《The Nash Brothers (Completed)》22. Coming Home (Part Two)


POV Jackson:

I snatched up my phone as it pinged with a text notification, it was just an address but I felt some of my worry ease, I knew now where she was and that she was ready to see me. I grabbed my jacket and keys, pausing briefly to phone Beau on my way out.

"Did you get it as well?" I said when he picked up.

"Jack? Get what?" he replied sharply.

"Jazz sent me an address, Hang on, I will forward it on to you, See you there"

"Jack, don't let her leave before I... we get there" Beau replied and I could hear the worry in his voice.

"I won't" I agreed, ringing off and forwarding the address to him. We had all spent the last couple of days worried about our girls, not knowing where they had disappeared to, and no one had been willing to help us track them down. We all agreed we had screwed up and had known we had to wait for them to let us know where they were, but now we were coming for them. And after this I wasn't going to let Jazz get away from me again. I wanted a ring on her finger and a baby in her belly so she could never walk away. I wouldn't let her and somehow I would tag her arse, so she couldn't pull anymore disappearing tricks.

As I drove closer to her I felt some of my nerves return, the reason she had run filling my mind, I had asked her to marry me, after her mother had hinted she might be pregnant, what did I do wrong, I know we fought and didn't always see eye to eye but I loved her and I was sure she loved me too. She was my flower, my heart.

Anni and Jazz were sat on the rocker on the front porch of a cute little seaside cottage, both looked nervous as I parked up and sat in the car for several seconds, drinking in the sight of Jazz. I saw Anni smile and hug Jazz before moving back inside, leaving Jazz waiting for me.

I kept my eyes fixed on her as I got out of the car and climbed the steps to the porch, till finally she was within reach, neither of us saying anything, just looking at each other. "I'm sorry" I whispered out to her, falling to my knees at her feet and gathering her close, "I'm sorry, I rushed you, but I love you and want you to marry me, I don't care if we are having a baby or not" I tell her, looking up at her tear filled eyes.


"Jazz?" I croak, not knowing what to do about her tears.

She sobbed, reaching for me and I rose, lifting her into my arms before sitting back down with her cradled in my lap. "Flower?" I crooned, wanting her to stop and tell me what's wrong.

She eased back looking up at me. "I love you Jack and Yes, I will marry you and..."she paused and her eyes locked on mine as she moved one of my hands to her belly "Yes, we are pregnant" she finished on a whisper.

I felt tears flood my own eyes at her words, she loved me, she would marry me and we were going to have a baby. "Are you sure?" I asked softly.

"Yes" she said smiling up at me and I wrapped myself around her, whispering promises that I would never let her go again.

POV Beau:

Ringing off from Jackson and hitting the intercom I barked orders at my secretary to cancel all my appointments and Trent and Mavericks as well before barging into their offices "I know where she is, lets go"

They followed me without question, leaving whatever they were doing and waving away questions we headed for my car, my phone in my hand as I keyed the address into the SatNav.

"How?" Trent asked bluntly.

"Jazz sent it to Jack" I replied guiding the car out of the city and putting my foot down as soon as I could.

"And Indi?" Maverick asks quietly and I look at him in the rearview mirror.

"She will be there" I promised him.

Since she had left the office that day, we had come to a lot of realisations about our relationship and Indi had been right, we had got complacent and didn't listen to her. She had been right and we had hurt her, which in turn had ripped at our own hearts. We had each reacted badly to her leaving, I had raged, Trent had fought and Mav had gone silent. Ma and John backed by May and Thomas had barred us from the house and told us to think about what we wanted and leave Indi alone until she was ready. So we had talked and made plans, ready for when she was back by our side.


"Mav, I promise it will be okay" I watched him again as he looked at me.

"You can't promise that Beau, we hurt her again, something we promised we would never do..." he looked away and we continued in silence.

We pulled up next to Jack's car and looked around, Jack was sat on the porch with Jazz on his lap, wrapped in each other but you could see the emotion around them. He hadn't told us why Jazz had upped and left with Indi but they too, had obviously had something to work through.

Jack lifted a hand and pointed behind him to the house, before focussing back on Jazz and I took that to mean that's were Indi was.

Mav reached the door first and slowly turned the handle pushing the door open and steeping inside, his body pausing as he caught sight of Indi sat on the sofa watching us enter.

"Come in" she called quietly, watching us move closer. Her gaze flicking between us before settling on Maverick. I glanced at hm quickly wondering what had drawn her gaze and saw the tears on his face as he looked at her.

Mav?" she questioned quietly, standing up and moving in front of him, freezing when he flinched. "Mav?" she whispered again, waiting for his response.

"Indi?" he questioned back as if coming out of a trance before grabbing her and pulling her into his arms, wrapping himself around her, as tight as he could. I could see her hands clasping his shirt as she let him hold onto her.

"Don't every leave us again" he whispered brokenly and I felt my own emotions rise. Mav had opened himself up to Indi and was showing her exactly what she meant to him, to us all.

"I love you" we heard her whisper back and I felt a little relief until I realised she hadn't said she'd never leave again.

Maverick had obviously realised that too, as he growled and lifted his head, his eyes glaring down at her, as one hand twisted through her hair and pulled her head back, his gaze blazing into hers. "You... Will... Never... Leave... Us... AGAIN!" he roared at her and she melted in his arm, her voice squeaking out what we wanted to hear.

"I promise... I won't leave you again" she rushed out, her hands coming up to frame his face. "I promise" she repeated and he finally relaxed.

Trent moved up to her side, his hand cupping her face and turning it to him. "We are so sorry baby, you were right and we should have listened, will you forgive us" he held her gaze until she nodded and whispered "Yes"

Her body twisted within their hold to face me and I could see the emotions cross her face as she waited for me to speak.

"We went and saw the house, but you knew we would" I said and she nodded silently. "We saw exactly what you already knew, it was perfect, a place where we could grow as a family, share our hopes and dreams" I added taking a step closer, Trent and Maverick at her back as she faced me, their arms around her, supporting her.

"We want that dream with you, forever baby" I said before I dropped to one knee in front of her, pulling the ring box out and opening it, and she gasped, swaying slightly in their arms as she looked down at me in disbelief. "Beau?"

"Indiana Bennett, you are our heart and when you are not with us, we are broken, We decided between us who and whilst we all would like to marry you, only one of us can legally, but that doesn't change this proposal, so my love will you marry us all in my name?"

"Yes" the whisper was so quiet we almost couldn't hear her. but it was enough, she was ours.

I slid the ring out of the box and onto her finger, standing up to sandwich her between us all as I kissed her.

And I felt my heart settle as she leaned into us and said "I love you all."

My heart was coming home.

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