《My Rude boy[J.Jk Ff][Completed] ✔》part 23



After school I exit the main gate and walked in the street.Then I saw a car was driving slowly beside me.some one waved at me from inside.oh this boy!!uhh!kim taehyung!

He stopped the car and screamed at me.

"Hope on!I'll give you a ride!"

"I have my legs!I can go by myself "I said with a stern voice.

"Oh come on jagi!!"

My eyes widened when he called me jagi.people started to stare at me.this idiot made people to think that I'm his girlfriend. Uhhh! I wanna kill him.

I hesitantly got in to his car and glared at him.

"What the hell kim taehyung! Why did you call me jagi!!"I yelled at him.

He just chuckled and started to drive.

"That's my way to get you in to my car"

"You're so annoying! "

"I know.but only for you!"he said as winked at me.

"I hate you!"I said and scoffed.

"I love you too darling! "

Then made a kissing face at me.


I made a disgusted face.

"So!you must be happy to see hana right? "He asked while changing the topic.

"Yeah.I am."I said while smiling.

"Hey by the way!I want to ask something "I asked out of blue.

"Go ahead "

"Does jungkook like hana?"

He just stared at me blankly for good five seconds and again his gaze turned to the road.

"Yep!isn't it obvious? And specifically at today lunch."he said and chuckled a bit.

"Yes I know.and I'm the one who told hoseok to do those things to make sure it."

"Really?"his eyes widened and then he shook his head while smiling. "You're really something"

"I know right."I smiled at him."but why jungkook act like a piece of shit to hana.he even kissed her two times and still he-"


I wasn't able to finish my sentence.Suddenly he stepped on the break and stopped the car.


Then I realized what I told him which was supposed to be a secret.suddenly I pressed my palm on my mouth.

Then I sighed.

"Okay!don't overreact.just drive now"

He then started to drive.

"Yes he kissed her.but he is still acting cold towards her.she is really upset because of that."

"This idiot didn't even tell about it to his best friend. I should reconsider about being his best friend again. "He said with a disappointed look in his face.

"Yah!!those things are private things.how is he suppose to tell you about such a thing?"I yelled at him.

"But hana told you?"

"Yeah.but that's not important right now."I whispered.

"Okay.so.....what about hana?does she like him?"


"I'll try to talk with him"he said with a blank face.

"But you have to promise me something. "

"What?"he asked curiously.

"Please don't talk about the kiss.please!!jungkook and hana will kill me!!!please!"I begged him."it's supposed to be a secret between me and hana"

He then pretended like thinking.

"Mmmm....no!I will tell him"


"Okay then.you have to give me something "

"What is it?I'll give you anything"I said without even thinking twice.

"Anything? "He asked with an evil grin.

This time I got scared a bit.I swallowed my saliva.

I didn't even notice that we were in front of my house.he stopped the car and looked at me with that evil grin.

"Then.....kiss me"

I blinked two times.what did he just tell me?

I stared at him while trying to understand what he just asked me to do.

When I was about to open my mouth to tell sometime he quickly pecked my lips.


I felt like my heart is banging my ribcage with high speed.suddenly heat rushed to my cheeks.

He smirked at me.I was like a statue.

"Now I will consider about your request. So will you get out of the car or go with me to my house?"

"Huh?oh I-I will go now."

I suddenly got out of his car.



Jungkook was driving silently.

"We need to go for groceries."I told him without looking at him.

"We are out of food"

"Hm"he just hummed.

What!all he said was 'hm'can't he say few more words.uhhh! Why do I even care.

Then he stopped the car in a parking.

We both went for some shops for the needed things.he was following me all the around.I was the only one who was selecting items.

"Can't you just help me?"I yelled at him.

"Okay!"he just said lazily. He selected some snacks and put into the trolley.

Then I saw a familiar figure who was also selecting some snacks.

"Oh...is that him?"I whispered to myself.but jungkook heard me.

"Who?"he asked me.

But I didn't reply him.

"Bogum!!yah bogum oppa!"I screamed at him and waved at him.he noticed me and ran towards us with a big smile.


Bogum!who is this?oppa!!did she just call him oppa?who is this lizard?

That bogum guy ran towards us with big smile.he must be happy to see Hana. Before I asked who was that she ran to him and hugged him tightly. My eyes got widened.what the hell!!

They remained in that position for a long time according to me.

I felt like my heart was aching at the scene.Then I cleared my throat and they part away.hana looked at me and glared at me.

She then looked at that guy.

"Oppa!!it's been a long time we met each other.I missed you"

Does she like him?no!huh!why would I care?but....

"Yes it's a very long time.I missed you too."he ruffled her hair.

Huh!acting all lovely in front of me.I'm not jealous! Yeah I'm not.

Then I cleared my throat again.

"Oh hana!who is this?your boyfriend? "He asked her.

Tell him yes!that's what I wanted to tell but I kept quiet.

"Oh no!we're just friends."she told him without looking at me."he is jungkook"

"Hello jungkook!I'm hana's childhood friend.Park Bogum"

He waved at me.

"Hello!"I just simply said to him.

Then hana started chat with him.I was like a third wheel.

"Hana!we should go now.we have to prepare dinner right? "I told her with a smirk.

Then I saw Bogum got confused.

"Dinner? Are you guys living together? "He asked in a shocked expression.

Hana's eyes got widened.


Before she protest I cut her off.

"Yes.we're living together. "

What is this strange confidence of me.

"Are you guys sure you two are only friends?"he asked with a suspicious look.

When hana was about to open her mouth I cut her off by speaking.

"Whatever.we need to go now.see you Bogum! "

I dragged hana with me while leaving Bogum dumbfounded. I smirked to myself. I don't even know why I did it.


Jungkook dragged me to the car without saying anything.Then he started to drive.

"Why did you do it?"I yelled at him.

"What?"he asked while raising an eyebrow.

"Why did you tell him that we're living together "

"Because it's the truth."he shrugged.

"Aish!I hope my parents will come quickly. "I whispered under my breath.

"When will they come?"he asked while staring at the road.


"Your parents?"

"Next week."


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