《His baby girl》13.
After a 20 minute drive, Daire stops the car in front of a fast-food restaurant. I've actually never heard of the restaurant before but might have seen it whenever I went into town.
"This place had first opened when I was 6 and my mom's boyfriend took me and my half-siblings and I love it ever since. I even know the owner." He turns the car off and looks at me with excitement in his eyes. "You must be pretty special since I took you to my most favorite place."
I bite my lip and look over at the restaurant.
"It's pretty for an old place," I shyly smile.
"I know," He opens the door and hops out. I was used to the men in my life opening the door for me so I sat and waited and Daire reached my expectations. He opens the door and grins down at me. I smile out at him but quickly pouts when I look down at far I had to jump. Daire notices this and grabs my armpits and lifts me down. "Thank you," I said stepping away from him.
As we walk Daire places his arm over my shoulder. I lean into his touch with a slight blush on my face.
I look around the restaurant and see a bunch of drunk teenagers and groups of kids yelling at the top of their lungs.
"This is a place is a hangout spot for a lot of teenagers," Daire said scowling his face in annoyance at the kids. "I normally just come here during the daytime," He said as he opens the door. He highly pushes me in and the smell of greasy food hits me immediately.
"Should we find a seat or what?" I asked as I bite my lip.
He shakes his head and grabs my arm and takes me to the counter.
A teen girl with pink hair that was pulled into a messy bun stood at the counter on her phone chewing her gum real hard. She looks up at us and smirks. "Hey Daire," She said fixing the tie on her shirt that showed her belly button piercing. "I don't normally see you here this late," She plays with the pink gum in her mouth.
"Hey, Eliza," He said in a monotone voice. He glances at the menu than at me. "Order what you want, Bud," He said playing with the end of my hair. I smile and look at the menu. The hamburger with everything on it sounded good with some curly fries and a milkshake. Just thinking about it made my mouth water. "Um the number 4 combo and a milkshake," I said biting my lip.
Daire nods. "And my usual," Daire said turning away from the girl.
"Okay, your order will be there soon," She said frowning at her choice of words.
I speedwalk to keep up with Daire. He sits in a booth and I sit across from him with a smile. I tuck some strings of hair behind my ear. "Um-I don't really know what to talk about," I said biting hard on my lip.
Daire smirks at me. "How about my plans for us tonight," He said leaning closer to me. I nod and play with my skirt. "After this, I was planning on going to a drive-in cinema their hosting at the mall. Then we can go to the park and just hang out. And stop by the convenience store and then head back to your place." He smiles.
I smile. "That sounds fun," I said.
"Here are your drinks," Eliza said as she place the cups in front of us. I smile at her which she ignores and turns to Daire. "I was hoping me and you grab a smoke after this," Eliza said sticking her hands in her back pocket. Daire sighs heavily before looking at Eliza in annoyance. "Eliza, we fucked twice and no more after I heard you spreading rumors about us dating."
"I-I-I just thought we were," She said.
Daire rolls his eyes. "Whatever," He said taking a sip from his drink.
"That wasn't very nice," I said after Eliza had left us alone. Daire shrugs. "She's a fucking whore and I don't want any STDs. Plus you know how many times she's been to the clinic to get abortions. And she fucked my brother and I don't want his sloppy seconds."
I sigh and play with my braid as I wait for my food.
Daire's phone starts to ring and he takes it and walks away. I sit there by myself looking around at the artwork on the walls. I wonder where they got it from, they were so beautiful. I was so busy looking around the small restaurant that I didn't notice the large body that stood over me.
"Hello," The deep raspy voice of a male spoke.
I look up and my eyes widen at the man. He had pretty brown skin, broad shoulders, curly greasy dark brown hair, and dark blue eyes. He was beautiful. I was most jealous of his long eyelashes which reminded me of Daire's long eyelashes.
"Hello," I said smiling sweetly at him.
He sits across from me in Daire's spot. He took off his leather coat and placed it on the chair of the booth. He folds his arms on the table and looks me in the eye. "I saw Daire Frost come over here," He spoke in a voice that sent shivers down my spine. His voice reminded me of a deeper and raspier version of Daire's.
"What's your name?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.
He smirks and pushes a curl out of his eye. "Hayes Wilburd." I smile at him. "I'm Willow Aburn," I said as I held my hand out. He wraps his large hand around mine and shakes. "Nice to meet you, sweetheart."
I blush and remove my hand from his.
