minhyuk called me.I think they have kidnapped her.this is all my fault "i grabbed my hair like a crazy man.

"Yah yah jungkook stop it"jimin hyung tried to stop me.

"But why didn't I find about it?I have my spy in there.he didn't give any information about this."yoongi hyung said while rubbing his chin with his fingers.

I'm not in a situation to listen to them.the only thing I want is to see hana.

"STOP TALKING!!PLEASE DO SOMETHING!!I WANT MY HANA BACK!!PLEASE HYUNG!!"I shouted on top of my lungs.without knowing tears started fell from my eyes.

Taehyung hyung came and hugged me.

"Calm down kook.we will find her.nothing will happen to her."

Then I remembered what minhyuk said.I quickly grabbed my phone and called his number.

"Who are you calling to?"namjoon asked with confused tone.

I didn't say anything. After few ringings he answered.

Jk-where's she?

That's the only thing that came first from my mouth.

Mh-oh brother.I knew you would call me.why do you care about her?you told me you broke up with her.


I clenched my jaws and balled my hand in to a fist.

Mh-oh my poor brother misses her soo much?I think she misses you too.


Mh-don't worry I won't touch her.but I'm not sure about lucus. And by the way don't you wanna talk to her?wait a second.

I got nervous. I'm scared to hear her.she must be scared to death.oh my God this is my fault.if I was with her this won't happen.

Then I heard her little voice.her voice was full of pain.


She whispered.

Jk-hana!!are you okay?did they hurt you?

She was crying silently. I could hear her.

H-I'm scared.

Jk-no no sweetheart! Nothing will happen.I will come to you.I promise you.don't be scared okay?

I couldn't bear to hear her voice.it's hurting me hearing her like that.

Then I heard minhyuk.

Mh-so what will you do now? Hm?I can't stop lucus for so long time.you should be hurry.you know where to come.

Jk-please minhyuk.don't do anything to her.please!she is scared.she is innocent. I will come there.

Mh-hurry up.you have 4 hours left.

Then he hung up.

Don't worry hana.I will come to you.I promise.I won't let anything to happen you.because

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