《The Nash Brothers (Completed)》22. Coming Home


Jazz looked down at her phone for the third time and I couldn't hold my tongue any longer. "What's going on?" I asked. We had avoided the topic of what was bugging her for the last couple of days, enjoying the peace and quiet as we both brooded.

She looked out the window, shaking her head before dropping it and turning frustrated eyes my way "He asked me to marry him" she muttered softly before looking away again.

I bit down on the smile that wanted to come out as my mind yelled finally, but knew that would make Jazz clam up. Her relationship with Jackson had always been rocky, with more downs than ups but it because they were both so stubborn and neither would admit they were wrong.

"Okay, and what did you tell him?" I asked carefully, watching her body tense up.

"I didn't, I left and went to see Aunt Ginny and then you came home upset so here we are" she replied.

"Hell Jazz, what a mess" I laughed "So we really are both running away?" I kicked my feet up on the table and relaxed back. "What are you going to do?" I asked her.

"I don't know" she moaned.

"Why now, what made him ask?" I asked curiously, lifting up to look at her.

"My mum made a comment..." I waited in silence for her to continue when she was ready. "She mentioned that some of my recent habits reminded her of when she was pregnant with me"

I pushed up in my seat, my focus on her now. "He thinks you're pregnant! And do you think you are?"

"I don't know" she whispered.

"Is it possible, could you be?" I asked and she nodded, her face white.

"And you're not happy, you don't want it?"

Her hand covered her flat stomach protectively, "Yes, No, I don't know... what if i'm not ready and I don't... I don't want him to marry me just because i'm pregnant"

"Okay, what habits did your mum see?"


"I can't eat my favourite things, cheese makes me feel sick, I'm emotional, I feel bloated.." as she went on describing her feelings my mind started to spin as I realised how similar I had been feeling.

I did some mental maths and sat back shocked. "Oh Shit!"

"What!" Jazz looked at me and I barked out a laugh.

"I've been so busy that I didn't think, i've feeling off for the last few weeks myself, maybe its a bug, we've both got, I hope its a bug..."

Jazz started laughing and I couldn't help but join in, both of us with tears running down our faces as we contemplated what this could mean.

"Come on" she said a little later when we had calmed down and were back to silence, "Lets go", she grabbed my hand and pulled me up, then tossed my shoes at me.

"Where are we going?" I asked bemused, as she dug around in her bag.

"To get a test or ten, let's find out, maybe we're just losing our minds for no reason, let's find out" she said pushing me out the door and towards the car.

The chemist looked at the ten tests in the basket and raised his eyes at us but rang them up without a word, Jazz had put two of each type in, one for each of us and after mumbling about false positives and false negatives I just gave in and followed her lead.

Back at the house, we opened every box and read all the instructions before she handed me my tests and took hers, pulling me into a silent hug before disappearing into her bathroom.

My mind was jumbled as I sat waiting for my body to relax enough to take the tests, finally I peed, dipped and placed the tests on a towel on the counter, washing my hands twice before I realised I had already done it. I opened the door and stepped out into my bedroom, wanting to be away from the tests, scared about the possible results. I slide down the wall, resting me head back, eyes closed not wanting to face what was coming. My hand automatically going to my stomach, what if's running rampant and the worry of telling my men, and our parents.


"Anni" I hear Jazz knock at my door and watch her come towards me, her tests in her hands, her face white as she drops down next to me, my gaze drawn to her hands which are shaking. she drops them onto the floor and I can see the indicators clearly showing, all five were positive.

"I'm going to have a baby" she whispered sounding shellshocked before she smiled and I knew she was happy, despite the fear and unknown she was happy.

You okay?" I asked leaning into her side.

"I think I am, now I've done this and I know" she replies. "What about yours?"

"I haven't looked" I admitted nervously. "I didn't even think about babies before now and suddenly it might be real and i'm scared, what will everyone say?"

"Do you want me to check for you?" she asked squeezing my hand in support and I nod then shake my head, unable to say the words and knowing I needed to do this.

"I can do this" I finally mutter, pushing up to my feet and stepping back into the bathroom and taking a deep breath as I look at the towel, my vision blurring as I count the lines, positive, positive, positive, negative?, positive... I was most probably pregnant.

"Well?" Jazz said from behind me and I turn and say the words "I'm pregnant, 4 of the five tests were positive" before we both burst into tears, falling into each others hugs.

"What are we going to do?" she mutters sometime later once we calmed down and the shock has worn off.

"Tell him yes, we all know you love him and he loves you, say yes to his proposal, ignore everything that has been before and concentrate on your future together as a family" I tell her, laying on my side holding her hand.

"That easy?' she asks doubtfully.

"Do you love him?" I replied and she was silent for a minute before replying.


"Do you believe he loves you?" I push and she bites her lip before replying.

"Yes, I do"

"Then that's all you need, but you have to let him in and tell him how you are feeling" I add.

She groaned but nodded. "And you, what will you do?"

I think about my men and how our relationship has developed over the last 18 months and smile, "I know I love them all and they love me, but they can be a bit overbearing at times. I am sure Ma gave them hell for upsetting me and as protective as they are, they will be driving themselves nuts not knowing where I am"

"And the house?" she laughed, knowing I was right about how they would be feeling.

"I have no doubt they rushed to investigate why it was important to me once I had left with you, and as I know they are not stupid, they too will have seen the potential in the place, I wouldn't be surprised if they hadn't started the buying it already" I laughed back.

"And the baby?"

"I want to get it checked out first, I want to make sure the one negative tests wasn't the correct one and I want to tell them when we put the current argument behind us" I tell her and she nods.

"We can do this together, if you want to" she offered and I nodded, Jazz was as close as a sister to me and until I was ready to tell everyone, I knew I had someone I could talk to.

"Now what do we do" I giggled at her and she held up her phone.

"Now I call Jack and tell him where we are" she replied with a smile.

"Just Jack?" I ask and she nods.

"He will probably tell them though, are you ready for that" she muses and I grin back.

"Yes I think I am"

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