《My Rude boy[J.Jk Ff][Completed] ✔》part 28



Hana was sleeping peacefully in my arms.the hour has passed and I haven't decided to what to do.I have promised my mom not to be a mafia.but I need to protect hana.

Suddenly the door was opened by my father.I quickly got off from the bed without waking up hana.

"Did you have a good time with your girlfriend? "He asked while looking at her.

I glared at him.

"So what is your answer? "

I was silent.I looked at hana.then again looked at him.

"I-I.."I was cut off by hana who got up from the bed.She walked towards me.

"He won't be a mafia."She said with a blank face.I was shocked.my eyes got widened.

"H-Hana! "I whispered.

"Little girl!do you know what you're talking about?if he doesn't want to be a mafia,then you will have to pay for it. "He said in a calm voice.

"No!!don't do anything to her.I wi-"I was cut off again by hana.

"Do a-anything t-to me.he won't be a mafia"

"Hana!!!"I shouted at her.

She looked at me with teary eyes.

"I'm not going to lie to you by saying I'm not scared.because I'm scared to death now.but I don't want you to kill people.I don't want you to lost your humanity. I want you to be free.I want to see you sleeping peacefully. I want to see you walking freely on the road without being chased by police or some other people.So if I had to sacrifice myself for that,I will do it.because "

I was speechless. She loves me.and she is ready to sacrifice herself for me.

"Nice drama!I almost cried.but sorry to interrupt. "Dad said with a sarcastic voice.


"So what is your answer jungkook? "

"I told you.he will not become a monster like you."She said to him and looked at me."Jungkook, you have promised to your mom.don't do this.I beg you.please."She was pleading.

I was frozened.what should I do?

"Okay then,guards take them"

Suddenly few guards came and caught us.I was struggling to get released.then I saw they were taking hana.

"No!!!!hana!!!"I shouted and struggled to go near them.but suddenly someone placed a cloth on my nose and I drifted off to the darkness.


Everything I told to him was true.I love him.I will do anything for him.I don't know what minhyuk will do.but I can't wait for him to do something. That's why I'm sacrificing myself.

I saw he was struggling to run to me.please god!save him.


I opened my eyes and met with a bright light. I was in a white room and was tied to a chair.there was a metallic table across me.then I looked at my right side and the scene shocked me to death.my eyes got widened in fear.Hana's hands were tied in a metal chain which was connected to the ceiling. She was hanging.her toes were barely touched the ground.her head was hung lowered.She didn't noticed that I was awaken.

"H-Hana"I whispered.it was barely audible but she heard me.She immediately looked at me.


She smiled warmly. How can she smile in a situation like this?but I was calmed because of her smile.

"Are you okay?"she asked me with a worried face.

"No.I'm not.how can I be okay when you're hanging there"I asked her in a whisper tone.


"I'm okay jungkook."

She smiled at me.

"Jungkook,please can you promise me not to join them because of whatever they are going to do to me."She asked me.I could see her eyes getting teary.

I shook my head.

"No"I whispered.

"Please!you promised your mom.don't do it.if you join them just to save me,I will kill myself "She said in determination.

I widened my eyes.


Before she could tell something lucus and my father came inside.

"Oh you're awake my son"

I glared at him.but my attention went to metallic baseball bat which was holding by lucus.

"I'm giving you another chance jungkook.decide"father said with a calm voice.lucus was rotating the baseball bat.

"Why do you want me to be your heir?what about minhyuk? Why don't you give it to him!!?"I shouted.

"Because he is not my blood!!he is my sister's son!!I had to raise him because his parents were dead because of an accident! "

My eyes got widened.

"What!"I whispered. Minhyuk is not my brother? Then I remembered all the happy moments with him in the past.

"Ok.now you know the truth.so what's your answer? "

I kept my mouth shut. I have promised my mom.and if I join them,I don't know what hana will do to herself.

My father nodded to lucus.he went near to hana.my heart started to beat in a super speed.

"No,please don't "I begged him.he just smirked at me and started to beat hana.She screamed with pain.

"No!!!please stop this!!!she has done nothing to you!!please!!stop"I shouted from my top of the lungs.I was crying badly. Lucus started to beat her mercilessly. She streamed. My heart was aching at the scene.

"No please!!!she is innocent!!!dad please!!"

But they didn't stop.I closed my eyes.it was so painful to watch.her screaming was ringing in my ear.I felt like my heart was bleeding because of the pain.

After few minutes I opened my eyes.her legs were bleeding.lucus stopped for a minute and looked at me.hana 's head was hanging lower.

"So did you change your answer?"my dad asked.

I looked at hana.She looked at me weakly and shook her head.

"No"she mouthed me.my eyes got blurry due to tears.I shook my head.but she shook her head again.

"Start"my father command.

This time lucus unbuckled his belt and started to hit her with it.

My heart was shattering in to pieces.I struggled to release myself from the ropes.

"Please!!let her go!!I-I wi-"I was cut off by someone who opened the door.

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