《My Rude boy[J.Jk Ff][Completed] ✔》part 18



Hana was in the ICU for hours.I was getting scared by every minute that was passing. I and my hyungs were outside waiting for the doctor.

After few minutes doctor came out from the ICU.I ran towards him before others.

"Doctor how is she?"I almost screamed at him.

"Calm down.she is fine.we removed the bullet.she was bleeding so heavily. But we managed to save her.No need to worry now."he said while patting my shoulder.

I sighed heavily. I felt like a mountain was removed from my shoulders. Taehyung hyung massaged my back.

"Where's her family members?" Doctor asked while scanning the area.

"Uh doctor,her family is in abroad right now.we'll inform them."jin hyung said.

"Oh but I don't think that she can do her things alone in this state.she needs someone to help."doctor said while looking back to see the ICU room.

"She is living with me.I will take care of her."I said without even thinking for a second.

"Are you...her boyfriend? "Doctor asked while raising an eyebrow.

I stopped for a second. What should I tell him.My hyungs were all looking at me like 'say yes'.

"Uh y-yeah.I-I am"finally I could say it.

"Ok then.take care of her."

"Can I see her now?"I asked in a pleading tone.

"Yeah sure.but she is still unconscious. And you don't need to worry about that.she'll wake up soon"

Then he left.

As soon as he left I ran towards her room.she was laying on the bed lifelessly.

This is all my fault. I couldn't protect her.

I slowly walked towards her bed.I didn't see my hyungs were coming with me.but they have come inside.


Hana was wearing an oxygen mask and there was a needle in her right hand.

Why is this hurting me so much.by seeing you like this is hurting me.

I stroked her hair.

"I'm sorry"

Those words came out like a whisper.

"I promised you to protect you. But I failed.I'm sorry hana"

I felt my eyes getting teary.

I felt someone's hand on my shoulder. But I didn't care to look.

"Jungkook,it's not your fault.don't blame yourself.it's out fault.we should have come earlier. "He said.I could identify that minion voice.he was jimin.

"She is safe now.that's the most important thing right now.isn't it?"namjoon said while coming towards me."jungkook,don't be discouraged.nothing will happened to her."

I was still looking at hana without even looking at my hyungs.

"Hyung,I'm scared"I said while sobbing. "I'm scared to feel that pain again.I don't want to lose my loved ones again."


It took good five seconds to realize them what he meant.they all widened their eyes.

"Are you....in love with her?"finally yoongi asked shattering the silence.

"I-I don't know.but I don't want to love her.I don't want to feel that pain.the day my mom left was the day I lost my self.If it happen again with someone I love I won't be able to bear it."jungkook said while being emotional.he looked at his hyungs.

Namjoon sighed.

"Now I understand why you tried to left our group and be alone after that incident."

"Yeah. But you guys were like glued to me."jungkook said with a small smile."you guys never let me to left you"

"Yeah.don't even dream to left us.that will never happen."jin said giving him a death glare.


"Jungkook,we were kids when that happened. We were immatured . So we can't change what happened. But now we're not kids.we're matured than those times.so they can't do it again.we can protect ourselves. We will be there for each other no matter what.and we can protect hana too.jungkook you're not alone."taehyung said with a determined stare.

"Yeah.tae is right. And jungkook,don't be scared to love.I can say you're already in love with her."hoseok said and winked at jungkook.

Jungkook felt his cheeks were getting heated.he was like a tomato.

"Hyung!I-I still don't know whether I love her or not"jungkook shuttered.

Yoongi shook his head.

"Let's see if she can melt this ice Prince's icy wall in his heart"he said with a blank face.

"She is already melting it.jungkook ,you like her.aren't you?"hoseok asked in a serious tone.

Jungkook started to rub his back of the neck.

"I-I don't know.maybe"he tried to hide his face by looking at the ground.

"That's the first step of love my little donsaeng"jimin said in a teasing way.


I slowly opened my eyes but I was welcomed with a bright white light. Where am I?

Then I felt a weight on my hand and looked at my right side.there was a familiar figure who was laying his head on my bed and holding my hand.

"Jungkook"I whispered.

Then he suddenly woke up from my voice and widened his eyes but he changed his face into his usual porker face.

"Are you ok?"he asked in a cold tone.

I just nodded.

"What happened? "I asked with curiosity.

"Nothing. You're safe now.so don't worry.we'll leave tomorrow.just sleep now."he said and pulled my blanket towards me.

I looked at the clock.it was 2.30 a.m.

Jungkook was sitting on the chair next to me.he has closed his eyes.I felt guilty by seeing him like that.it's all because of me.he is suffering because of me.

"Jungkook"I called him.

"Hm?"he hummed without opening his eyes.

"Just go to the couch and sleep.it's uncomfortable on the chair. Isn't it?I'm fine.just go and sleep. "

"It's ok"he just said without even opening his eyes again.

"Please jungkook!go and sleep in the couch.if you don't go to the couch,I won't sleep either."

Jungkook sighed heavily. Then he opened his eyes.


Then he went to the couch in the room and laid down in the couch and closed his eyes.

I smiled a bit.

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