《The Nash Brothers (Completed)》23. Epilogue


Nearly Five years later...

I was smiling as I walked through the quiet house, my eyes running over the improvements we had made over the years, the walls we had knocked out or added to create the family space we needed, Indi's paintings gracing the walls with pictures of us all in between and the piles of things that came with a large active family scattered around, this was our home and I couldn't imagine life without it.

I loved the weekends and the sounds of the household coming awake made me smile, as I finished setting the table, the opening and closing of doors and the tread of tiny and adult feet heading this way. Trent shepherding our twins John and Jack towards the table, at nearly four years old the boys had an independent streak a mile wide and were quickly learning everything they could, inheriting their mothers brain power, I smiled as I wondered how soon before they were running rings around us.

"Just us?" I ask Trent as I place bacon and scrambled eggs in front of the boys before getting mine and Trent's plates ready.

"Mummy is having a lie in and we have to be quiet" Jack told me seriously.

"And Maddy is making sure she rests, so is staying with her" John adds, not wanting to be left out of the conversation.

I raise a brow at Trent who grins back at me. "Okay so, What do you want to do today boys?"

"Can we go see grandpa and grandma, they promised to take us to the zoo, I want to look at the monkeys" John looks at his twin who nods back at him.

"Why the monkeys?" Trent asked looking confused, last week the boys favourite animals were the tigers.

"Baddy said to mummy he couldn't wait for the new monkeys to arrive and I want to see them" Jack said looking at Trent and I felt my cheeks flush, I hadn't realised the boys had overhead me. I had been behind a closed door with Indi when I said those words.

"Baddy said that did he?" Trent mocked with a grin at me.

I cleared my throat wondering if I should explain the difference to the boys or would I get myself in more of a mess. "Come on boys, eat up and I will take you to Grandpa, he can explain about the monkeys" Trent said saving me.

"Thank you Taddy" they chorused together and dug in, clearing their plates and finishing their juice in record time. We dismissed them to clean their hands and get their shoes and coats ready, remembering to warn them to let Mummy sleep, though if Maverick was with her, I doubt rest was at the forefront of his mind.

As I watched them get ready to go, my heart full, our family was perfect. "Thanks, I didn't know they overheard" I tell Trent, who laughs at me.

"While I take them over you better phone John or Mum and let them know what we are sending to them" he warns me with a laugh.

I run my fingers slowly up her side, following the shaft of sunlight that turned her ivory skin to gold, loving the feel of her swollen belly under my hand, my breath catching as I feel one of the twins move under her skin. "You woke them up" Indi rasped out, as I felt the babies move again, a hard ripple under my hand.

"Sorry" I whisper to her, leaning over to claim her lips in a good morning kiss, my face breaking out into a smile as I look down at the goddess in my arms. "God you're beautiful" I praise her but she huffs, turning to face me.


"Even when I am the size of a whale?" she questions and I see the worry in her eyes. Oh no, I am not allowing that.

"Baby, you are the most beautiful woman in the world to us and always will be and the fact you are carrying our babies again, is beyond perfect. When you are with child, it's difficult for us to keep our hands off you, you glow with love and its radiant" She giggles and I see the clouds in her eyes receding. "We want to lock you away because, you attracted everyones eyes, male and female, old and young and when you are not carrying our babies, you draw people in with your energy and zest for life, when you gave yourself to us we became the richest men in the world"

She relaxes and leans into me for a kiss, her stomach between us and she giggles again as the babies roll and push. "I love you Maverick" she tells me and as it does every time she says the words to me, my heart swells.

"I love you too, Forever, my Indiana" I say before looming over her and claiming her mouth, her hands raking down my back, trying to pull me closer.

"More, Please Mav" she begs me and I grin at her.

"Hard or Soft?"

Her face flushes and her eyes glaze "Hard" she groans back at me and I laugh, rolling onto my back and lifting her over me, supporting her as she gets comfortable, the heat from her pussy, guiding my cock where she needs me. "Mav" she growls as I hold her off gently, feeling her juices, slide down my cock. "Please Mav" she begs and I let her drop, her body impaling itself on me till she is seated flush to my groin, her body sending its tremors up and down my buried length, as she adjusts around me.

"You good?" I grin up and her and she bites her lip nodding, before tipping her head back and starting to rock gently, adding a slight curling movement as her pussy sucks and twists around my cock.

"More!" she gasps out and I bend my legs, altering the angle and supporting her body more as I thrust my hips up into her, but the devil has her this morning, she lifts her hands and starts playing with her nipples, tweaking and pulling them, moaning to herself as she chases the pleasure she wants. I slide my hand down between us, finding her swollen clit, pinching it between my thumb and forefinger, pushing her over the edge and into orgasm, I kept pushing her through the orgasm wanting another for her before I came and as I felt it hit, I let go, breathing in time with her as we both stayed locked together enjoying the aftershocks. I knew she would be sensitive now and lift my hips a little to test her out.

"Ohhh Mav" she shivered on top of me and I laughed up at her, my joy, my Indi.

