《My Rude boy[J.Jk Ff][Completed] ✔》part 5



I didn't uttere a single word cuz I was running for my life with this jerk.what will happen next?will they catch us?will they kill me?so many questions were popped in to my mind.I will never pray for a better day.and this is the result for praying a better day.

I was so tired cuz we were running so hard.

"Jung..jungkook. ..I'm t..tired."I cried while running.

"Do you want to get caught!!? Just run with me!!you stupid girl!!"he yelled at me.

Yeah he was right. But what to do.I was so tired.I felt like I was going to faint at any moment.suddenly jungkook stoped a taxi and got inside with me.

"Go go go!!hurry up!!"he yelled to the driver.

The car started to go.

"Yahh!!I will pay you enough. Just drive fast!!"he yelled again coursing me to flinch a little.

The car started to go fast becouse of jungkook.he looked back to see whether they are following. He sighed heavily. He was covered with sweat.

"Jungkook! Who are they?why is he following you?"

"Non of your business "he said coldly

"How could it not my business?!they were following both of us.so I should know about it"

"They are not following you!!!they are following me!you just got in to a trouble. That's all"

"Yahh! How can you be so rude?I helped you.I got in to this trouble becouse of you!"

"I didn't ask for help."he said while looking at the window.

I laughed sarcasmly.

"If I were not there they would have killed you by now."

"They are not trying to kill me!!so just don't try to help me ever again!!stay away from me stupid girl!!"he yelled at me.


I was so shocked.I just helped him.but all I could hear was his yelling.I felt tears in my eyes.I really hate this man.

"Stop the car!"I cried to the driver.

"What are you doing!?"jungkook asked surprisingly.

"Just stop this fucking car!!!don't you hear me?!!"I yelled to the driver causing him to stop the car.

I quickly got out of the car and started to run.


she quickly got out of the car. I was shocked by her sudden action.ahhh this annoying girl.

I paid to the driver and got out.I saw she was running towards the town.I started to run after her.but suddenly she disappeared.

"Where the hell did she go?"I ruffled my hair with my fingers


I was running without noticing where am I going. I was so sad and angry.what the hell I did to him to get yelled by him like that.

It started to rain heavily out of nowhere.I soaked in wet.but I kept running like crazy.suddenly someone grabbed my hand.he was middle aged man.and I realized that no one in this area except this man.

"Yah!let go of my hand"I tried to escape.

He smirked.

"What are doing here alone young lady?seems like you're lost.I can help you.would you like to come to my place?"

"No thanks.I can find my way.just let me go"I tried to remove my hand from his grip.but he was so strong.

"Do you think I will let you go easily? No way young lady.you're freaking hot!I just want a little taste of you"

He tried to kiss me.but I tried to push him.but he was so strong!


"Somebody help me!!!"I screamed with my all power.

"No one will come to help you.I'm the only one who can help.so just let me have a little taste of you"

He tried to kiss me again.

Suddenly someone dragged him away from me and started to puch him without any mercy.

"Jungkook "I whispered to myself.

The man ran away.


the man ran away.I turned to look at the girl.she was shocked to see me.

"Are you o-" I was cut by her sudden action. She hugged me tightly. This is the first time that a girl hugged me.

My heart started to beat so fast.my eyes were widened. She was crying in my chest.

"Please bring me home"she cried

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