《My Rude boy[J.Jk Ff][Completed] ✔》part 11


After school


I was walking to home.I needed to be with hana but she refused cuz she has to go to her house with that jerk to get her cloths.suddenly someone called me from behind.


I looked back.oh God another jerk from that group.kim taehyung. He rushed towards me.

"What?"I asked coldly.

"Hey are you mad at me?what's with that face?"

"Nothing "I said and continue to walk.

"Don't worry.hana will be fine.I know you're upset."

"You guys better keep her safe.unless I'll rip off your heads"I said angrily.

He smiled at me.

"Jungkook will take care of her"

Ok.now I'm getting pissed off.

"That jerk!I want to kill him.he's one who drag her to a danger!!I'm really scared about hana.he seems like he doesn't even care.how can I supposes to think that he'll protect her."I yelled out of my lungs.

Taehyung was bit starlet .but he smiled warmly .

"Calm down yerin.you don't have to worry."he held my shoulders.

"Although jungkook seems to be like doesn't care,he cares.no one can see his inner side except me and my hyungs. That's why we decided to do it.he'll protect her.because she is the only person who cared about him except us after six years.so he'll definitely protect her."he said while looking in to my eyes.

I felt relieved after hearing him.I sighed.

I started to walk again.

"Actually putting all the blame to jungkook is wrong.hana is the one who helped him.she is such a troublemaker.she always wants to help others.though they are good or bad, she doesn't care.if someone needs help she will do it.who knew it will leads to a situation like this"I sighed again.


"But don't you think she did a good thing by helping jungkook?I mean she saved a life."

"Yeah I know.I'm really proud about her.but in the same time I'm worried.wait!you mean she saved jungkook's life?that mean those people are trying to kill him?"I was confused.I didn't think about it.

"Uh?no!but if they catch him his life will be a hell. Like a living zombie."he said calmly.

"Who are they?why are they doing it?"

"Let's not talk about it"he ignored me.


I was walking to my house with jungkook.it was so awkward to walk with him.

"So who else in your house?"I asked to break the awkwardness.

"Only me"he said coldly without looking at me.

"When will I get free from you?"

"Don't know"

"What do mean by 'don't know'?"I was really mad at him.will I have to be witj him forever ?what!no!

"Ahh just shut your mouth!will you?"he screamed.

"But-"I got cut off by him

"Do you want me to shut you again?"he said in a warning tone.

As soon as I heard those wards I shut my mouth.no!not again.it's better to be shut my mouth than getting destroyed my second kiss.

I saw he smirked a little.shameless jerk!

As soon as we reach the house I ran towards the door.

But something is wrong.the door was opened.but I'm sure I locked it.I stared at the door.Jungkook came to me.

"Why aren't you getting in?"

"Jungkook this door was opened.but I locked it in the morning "

"Are you sure?"he asked.I could see that he was shocked.

I went inside.but the next thing that caught my eye was really shocked me.my bona!my little puppy was laying in the floor in a blood pool.I couldn't shout or say anything. My breath hitched in the throat.


"B..Bona!"I whispered. I slowly approach her.I fell on my knees.I could feel a hand in my shoulder. I looked at him.

"J..Jun jungkook, my b..bona "I started stuttered.I felt tears are comming mercilessly throug my eyes.bona was my bestie like yerin.though she is an animal I loved her. I used to talked to her about my everything and she listened to me silently.if I needed a respone she barked.

I started to cry heavily. "Bona!!"

I felt pair of hands are hugging me.


I felt really sorry for her.she was crying so hard.bona must be very special to her.so hugged her to comfort her.who did such a terrible thing?then I looked at the window.then I saw some men are comming towards the house.

Oh no!they have come to get hana.

"Hana! We should leave now"I said carrying her hand.

"Jungkook bona!"she was still crying.but we can't stay here.

"Hana hurry up!we have no time. They are comming. We need to leave"I dragged her towards the back door.

"I can't leave bona"she said while trying to get rid of my hand.

But I didn't look at her.I quickly grab her keys in the hand and unlocked the back door.I dragged her out and ran without getting noticing to men who were now in her house.she was silently crying while running.we quickly went to my house.

She was still crying.so I sat down her in the crouch in the living room.

"We should have get bona!why didn't you let me to do it?"she screamed.I shouldn't get angry in a situation like this.

"If we get bona then they must have known that we entered the house.then they would have sent their men to follow us."I said in a calm voice.

"My bona!!"she started cry again.her face has got red.she was crying so hard.actually it was hard to see.

So I hugged her in a side while caressing her back.

"It's ok ,it's ok"I tried to calm her.

"We can't hold everyone that we love forever.we have to let go of them when their time is over.to move our life we need to let go of them.otherwise we will be stuck in the same place.though they have left physically they will always be with us in our hearts.so you should let go of bona.she will always be with you in your heart."

Then I felt she was calming slowly.but I hold her.I know she needs someone to comfort her.cuz I know the pain of her. We stayed for few minutes.then I saw she was sleeping peacefully in my embrace. I smiled by looking at her sleeping figure.she is so beautiful. But why didn't I see it earlier.

Then suddenly my door was opened revealing six figures.

"Yah jung-"jimin was cut off by seeing us.their jaws were dropped to the floor.

Ok I'm dead now.

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