《The billionaire want me ♡ {Completed}》Chapter 5: Xavier's Pov{Edited}


Xavier pov:

I watched as Grace slept leaning on the window. I wanted to wrap my arm around her but I did not want to rush things more than they were.

I know it's difficult for her but hopefully, she will adjust with me soon. Rick was not the one who put this contract... I was.

After noticing Grace at one of a meeting held at Rick office I wanted to know her but she did not notice me once. She was always devoted to her work.

One day, I was going to enter his father office when I heard shouting. I thought it was one of the employees, but I was shocked when I saw it was Grace his own daughter. Grace stood there unaffected like it was a daily routine. Days later, I found out that Rick was always like that with her always snapping and being rude.

Twice I came to the office and witnessed it myself. I was done seeing this. I told my dad everything and he helped me to put this contract on. My mom already hated her slutty mother.

I was angrier when my dad proposed the contract and Rick accepted immediately. Like he wanted to get rid of her sooner. During the dinner, I had to control myself from telling anything to Rick or Samantha.

It made me feel weird when I saw Grace force her smile and did not even talk during the dinner. My mom and dad yesterday told me that they were happy I chose her. They already like her. Like me, they did notice the strange behaviour of Grace and knew I was not lying.

Today it got confirmed when I saw her calling those two, mom and dad. Her smile was more real and she did not hesitate to talk to them or anything.


But now that I got her, she is going to get all the things she missed. I am going to change her sad life in a happy life.

"Am not gonna let you down," I whispered stroking her hair lightly.

She looked peaceful in her sleep. No worry no problems. She even looked cute in her outfit. I must admit that I did check her out when she came downstairs.


35 minutes of driving and being stuck in the traffic, we reached my home. I move here when I started to take care of my dad business. I was getting used to living alone but now I am happy I got someone with me.

Even if Grace was forced into, this I will try my best to make her comfortable here. She did deserve it.

I looked at her and she was still sleeping.

Should I pick her up or wake her up?

If I pick her up it could make her uneasy as she is not used to my touch yet. So I decided to wake her up.

"Grace," I said a bit louder and she started to stir. She slowly opened her eyes and groaned to the light. I chuckled still looking at her.

"We reached home," I said and she nodded. I stepped out of the car and she did as well.

"Bring all the bag in the room," I ordered the driver and he nodded.

"Let's go inside I will show you around," I said and she nodded.

Entering the living I opened the curtains. The sunlight was enough to lighten all the room.

"It's beautiful." She murmured behind me and I smirked.

"I know. After all, it's my choice." I shrugged.

"Right." She said looking around.

We walked upstairs and I show her my room first, even when I know that I would have to show her another room for her for the meantime.


"This is my room. I am always in so if you want anything just ask me." I said and she nodded.

"I know we just moved in so I will show you your room which is next mine. Hopefully, you will like it." I said walking to the other room.

"It's beautiful. I like it." She said and I nodded.

"Well, you can fresh up and start unpacking. I will either downstairs or in my room." I said and she nodded.

"Thanks." She said looking at me.

"No need to. It all yours as well." I said and she nodded unsurely.

I let her and walked out of the room. I went in mine and took my laptop. Even if I took a day off from the office I still have works to complete.

My assistance mailed me some paper and I went through it quickly.

I sighed and started to unpack. The room was big but cosy I really like it. I was relieved that Xavier did not force me to stay in his room. I was not ready for that. I mean I don't even know him yet.

Looking at the bags I sighed again. Slowly I started to unpack and change some places of the things in it. It took me half of the day to be able to complete it.

Why did I buy so many things? I don't even remember when I brought all these kinds of stuff.

When I was done, I was tired. I was making my way to the bed but stopped when there was a knock on my door.

"Come in," I said and the door opened. Xavier came in view.

"It's dinner time. Do you want to go out to eat?" He asked and I nodded. Even if I was tired I never say no to food.

"Where are we going?" I asked and he shrugged.

"I will find a nice place just get ready." He said and I nodded. He went downstairs and I went to take a shower. I did not take much time to get ready as I wore something really simple. Hopefully, Xavier doesn't mind.

I did a light make up and went downstairs. Thank god, I remember the way!

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