《My Rude boy[J.Jk Ff][Completed] ✔》part 22



I woke up earlier than hana.she was securely in my embrace. She looks so peacefull.I removed her bangs from her face and stared at her beautiful face.

She is indeed beautiful.do I like her?yah idiot!that's why you're keeping her in your embrace.does she like me?nah!how can she love someone like me.it's better to be away from her.I can't throw you in to more danger.

I got up and had my bath.


I woke up and looked at the unfamiliar room.Oh I almost forgot I slept in jungkook's room.

Then I lazily went to downstairs and saw jungkook was cooking in the kitchen.

"Hey jungkook,good morning! "I greeted him happily.

He slightly turned to my side and looked away.

"Morning"he said coldly.

What the..!why is he acting like this again?

"What's wrong with you?"I asked curiously as walking to him.

"What do you mean?"he asked without even looking at me.he had that cold aura again.

"Why are you being so cold towards me again?did i do something wrong? "

He stopped whatever he was doing and looked at me.

"This is how I act towards you every time. Why are you questioning me?though I treated you nicely yesterday doesn't mean i will do it every time.and about the last night, i wasn't in my right mind.but thank you for comforting me.now go and take a wash.I'll prepare your breakfast "

I was really hurt.how can he-...can't he just be nice?

I just scoffed. "So rude"I muttered under my breath but made sure he could hear me.I stomped towards my bed room.


she ran towards her room.I knew she was hurt by my words.


I'm sorry. This is the only way I can do to keep you away from my heart.

After few days hana decided to go to school.so I used my car to go to school with her.usually I don't use my car to go to school. But it will be comfortable for hana rather than walking.


Whole ride was silent. I didn't even talk to him in the past days.

How can I even have feelings for this jerk.yes I have feelings for him.but I don't want to admit it now. He is so rude.when will my parents come?I wanna go home.this jerk is hurting my feelings.

After that awkward ride we went inside of the school.as usual I got my freedom in the school.I directly went to my class and found yerin sitting in her chair.as soon as she saw me she jumped from her chair and hugged me tightly.

"hana!!!!I missed you dear!!"

"Me too"I hugged her back.Then we sat in our place.

"So did he treat you well?"she asked me.

I just sighed loudly.

"Why?didn't he treat you well?aish I will kill him.I told him to take care of you"

Yerin said while gritting her teeth.

"No..he took care of me."

"Then what's wrong with you?"she asked worrying about me.

"Just..nothing "

"Yah! I know about you.just tell me or I'll asked from jungkook"

"No don't ask from him. I'll tell you"

"I don't know whether he is bipolar or something. He sometimes treats me nicely. But again he turned in to his usual behaviour being the ice Prince "

Yerin was nodding at me and it made me to continue.

"He even kissed me again"


"Oh that's good.wait what!!"she almost fell from her chair.

"Yah don't shout!"I yelled in a whisper tone.

I told her everything but I didn't tell her about jungkook's secret.

"Oh man!!don't you understand?"she asked me with widened eyes.

"What?"I asked as tilting my head to side.

"He likes you! "

"What!are you crazy! He doesn't. That's why he is acting cold towards me. "I said in a disappointed tone.

Yerin just sighed.

"You like him right? "

I slowly nodded while pouting.

Finally it was lunch time.we went to the caferia and started to eat lunch.Then jungkook and his friends came to joined us.

"Hey hana!are feeling okay now?"jimin asked me with concern.

"Yeah.I'm feeling okay now."I smiled at him.


"Yeah I'm feeling okay now"hana answered jimin.

Hoseok was beside hana.

"We worried about you hana.just eat well and get better soon."hoseok said while patting her head and placed some of his food to her plate.

Hana just nodded like a child and smiled at him.

I quickly looked at jungkook.

As I expected he was glaring at hoseok.yeah he is jealous.

I smirked at him.I just wanted to confirm it so I had plan for it.

I secretly texted hoseok under the table.

Me-:hey!do me a favour. Put your hand around hana's shoulder.

Just then hoseok looked at the text.his eyes got widen and looked at me.


Me-:just do it.I'll explain you later.

Then hoseok looked at me and I nodded at him.he then hesitantly put his hand around hana's shoulder. Hana was a bit startled.

"H-Hey hana!d-do you w-want me to teach you h-how to dance?"hoseok stuttered.

I mentally face palmed at his question. What kind of question is that?

Now all were staring at hana and hoseok.I immediately looked at jungkook.yes.he was giving a death glare at hoseok.

Hana was slightly blushing.this made jungkook's jaw clench.his hands were in a fist.

"D-Dance?s-sure"hana also stuttered by hoseok's question.

Hoseok was about to get his hand but I shook my head making him stop it.

"Hoseok do you like dancing?" Hana asked.

"Yeah.I love it.so when are you free.you can practice with me if you want?"

Others were staring weirdly at hoseok while jungkook was glaring.

When hana opened her mouth to say something jungkook placed his chopsticks soundly at the table.

"Hyung!she is not well yet."he yelled at him.

"Oh y-yeah.I'm sorry hana"hoseok apologized

"No it's ok.I'm fine now.jungkook don't overreact.I'll come to join you"hana said as glaring at jungkook.

"I can't let you go!i-i mean I'll have to follow you whenever you're going to dance with him.I-I just don't want to waste my time."he said coldly.

Everyone smirked at him.I think they also understood his jealousy. Yes.now I'm confirmed. But this idiotic hana doesn't even understand that little thing.

Hoseok also smirked.

"Yeah.he is right hana.it will be dangerous for going outside.just stay with him."

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