《The billionaire want me ♡ {Completed}》Chapter 4: Moving with him{Edited}


Grace's pov:

I woke up this morning to a headache. I walked up into my bathroom and brushed my teeth. I almost screamed when I saw my face in the mirror. My make up was gone, my eyes were red and my hair was messy.

I quickly cleaned myself up and took a shower. I dressed up and went downstairs. While getting ready, I noticed the ring Xavier gave me. It was still weird for me to think that I was engaged. I let the ring in my fingers and continued my morning.

I walked inside the kitchen and found Mom cooking.

"Morning." My voice came out low but Mom heard it.

"Oh dear, I heard about what happened are you okay?" She asked leaving whatever she was cooking to hug me. I hugged her back feeling more comfortable.

"I will be fine," I said pulling back. She stroke my cheeks giving me a weak smile.

"You can always come to us if there is a problem." Mom said and I nodded.

"I know mom and I promised I will," I said and she nodded.

"Good now let's get you a breakfast." She said and I nodded.

I sat on one of the chair and watch her cook. When she finished she gave it to me and I started to eat it. Midway, I noticed dad coming in. He looked tensed and worried.

"Morning," I said and he smiled at me.

"Morning." He said.

"What happened?" Mom asked him noticing his worried look.

"Grace, your father told you to stay home today and pack your things. Xavier is coming to pick you up as you both are moving together." I choke on my bacon when dad finished his sentence. I looked at him shocked and scared. He walked to me and engulf me in a hug.


"Don't worry, everything would be fine."He said.

"How can they do that to me? Do they hate me soo much that they are so ready to send me away." I said crying on his shoulder.

"Oh, sweetie don't cry! Its gonna be alright." Mom said rubbing my back.

"How? They are making me move with a man I barely know. They want me to spend my life with a stranger." I said as it was unfair.

"You are strong and I know you can overcome that," Dad said still hugging me.

"And we also have something to tell you." Mom said and I looked at her confused.

"Both Roger and I had decided that we would stay here till you get married and went away so that you weren't alone in this house. And since you are moving out already both Roger and I are going also." She said and my eyes widened.

"Wait for you both stayed here for me?" I asked and they nodded.

"We couldn't let you alone here," Dad said and I couldn't help but cry more. They stayed here for me despite how many time Samantha scold them and Rick was rude them. They did not abandon me as my own blood did!

"We are not going to stay far from you. We are moving into the city itself so whenever you want you can come and visit us." Dad said and I nodded.

"Now clear these tears and go pack up. Your fiance would be here soon." Mom said and I nodded clearing my tears.

"Nice ring by the way." Dad chuckled and I nodded.

"He gave it to me last night." I murmured and they nodded.

"Now go once I finished that I will come and help you." Mom said and I nodded. I walked in my room and started to pack.



Two hours later everything was packed. Both mom and dad helped me to pack up. Without them, I would be nothing.

The doorbell rang and dad went down to check who it was. Minutes later, I heard dad calling my name saying that Xavier was here. Mom helped me to carry my bags downstairs but Midway another man came and took all of them. I let him as I knew he came with Xavier. When we reached downstairs, Xavier nodded at me. I nodded back and stood beside dad.

"Well let's go. The driver is waiting for us." Xavier said and I nodded. I turned to Mom and dad and found their eyes filled with tears. I knew they wouldn't be able to control themselves for long.

"Thanks, mom for everything," I said hugging Mom first. She chuckled shaking her head.

"Don't thank me, dear. It was always a pleasure to be with you." She kissed my forehead and I went to dad who tears were already running down his cheeks. He smiled and I hugged him.

"Dad stops crying or else I won't be able to stop myself," I said my voice cracking up.

"I am going to miss you soo much dear. Do come to visit us ok?" He asked and I nodded.

I pulled away walking toward Xavier who looked a bit confused.

"Huh let's go." He said and walked out. I followed him but stop looking back again.

"Take care Grace. And always remember we are always here for you no matter what." Mom said and I nodded. I ran back in both and hugged them one more time.

"I love you both soo much," I said and they chucked.

"Love you too." They said and we pulled away. I walked to the car and sat down. Xavier was on his phone. As soon as I closed the door the driver speed away. I watched as both dad and Mom waved at me from far. I smiled and leaned on the window next to me.

This is going to be the hell of a drive.

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