《My Rude boy[J.Jk Ff][Completed] ✔》part 12



They were looking at us like we were ghosts.I looked at hana.she was peacefully sleeping in my embrace.then I looked at them again.I felt like I got caught off guard.

"Uhm did we come at a wrong time?"finally taehyung hyung spoke.

"NO-"I was loud but I remembered she was sleeping then I lowered my voice.

"No it's not what you're thinking"

Jimin raised an eyebrow. "Really?"he said in a doubtful voice.

"Wait here."

I carried her in bridal style to the guest room and place her in the bed.her tears were still on her face.I wiped them and stare at her peaceful face.

I smiled a little.


while jungkook was carrying hana others took their seats in the couch.

"Am I the only one feel that they will be a couple."jin asked out of blue.

"I had that thought when the first day jungkook told us about her"yoongi said with a blank face.

"Hope our maknae will get his happiness again"namjoon said while sighing.

"Shhh he's coming"jimin told while placing his finger on the lips.


I went to find my hyungs in the living room. They were chatting something but as soon as reach them they stoped it.how weird.

"So jungkook,mind to tell us what were you doing with her"taehyung asked while holding his laugh. "You told us you won't touch her"

"Yah!!hyung!it's not what you think"

"Why not?I thought you two were kissing"hoseok hyung started to tease me.

"What!why would I ever kiss her?"I tried not to stutter cuz I already kiss her.oh gosh this is embarrassing. "I just comfort her a little cuz she lost her puppy"

They all shocked.

"What happened?"namjoon asked in with a concern.


"That's what I was gonna say.but you guys were teasing me without no reasons"

"We didn't tease you for no reason kookie.she is the first girl you comfort like that.so how can we suppose to stop teasing you "Jin said while smirking.

Aish this hyungs are so annoying. Are they really my friends? What to do.

"Yah!!so what!I just comfort her.it doesn't prove that I care about her.I just fed up hearing her crying.that's why I did it."

"Ok kookie! We all know you.so now tell us what happened?" Taehyung asked with a serious tone.

I went and sat beside taehyung. I told them what happened in her house.

"So that mean they have come to her house before you guys?"yoongi asked while raising an eyebrow.

"That's what it seems to be"jungkook replied.

"But why did they kill that animal"jimin asked

"It's a warning "namjoon said with a straight face.

"But they came again.why?if it is a warning why did they come again when you two were in the house."hoseok asked with a curious tone.

"That's what I also can't understand "jin said while rubbing his forehead with his fingers.

"Maybe to make sure she is at home?"yoongi said like a question.

"Maybe."jimin said agreeing to him.

"But why are they targeting to hana instead of kook."jin asked."what's the point of getting her"

"Because she is weak"I woke up my voice."they couldn't get me even for a once.but it's easy to get her.so they will be able to get me through her cuz they are thinking that she is my girlfriend."

"Is that why you didn't date any girl?"jimin asked while raising an eyebrow.

"Yep.I guess"I said while looking at the floor.


"Yah kookie!don't do this to yourself. You should enjoy your life.now they already think that hana is your girlfriend. So don't you think you should date her.she is so pretty. You can-"taehyung was cut by me.

"No thanks hyung.I have high standards.she is not my type. And I hate her.I'm struggling to protect myself but now I have to protect both of us.she is such a pain"

"Yah!don't ta-"jimin was gonna blame me but yoongi stopped him.

"No use of talking to this idiot.just don't waste your words"yoongi told jimin with disappointed face.

"I think it's time to go now.it's already dark outside"hoseok said while standing up. "Take care of her.this is not a request but a command by your hyung"

They left leaving me dumbfounded. "Command?should I care?ofcouse no!"

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