《My Rude boy[J.Jk Ff][Completed] ✔》part 6



It was raining heavily. But I was still hugging him.I was so scared.

"We can't go home now.it's raining heavily. Let's go there"jungkook pointed to a small house.

I nodded while pulling away from him.we both ran to the house.

Jungkook knocked to the door.

"Hello!is there anyone here?"he knocked again.

Suddenly the door was opened.

A middle aged woman came out from the house.

"Aigoo!you guys are soaked.are you here for a shelter?"she asked kindly.

"Yeah.can we stay here for bit?till the rain goes?"jungkook asked kindly.how could this jerk change?I never saw him like this.

"Sure.come inside."she invited us to her house.we entered the house.

"Wait here for a minute.I'll be back"she went inside the house.

"This is all becouse of you!"jungkook yelled in a whisper tone.

Here go again.he started to blame me again.

"What!!what did I do this time?"

"If you didn't run away like that i would have gone to my house by now."

"I didn't tell you to follow me."

"If I wasn't there,you would have lost your virginity "

"Okay Mr.jeon jungkook.I'm really sorry for everything what I have done and thank you for helping me.after I get home I will never show up in front of you."

Suddenly someone cleared her throat.

"I brought you some clothes.these are my children's. Get change.otherwise you will catch cold."

"Oh thank you so much.but is it ok to wear your children's clothes?"I asked her.

"Ofcouse.it's ok.they don't live here.so just wear them."

I took the clothes and went to a room to get change.when I was heading to the living room I saw jungkook already has got changed and was talking with the woman.


I took a seat next to the woman.

"So..are you guys lovers?"

I almost chocked my own saliva.

"Oh no no.we are not."I told her without looking at that jerk.

"So you're friends?" She asked again.

"No we are not.we are strangers."I told her with a cold tone.

But I was shocked because of what jungkook did after that.he stood up and sat next to me.

"Sorry for her behaviour auntie. Actually she is my girlfriend. "He said while putting his hand on my shoulder."we had a small fight. She is still angry with me."

I was so shocked.what the hell is he talking about.I was starring at him.

"I'm really sorry babe.just forget it.you know that I don't like to see you like this.I want you to be happy"

"Aigoo you guys are so cute.I can see that you two are meant to be.fights are occured in between couples.that's a normal thing.just forget it my dr.you have such a nice boyfriend. "

I smiled awkwardly. Still I can feel jungkook's hand on my shoulder. Why did he do such a thing?and meant to be?my ass.

"By the way what are your names?"she asked us.

"Oh I'm jungkook and this is..."

I know this idiot doesn't know my name.

"I'm hana."I said.

"I'm jinyeong.it's really nice to meet you"

We waited hours.but rain didn't stop.it got heavier. And now a storm appeard.

"I don't think this storm will stop today.it's really dangerous outside.I think you'd better stay here for night."

"Oh we can't trouble you anymore.I'll call to a friend to get us"jungkook said .

"Oh boy it's not a trouble. And your friend won't be able to come here at a time like this.just stay here.I'll make dinner for us."


She went to the kitchen.and now me and jungkook are alone in the living room. He is still sitting next to me.

"Why did you lie to her?!!"I whispered to him but with an annoying tone.

"Just for fun." He said calmly.


"You should have seen your face at that time.it was priceless. "He chuckled a bit.

It was my first time seen him smiling. Why did he actually do it?for fun?but he was mad at me all the time.

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