After dropping our boys off with John and Mum, I headed into town. Indi would be waking soon and throughout this pregnancy she had been craving custard filled doughnuts and mini gherkins and whilst I knew we had a shelf full of the horrid little green pickles, we were out of the doughnuts.

"Custard doughnuts?" the baker asked with a smile when I entered the bakery and I nodded, smiling back as I thought about the first time I had come in with Indi and our sons, early in this pregnancy and she had spent ages trying to decide what to have, it had been Jack who had had the custard doughnut and Indi a jam tart thing, but after one bite she had pushed it away and started eyeing up the doughnut. She had eaten three that first visit and we had left with half a dozen more to take home, that's when the gherkins had appeared and we had all watched in horror as she had started dipping the gherkin into the doughnut. One a subsequent visit she had asked the baker to make gherkin doughnuts but he had politely refused and never forgotten our wife since "It must be getting near time?" her asked as he rang up a dozen doughnuts for me.


"Four more weeks" I replied with a grin, paying and taking the box

"Then we'll see you next week" he laughed as I waved goodbye and headed home.

I scanned across the house as I approached remembering the day Indi had come rushing into our offices and told us she had found the perfect home for us all. We had been dubious and negative about it at first which had caused our first big row, and Indi had taken off for the weekend with Jazz, when we had hashed it out between brothers and gone to look at the house, We too had seen the potential, the sprawling ranch style house, with barns and land around it, It had needed work and had already been at the centre of one bidding war, but the reason it had come across Indiana's desk, gave us hope. Indi had overseen the environmental impact report and had fallen in love with the place. And when the planning department had refused the outline scheme the developer had backed off, no longer interested, but Indi had been and once we had seen it so were we.

After she'd disappeared we had talked about our future and what we wanted, Beau proposing when we found her and brought her home, then working on purchasing the house for us all, whilst helping Jazz and Jack with their wedding preparations. Indi spending a lot of time with Jazz, who Jack had shared was pregnant and that had given us a few ideas of our own, but its wasn't until the day we signed the papers and had the keys in our hands that she had told us she was also pregnant and wanted our home to be ready in time for our babies arrival, It had been close but now over four years on, you could see the love and work that had gone into making the house our family home. After the babies had arrived, she had planned our wedding and a bonding ceremony here at the house with just close friends and family, perfect for us.

I dropped the bakery bag in the kitchen and went to find everyone. Maverick was in the den with Beau, going over some work, no sign of Indiana, "She's still sleeping" Mav told me with a smug grin and I had to laugh, lucky bugger, but still, I had her tonight.

"She okay?" I asked with a grin, remembering how she had been with the last pregnancy.

"Absolutely Perfect" Mav replied with his own smile.

I stretch in the bed, my hand coming down to settle on my stomach as the babies roll inside, these two had been far more active than Jack and John, however we had decided we did not want to know the sex of these twins, before the birth.

But with the difference between this pregnancy and my last I wondered if these were girls. I smiled to myself at the fear this would cause my men, they were protective of our sons, they were paranoid if I went anywhere without them but if we have daughters, I had a feeling the poor babies would stay locked up safe till they were 30.

I grin about my thoughts as I do the usual wiggle and shove to get myself out of bed, the soft aches from this morning's lovemaking with Mav adding to my smile as I head for the shower, ready to face the day.

I sent a quick text to Jazz to see how she was doing as once again we had come up pregnant at the same time, making the guys accuse us of planning it, but it had been another coincidence.

The silence in the house tells me the children are already with their grandparents as I pad downstairs, I can almost predict the scene in the den, my men would be reading the papers or doing something work related whilst they waited for me to rise. Once they knew I was up, I would be their focus, no matter how important the work was, they would always put it aside for me or the boys. I stood quietly in the doorway watching them for a while before Beau noticed me, tossing his papers aside he sprung up to pull me into a kiss "Good Morning Baby" he whispered between kisses as I grinned up at him. "Are you hungry?" he asked with a laugh, as my stomach growled in response to his words.

"Yes" I grinned, then realised I had eaten the last doughnut last night, my face fell at my thoughts and my husbands laughed, knowing what I was thinking.

"I got you doughnuts fresh from the bakery?" Trent offered from behind me and I swung round startling him as I looked for my prize.

"Where?" I gasped and this had them all laughing again as I scowled, not seeing the promised baked goods.

Trent leant in to kiss me, his arms circling me body, as I narrowed my eyes at him. "Kiss me first" he bargained and I did, making him groan before he released me. "In the kitchen" he told me and I was gone, knowing they would be following me.

I was sat at the counter with my hand in the bag before they joined me, earning more chuckles as they shuffled around, pouring coffee for them and milk for me. My eyes searching the counter but something was missing.

"Where...?" I started by Maverick beat me to it, placing a jar in front of me with a pickle fork and I sighed contentedly. I knew the combination sounded horrible and I doubted I would eat it again once I had these babies came but right now, I was in heaven with the taste combination in front of me.

"Boys?" I grunted between bites of creamy crunchy goodness.

"Going to the Zoo with the grandparents" Beau told me with a smile.

I grinned up at my men, all sat around watching me with loving eyes and thanked whatever god had brought these men to me, to love and to cherish for the rest of our lives.

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