《The Nash Brothers (Completed)》18. Just Part of the Family.


It's been months since the professor had been dealt with and so far everything has been going smoothly, they are all my family, I smile to myself as I think of them. Dad and Ma have been wonderful, Dad trying to teach me to drive but gave up after the second lesson, leaving Thomas to teach me, I had finally got my licence and even had a little jeep in the garage but I rarely used it, if I needed to go anywhere one of my 'brothers' took me and made sure I was safe and despite my arguments about being safe now, I knew they still worried.

I had completed another couple of courses, sharing classes with Jazz and her friends as well as my brothers, but Ma made sure to make time for fun things, both with parents and with friends. It had been difficult at first to relax and even now if one of my brothers was not with me I sometimes froze up a little.

Because we spent a lot of time as a group, the interactions between Jazz and Jackson had become more frequent and currently I was watching them play an avoidance dance with each other, for some reason I was the only one who seemed aware of what was happening.

We were now getting closer to my birthday and I knew Ma was planning a surprise party for me, with Jazz's help, Despite trying to be secretive, they weren't good at keeping secrets, but I played along as they were enjoying themselves.

I had finally let go of my fear of seeing the professor again, I knew Dad kept tabs on him but he was living and working in Germany now, and wasn't coming back, ever, according to Trent, who had let that slip with a menacing smile. The only fly in the ointment was my Mother, whatever Dad had said to her, had worked, she kept away and did not contact me, we hadn't needed to go to court, but I knew at some point I would have to speak to her, but not until I had to, or wanted to.


Today I had signed off another course, handing in the final work to the professors, I had grabbed a lift home from a girl on my course, who had seen me waiting for the bus. I wanted to get the painting I was doing for Jazz finished.

"INDI!" Trent's shout echoed through the house and I smiled, wondering what I had done now to make him shout.

"Up here" I called, stepping back and dropping the paintbrush into the cleaner, wiping my hands as he burst through the door, crossing the room and pulling me into a tight hug. I could feel his heart racing and pulled back in concern "Hey, what is it?" I ask worriedly.

He leaned back and gazed down at me "Where is your phone?" he countered.

"Over there" I waved my hand to the table. "But it's flat, sorry I forgot to charge it" I muttered as he narrowed his eyes at me.

"We couldn't get hold of you, why did you leave campus, why didn't you tell us you were going?" his words tumbled out, as his eyes once again scanned me. "Are you okay?" He asked softly.

Oh my god, he was worried about me. "Trent, I promise, I'm fine, i've already done the rest of the coursework so I didn't need to be there and I wanted to finish this painting" I bit my lip and peeked up at him "i'm sorry if I made you worry" I finished on a whisper.

He pulled me into a tight hug again "You scared me" he replied quietly, leaning his forehead down to meet mine, his eyes gazing at me and I wondered what he was thinking about.

"Trent..." I started but, he silenced me with a finger on my lips tracing their shape, before dragging my bottom lip open, his sigh coming from deep inside him.


"Baby girl, so beautiful" he whispered before lowering his head and kissing me softly.

I stood still in shock, his arms gathering me up closer to him, my hands coming up to rest on his chest and I found my fingers twisting into his shirt, holding him closer rather than pushing him away. I gasped as I realised Trent was kissing me. Trent was KISSING me. He took advantage and I felt his tongue reach out to touch mine, delving deeper as I moaned, letting him control what was happening.

Finally he relaxed and let me lean back, a grin on his face and his eyes full of emotion as he watched me. I searched his gaze, Why. Why had he kissed me?

"Because I wanted to, because I have dreamed about kissing you for months" he told me, his grin widening at my shocked expression.

"You're my brother, it's wrong" I whisper, the reality hitting home, much as I loved the feel and the safety of being in his arms, he was family, what would people say?

"Only by marriage, there is no legal reason why I cannot kiss you" he soothes stepping back and smiling at me as my body leans towards him, till I straighten myself, a fiery blush staining my cheeks at his laugh.

"Just think about it baby, and charge your phone, you worry me like that again and I will put you over my knee" he warns, laughing at my gasp before leaving me alone to think about what just happened.

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