"Here's your food," Eliza said with disgust in her voice. She looks over at Hayes and her eyes widen. "Hayes you're back," She said smiling broadly at him. Hayes smirks at her. "People act like I went to jail or something," He said chuckling to himself. "How's your friend doing, her name was Barbra right?"
"She's in a happy relationship with some guy and they are on a vacation right now," Eliza shrugs. Hayes nods his head takes a cigarette out of his pocket and places it in his mouth. "She was a good fuck."
Eliza rolls her eyes. "Well I gotta get back to work," She said pointing behind her. "See ya around." She walks away after giving Hayes a slight wave.
I was about to say something but someone else voice spoke before me. "What the fuck, Hayes," Daire growls out. Hayes smirks and looks up at Daire. "Hey man, I just wondered where you went," He spoke. Daire glares at him. "Leave now, I'll see you at home," He said.
Daire walks to me and grabs my arm.
"Do you know him?" I asked him. I look over at Hayes who smirks at me showing his cricket but white teeth. "He's my brother that just got out of rehab," He mumbles under his breath. My eyes widen at him. "Do one who tried to kill you?" I whispered. He nods his head and looks away from me. I bite my lip and look at Hayes.
He didn't seem like he would kill someone. As I looked closely at him I could see the similarities between the two. The only difference was that one had brown skin, while the other had fair skin and one had curly hair and the other had very straight hair.
"His dad is my mom's boyfriend," He said glancing at Hayes.
I look at Daire and see how frightened he was. I've never seen him show any other kind of emotion other than his I didn't care face. His face showed no emotion but his eyes said how he really felt about his brother. He was terrified of him and he was slightly shaking.
"Don't worry Daire, I'll let you continue your date," He said standing up. He walks over to us and Daire slightly moves back. "I'll see you at home," He said patting Daire's shoulder. He walks away and out of the restaurant.
Daire sighs and falls into the booth. "I'm sorry, but maybe I should take you home I might be sick," Daire said holding that was still slightly shaking. I sit next to him and place my hands on his. "It's okay, we can finish this another time," I said pushing his sweaty hair away from his face.
Even though I was sad about this I didn't want to pressure him. He seemed distraught and maybe it was for the better if we ended the date here.
He looks at me for a second. "Maybe we can skip everything else and just go to the park," Daire said looking at my hands. "I need some fresh air and I don't really want to go home," He runs his hand through his damp hair.
I smile at him and nod. "That's nice but can we bring our food with us, I'm still kinda hungry," I say with a slight grin. "Yeah sure."
After getting our food packed up and getting the car we were headed to the town's park.
The drive was quiet with only the radio station playing. I hum to the music and tap my finger on the car's door. I look over at Daire and notice his tight grip on the wheel. He looks like he could breakdown at any moment. I place my hand on his knee and look up at him. "It's okay," I mumble. He nods his head and places his hand on mine.
He parks the car in the parking lot of the park. He turns the car off and sighs. "I'm 18 so I can move out now right?" Daire asked turning to me. I nod my head and bite my lip. "It's totally legal," I said. He nods his head and runs his hand through his hair. "But I don't have the money to move and I-I'm," He pauses. "I'm scared she might do something to me if I take control of my life." He sniffles. "She's a very controlling person and she's crazy."
I place my hand on his shoulder and give it a squeeze. "You can stay with me for a while," I said biting my lip. "Your mom seems scary and I fear for your life. I'll convince my daddy." I said licking my lips as I watch his lips tremble as he looks at me.
He shakes his head and looks away. "That could work but I can't," He whispered. "I tried to run away to my friend's house at least 8 times," He said. "She knows where I be, she knows everything."
"Don't worry," I said playing with his rings. "We'll make something work."
He smiles like genuinely smiles at me. "I'm actually really hungry," He said taking the food that was probably cold by now. But either way, I bite my lip and nod. He steps out of the car and walks over my side and opens it for me. He grabs me by my armpits and helps me down. I giggle as he does.
He takes my hand and leads me to the picnic tables.
We sit down across from each other and he places the plastic bag in front of us. He digs in the bag and takes out my combo and milkshake that was kinda melted at this point. He places some large fries in front of him and a cheeseburger with lettuce and ketchup on it.
He smiles at me as I take a bite of the extra greasy burger. I moan at the delicious taste. I lick my lips and chew. "This is very good," I said taking another bite. Daire smirks. "Don't get all that mustard on your white sweater, Bud," He said as he took a bite from his sandwich. I smile and wipe the sauce from the side of my mouth. "It's really good though, and I don't normally like eating these kinds of foods," I said.
