《The Nash Brothers (Completed)》17. The Morning After (Part Two)


Everything happened quickly after that, Jazz went home, the Police left and very soon after Dad and the boys all huddled together before leaving as well.Now I was pacing back and forth in the study I wait for the update, Dad had told me not to worry and that they would be back soon, but I couldn't help it. I worried about how Silas is going to react, will he try to hurt anyone, hurt my family.

I can feel Ma's eyes watching me but she remains silent, and I know she too is worried. When Dad and the boys had left, we both knew they were going to get evidence and would then directly go after him. I wished Jazz could have stayed but her parents too had been worried, after what happened and wanted her home to check on her.

"They'll be okay" I said out loud wanting to hear the words, wanting them to be true.

"They will" Ma agreed and sighed "What about your... Felicity?" she asked carefully and I stopped pacing, my body tightening up as I thought about what she had done.

"Can Dad file for sole custody till I'm 18, then she's can't touch me anymore" I suggest and she nods slowly.

"Yes, I'm sure he can, if necessary, we can use what has happened to make her sign over her parental rights, but are you sure you want nothing to do with her, I know she has hurt you, but she is still your mother"

"I'm sure, Mother hasn't ever been the mother I need or want, I just didn't have any options before, she had cut me off from everyone, making me believe they didn't want me. She was all I knew" I whisper, my head down as I the reality of my mothers actions hits me. I can feel the tears silently falling and lift my hand to wipe them away, stopping and staring at the wet on my fingers, my mind going blank.


"This is not doing us any good" Ma suddenly said loudly making me jump. "Come on, lets go and paint, I've never really tried it, but how hard can it be" she said, taking my hand and pulling me behind her "May! We will be in the studio" she shouts as we cross the foyer, and we hear her answering call as we head up the stairs to my studio.

Shaking off my fear, I set up an easel for her and grab supplies as she starts the record player, Queen filling the room, as she twirled around me, making me laugh. "Show me what to do" she laughs at me and I smile back.

We lose track of time as we get lost in painting , me working on a picture of Jazz as Ma tries to paint a vase of flowers. Music constantly filling the room and both of us pretending we were able to block out the reality of life outside the studio door.

When Thomas knocked for us to remind us of lunch time we shared a worried glance, they still weren't back. "If they are not back before we finish we will give your father a call" Ma says as we join May in the kitchen, the table set with sandwiches and drinks. Its a quiet break until we hear them get back. Both Ma and I rushing out to meet them.

Dad steers us all into the Study.

"Well, what happened" Ma asked Dad as Beau pulled in down to sit between him and Maverick. Trent leaning in the doorway watching us.

"We had evidence but not enough to go to the Police, but after a chat with us, he has decided it would be best for him to leave. So, He's packing and will be gone by the end of the week, we don't have enough to do anything legally but we could ruin his career and standing, He is going quietly and will not try to contact you again in any way"


"Silas is leaving here?" I asked softly looking at dad for confirmation but it was Trent that answered.

"He is leaving the country... permanently and won't be coming back" he smiled at me.

"Can we trust him?" Ma asks looking between her sons and dad who all nod.

"He knows what will happen if he steps out of line again" Dad said grimly.

"Is that okay? Is that enough to make you feel safer?" Beau asks taking my hand in his. I know everyone is waiting for my response and I nod, unable to say the words.

"What about the Police?" Ma asks and I wait nervously for the response.

"We let them investigate but we know they won't get anywhere, if we drop it they will want to know why, and if the professor is stupid enough to try anything its still an open case" Dad tells her.

Beau wraps his arm around me and pulls me in for a hug as I let the tears fall, could it be over, am I safe.

"Anni, i'm going to have a chat with your mother and give her a similar warning, to stay away from you, if you want I can do more but there is more chance she will fight back if I do" Dad says softly

"As long as she stays away from me" I croak out emotionally, looking up at him, holding a crying Ma.

"I will make sure of it" he promises me.

Mav leans into my side "Do you want to know any more, or are you just happy its been dealt with?" he asks with a glance at his brothers.

"I think... I don't want to know, as long as you're not in trouble for whatever you did and they are gone, then I think I just want to move on" I whisper back to them and they all nod, sharing glances over my head.

"If ever you change you mid, just ask us and we will tell you everything" Beau adds with a grin.

I smile back at him, knowing they have my back. "Thank you, all of you"

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