《The Nash Brothers (Completed)》21. Living the Dream. (Part Four)


POV: Trent

"Fuck" I push my chair back as I watch Indiana rush away.

"We upset her, but this is a huge leap, for all of us, she has to understand we can't rush into it" Beau says and I turn to glare at him.

"Damn it Beau, I know, but when has she ever asked us for anything, and this, this is a home for all of us, did you see her face, I can't..."

"We can talk to her about it tonight when we get back, she will have had time to cool down by then and Trent can do some figures to see what we can afford" Mav suggested , looking at me and I nodded, knowing each of us was feeling that we had let her down.

It was late when we finally got back from the office and I could see there were no lights on in our wing of the house, was she in her studio or with Mum?

"Indi?" I called once we were inside, going off in search of her downstairs before trekking up to the studio.

"She's not here, come and join me" Mum called from the sun room and I had a feeling of deja vu when she waved us into the seats opposite her. Her face showing her disappointment in us.

"Where's Indi?" I questioned again.

"She has gone away for a few days" Mum said

Beau's voice returned first. "What! Where the hell is she?" he shouted standing up.

"Sit down Boy!" Mum snapped back and I frowned, she was more than disappointed in us, she was furious with us.

"Anni is spending a few days with Jazz, a few days she needs, as a break from you all, leave her alone and think about what that girl has asked you to do" she tells us, finally getting up and walking away, pausing in the doorway to add "She loves you all and will be back soon, remember that"


We sit in silence listening to the sound of mum's steps moving through the house, till she's too far to hear anymore.

"We screwed up, Hell, is anyone not pissed at us?" Mav states bluntly and I agree with him.

"Look let's take this upstairs, I know Indi had paperwork on the place, it will be here somewhere, let's take a look and see why its so special to her" Beau muttered out and I knew he would be running down ways to track her down, if he didn't keep himself occupied.

The paperwork was on her desk, along with her phone, there were signs of her rapid departure around the room and for a second, the sight of her excited flushed face from when she came to us earlier crossed my mind, making me growl at myself before I grabbed the folder and went back to my brothers. "She left her phone here" I told them and saw the looks of pain cross their faces, she really didn't want to talk to us.

Separating out the report, handing Beau the estate plans, Mav the contract and covenant information while I kept hold of the financial sheets. In silence we read through them again and again, I was shaking my head at the figures in front of me, because of the covenants the land was technically worthless but there was hundred of acres available at very little, in fact a house in town would cost more. I wondered what their parts revealed.

I pass my sheets to Beau, swapping with the plans he had read through, looking at the footage of the main building and the barns and associated outhouses I was amazed, even if we had to completely rebuild everything it was still cheap but looking at the surveyors report, the house had been built well originally and just needed updating.


"Well, who wants to slap us first?' I ask them and see the same disbelief on their faces, "Its almost too good to be true, I know the covenant has stopped any development but surely this place is worth more than these papers say"

Mav leaned his head back, "It may well be yet, this is the estate valuation, the family may want more, wasn't that why they were originally fighting?" he murmured.

"I want to take a look, tomorrow morning, first thing, I can shift my first couple of meetings but I want to see it" Beau snapped out at us, but we didn't take it personally, he was blaming himself for upsetting Indi, and now we had actually done as she had asked, no begged us to, we could see she may be right, we were all interested now.

"I'll come along" Mav offered and I laughed at them.

"Well, you're not going without me" I add and take the papers from Mav to read through, wanting to find out as much as possible about the place before the morning.

The sight of the house draws our eye from the stunning open space around us as we follow the road towards it. The sprawling ranch style home looking tired but welcoming and I could see why it appealed to Indi.

"It screams family doesn't it" I murmur to them, not needed to look at them, to see their agreement. Beau stops the car in front of the house and we all climb out, looking around and seeing both the good and the bad and I can feel the excitement building in my bones.

I understood now why Indi had been so mad with us, this was so her, I closed my eyes and could picture her painting in the garden, children at her feet, maybe a dog or two. "Come on dreamer, let's look around" Beau called and I followed them round the outside of the house, taking in the barn and outbuildings.

"We'd have to get some quads" Mav grinned "And a tractor" he added and I laughed, wrapping my arm around my twin.

"And a dog" Beau muttered quietly.

"She was right, this place is perfect for us" I said and watched as they both agreed.

Stood next to my brothers and looking out at the property around us, didn't feel complete, Our Indi was missing from our side and now we just needed her to come home so we could beg forgiveness.

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