《My Rude boy[J.Jk Ff][Completed] ✔》part 10



I went to my class and saw jungkook already has seated. I started blush like the hell.I quickly sat in my seat.I saw jungkook was listening to his music through the earphone.

Then suddenly yerin came and sat next to me.

"Hey girl!good mor-hey what's with your face?are you sick?your face is like a tomato"she place her Palm in my forehead worriedly.

"Yerin,"I thought about telling her about what's happened.will she tease me or will she kill him?but I can't keep secrets from her.she is my bestie anyway.so I told her.

Her eyes were about to pop out.Her mouth was like O shape.

"That jerk did what!omo!am I dreaming?"

"Shhhh..he will hear you."I whispered to her.

"I think it was just an accident. Cuz he just only wanted to shut me.he was right.after that I was shut up."

"But he just ki-"yerin was cut off with the entrance of teacher to the class.I was relieved.

Lunch time.

I sat in the caferia with yerin to have our lunch.then I saw jungkook and his friends were comming towards the caferia.

"Just ignore them."yerin said while eating.

But I couldn't ignore them cuz they were comming towards us.

"Uh yerin,looks like they are comming to us."

I saw yerin's eyes were widened.

Then the seven boys came and sat in the our table with their plates with food.

"Hi girls!"taehyung said with his boxy smile.

"Uh hi!why are you guys here?"I asked them.yerin was bussy with eating.

"Why?can't we eat with you girls?"yoongi said while raising an eyebrow.

"Ah no no.I'm just asking cuz you have never eaten with us."I said while rubbing my neck.


Then I saw jungkook was focusing on eating his lunch.

Then I saw girls are glaring at us.pff! Jealousy bitches.

"Let's just come to the point."namjoon said.I was confused.

"Hana! You're in danger"he said with a straight face.

Suddenly yerin choked her food.

"What do you mean?"she asked with a worried face.

Then jin explained everything to them.

"What!"I was confused more.

"But why?why do they do it?hana is innocent. She has nothing to do with jungkook.and why do they follow him?"yerin asked with an angry tone.

"As jin told they think hana is his gf.and why do they follow him is non of your business. "Jimin said.

"What should I do then?they will probably get me.I don't even know how to protect myself"I was pissed.

"Yeah we know it.you are in danger becouse you helped jungkook. So he'll protect you.stay with him all the time.if you want to go out,call him before you go and he'll come with you"taehyung said.

I was pissed more.what the hell..I looked at jungkook. He was silently digging his food.uhhhh this jerk.he doesn't even care.

"You guys mean I should be with him all the time like his tail?woah!are you trying to destroy my freedom?"I asked angrily."and specially with him?can I borrow a new guard except him"

I took a look at him.he is only focusing at his food.is he a deaf or something?

"Hana look,try to understand.we need to protect you. so do as we say.he's the strongest amoung us.so he's the most capable of protecting you"Jin said while looking straight at me with a calm voice.

I sighed.

"But there's a problem"yerin said gaining all of our attention. "Hana is alone in her house.Her parents are in abroad.what if they get her while she is in her house"


"That's a big problem"taehyung said while rubbing his forehead.

"Then just stay at jungkook's house"yoongi said as he was talking about weather.

"What!!!"both me and jungkook shouted at the same time.

"No way!"he shouted.

"I can't stay with him!"

"What if she stay with me?"yerin asked.

"No I can't stay with you too.it will only drag you to my danger.I can't let that happen"I told her.

"But-" yerin was cut off by jimin.

"She is right."

"I can stay in my house."

"Hana! Don't be stubborn! If you can't stay with me then go to jungkook's house"yerin yelled.

"Why me!"jungkook winned.

"How can I stay with him?what if this jerk try to touch me."

Jungkook's eyes got widened.

"Why would I touch you?I'm not insane"

"Hana is right. What if our kookie lost his mind"taehyung started tease him.


I got hana's words to tease jungkook.but it was my plan to make jungkook agreeing.and I think my hyungs understood my plan.

"Yeah tae is right. "Hosoek agreed.

"I don't want to touch a girl like her."jungkook got pissed.

"Then why aren't you letting her to stay with you."yoongi said.

"I just don't want her to stay in my place."

"Hana is right.he will definitely try to touch her.you're afraid you'll touch her when she is in your house.aren't you?"jin said.

"Yah hyung!"

"If it is not true then then let her stay with you"I said.

He sighed in defeat.


I smirked at him.


"Hana! You should move to his place today.and don't argue about it.if you want to live.Then do as we say"namjoon said.

Looks like I have no other way.


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