I fished the burger and a couple more bites. As I try and pick up a napkin I cut my finger on the wooden table.
I stare at my finger in horror. There was blood.
"Buddy, you okay?" Daire asked me with concern on his face.
I gasp as the blood ran down my finger. I gulped, "Yeah, I'm fine it's just a little blood," I said fighting back the tears and the urge to throw up.
"Hey, Willow, It's just a little blood," He said grabbing my wrist and placing some napkins over the blood. I gag as I see the blood seep through. "I know, I know," I said nearly crying. I don't even know why I was overreacting it was only a little blood. But as I look at my finger I couldn't help but bend over and throw up.
I wipe my mouth with the napkins. "Sorry I just was never good with blood even if it's only a little," I said drinking some of Daire's diet coke. "It's fine," He said running his hand through his hair. "Wanna go home and maybe get a bandaid or something?" He asked collecting our trash.
I nod and hide my finger behind my back so I don't get to see it.
After a long drive, we finally arrive to my trailer home. He parks the car behind daddy's and turns the engine off. "You don't mind I stay with you tonight?" He asked playing with the rings on his fingers. I nod. "Stay however long you want," I said. He grins and doesn't meet my eyes.
As I watch him play with his rings it reminded me of something. "Oh, Daire I have a gift for you," I said reaching in my purse. I take out the box and open it for him. "I saw them and thought of you," I said taking the rings out. "The grey one is for you and the white one is mine."
He takes the ring and places it on his finger. "Thank you, Willow," He mumbles. I smile at him.
He then hops out of the car and walks over to my side. He opens my door and helps me down. I wrap my arms around his torso and hug him close. "It gets better I promise," I said as I rub his back. He wraps his arm around me and places his chin on my head. "You're so small," He whispers more to himself.
I let go of him and he bends down to quickly peck my lips.
My eyes widen and my face turns red. I bring my fingers to my lips and couldn't help but smile.
"I'm sorry, Willow," He said scratching the back of his head. "It was the heat of the moment," He said. I could see the top of his ears turn red.
I giggle and grab on his sweatshirt and pull his lips down to mine. I clearly had no clue what I was doing since this was my first kiss, but luckily for me, Daire took over. He kisses me slowly and my inexperience was not making anything better. But when he pulls away he smiles at me. "I can tell you don't kiss people often," He said wiping his lips. "But you were good for your first time, bud." He grins at me and kisses my forehead.
I grab his hand and pull him over to my house. I grab my keys that were attached to a pink pom pom that had bunny ears on them. I unlock the door and step inside. The smell of beer hits me like a brick. I look over to the couch and see uncle Steph passed out with a few empty glasses of beer laying beside him.
I place my finger over my lips to hush Daire.
I tiptoe to my room with Daire quietly walking behind me. I open my pink door and step in holding the door open for Daire.
He laughs and walks over to my bed plops down. He sighs as he laid there. He sits up and removes his coat and hoodie so he was left in his black shirt. He unbuckles his belt and throws it on the throws it on the floor. He removes his shoes and lays back down. "I need a goodnight sleep, Bud," He said.
I smile at him.
"Goodnight then," I said biting my lip.
"Night, Willow."
- In Serial7 Chapters
Catgirl in the Pantry: Sample Chapters and Bonus Content
The full version of Catgirl in the Pantry was available until Aug 27th. It has now been removed to comply with the Terms of Service for Kindle Unlimited. The first couple of chapters, as well as the incentive bonus content, will remain here indefinetely.When Gavin finds that a catgirl from another world mysteriously appears in his pantry, he decides, against all logic, to let her live in his room. But it’s not easy to keep a curious, free-spirited catgirl a secret. She doesn’t know anything about Earth culture, she’s constantly bored, and she has a strange and frustrating disregard for clothing. It’ll be hard enough for Gavin to keep his parents from finding out. And it’ll only get more complicated once a shadowy organization bent on killing any otherworlders enters the scene… Content: An ecchi reverse-isekai romance/adventure involving a catgirl. Strong sexual themes, but no explicit descriptions of sexual acts (i.e. not erotica). Strong language in some sections. A few sentences of mild gore. A focus on strong plot and characters in an attempt to raise the bar for the ecchi romance genre. Heads Up: Aside from a couple sample chapters and some web-exclusive bonus content, this book is no longer available here! Instead you can find it on Amazon free with Kindle Unlimited.
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