《My Rude boy[J.Jk Ff][Completed] ✔》part 19



I was walking on the street to go to school then suddenly a car stopped beside me.firstly I just didn't care but someone yelled my name from inside it.

"Yerin! "

I looked at the car to find the owner of the familiar voice.kim taehyung

"What!"I just asked in an annoying voice.

"Just get in to the car!"he said.I raised an eyebrow.

"Why would I? "I asked calmly.

"Oh come on.hurry up.I'll tell you after you get in"

I just looked at him blankly. What if he kidnap me.why would I get in to this jerk's car.

He sighed.

"It's about hana.please just get in"he said in a low voice.

My eyes widened. I quickly got in to his car and sat in the passenger seat.

"What happened to her?is she alright? Tell me."

As soon as I got in to his car I bombarded those questions.

"Oh girl calm down"he said as he started to drive.

"First of all tell me why are you mad at me?"he asked while looking at the road.

"I don't like to hangout with play boys."

"So are you telling me that I'm a play boy?"he asked in an amused tone.

"Yeah.I've seen you with hundreds of girls in the school."I said with a blank face.

He just chuckled at my reply.

"What's so funny?"I asked him while raising an eyebrow.

"It's not my fault. I'm handsome and hot.girls go crazy with my face.so how can I break their hearts.so I'm giving everyone a chance to be my girlfriend. If you want I can give you a chance too"he said as smirking.

"Ewww no thanks.I'm not going to fall for your face."I made a disgusted face.


He chuckled again and sighed.

"If I found someone who really love for who I am,then I won't be like this. Unfortunately all the girls that are approaching me are fake lovers who love my face or money."he said in a serious tone.

For once in my life I felt bad for him.I chewed my bottom lips thinking what to say.

"But I think I already know someone who treat me for who i am."he said suddenly shuttering the silence.

"Oh really!that's good."I said excitedly.

"But I didn't tell her yet."

"Then asked her for a date"

"Hm.so don't you wanna know what happened to hana "he changed the subject.

Oh God I almost forgot it.

"I just forgot her because of you.just tell me what happened? And where are we going?"

"We're going to the hospital. "

"What!!!hospital! What the hell happened to her? "I screamed.

He sighed.

"She got shot yesterday "


I was still in the hospital. Jungkook went to see the doctor and I was so bored.I was laying in the bed while closing my eyes.plus that was the only thing that I could do.suddenly the door burst opened revealing yerin.I widened my eyes by seeing her.she ran towards me.

"Oh my god hana!are you ok?"she asked with a worried expression.

I tried to Sat and yerin helped me.

"Yeah.I'm fine now.don't worry.how did you know?"I asked

She sat in the bed next to me.

"Taehyung told me and brought me here."

That's when I saw taehyung was standing at the door while crossing his arms in front of his chest and leaning in the door frame.

"Hey what are you doing there.aren't you gonna come inside?"I asked him


He then smiled at me and came towards us.

"How are you feeling now?"he asked softly.

"I'm -"I was cut off by yerin.

"How can you ask such a stupid question. Can't you see she is hurt."she yelled at him.

Taehyung just looked at ground.his face was filled with guilt.

"Yah yerin.I'm fine.don't shout at him"I said to her."tae, what's with your face.I'm really fine."

"We are sorry hana.we couldn't protect you."he said still looking at the ground.

"Hey it's ok.I'm still alive.don't act like I'm already dead."I said while smiling a bit.

"We were worried about you.Jungkook was the most worried one."he said and looked at me.

"Jungkook!!?really!I can't believe it."I was shocked to hear it.

"Yeah it's true.he was blaming to himself for it.he was-"he was cut by a loud voice.guess who.Jungkook.

"Yah hyung!!"he came with a high speed towards us.

Taehyung was smiling awkwardly at him while rubbing his nape.

"Hey jungkook"he said awkwardly.

Jungkook gave him a death glare.

Then he looked at me.

"You're discharged. Ready to go."he said with a blank face.

"But how can she go like this?she can't do anything like this"yerin yelled.

Jungkook got annoyed by her.

Yerin glared at him.

"I.will.take.care.of.her.so don't worry"

"Then let me come to your house.how can you help her to get shower."she asked while crossing her arms.

"She is right. "Taehyung said and smirked at him.

"Fine.but don't come to my house whenever you want to see hana.I don't want my enemies to find my house through you."

"Okay okay."Yerin replied.

Jungkook and I went to his house with taehyung and yerin in tae 's car.

While tae and jungkook in the downstair ,yerin helped me to get a shower.


thank God I'm home now.I thought while sitting on the couch.tae hyung sat next to me.

"Kookie, you know what.you and hana are like husband and wife now"he started to tease me.

I was too tired to argue with him.I just closed my eyes.

"Hyung,when will they stop this?I'm tired of everything "I said without opening my eyes.

"To be honest I really have no answer for that "tae hyung said with a low tone.

"I have had enough of this"I said and opened my eyes.

"What do you mean?"he asked with a confused face.

"They won't stop untill they get me.and they won't stop going after hana.I don't want her to suffer like this.should I join them?"I asked him.

He got shocked with my words.his expression was unreadable.

"Are you crazy? "He asked with still shocked face."you promised your mother not to join them.she doesn't want you to be a MARFIA LIKE YOUR FATHER"

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