《The Nash Brothers (Completed)》18. Just Part of The Family. (Part Two)


Avoiding Trent over the next couple of days was difficult, it felt like he was everywhere. After he had kissed me and walked away, I had called Jazz and used her as an escape for the evening, but the next morning he was ready, he didn't bring it up, didn't mention it but was just there, between us, him watching me as I tried to hide, not wanting to even allow myself to think about what we did, I was scared to look closer at my own feelings. I knew, he knew, what I was doing, his glances my way full of heat and laughter, and this is what I remembered as I hid in the library, waiting for Jazz to come over.

"What are you doing Indi?" Maverick's voice came from one of the deep arm chairs and made me jump in shock. Damn, I thought the room was empty.

"Nothing... I'll go and leave you in peace" I said hurriedly turning to go. Since Trent had kissed me I had been feeling off about all of them, what would they say?

"Wait" he commanded and I blushed as I stopped and turned to face him.

"Come here" he ordered and I shuffled forward towards him. I could see the grin on his face as he watched me fidget under his gaze. "Do I make you nervous, Indi?"

He didn't usually but today felt different, I couldn't admit that so I shook my head, staying silent. "Little Liar" he accused softly, making me blush. "Tell me the truth" he pressed and I looked at him, as he stood and towered over me, I shivered and automatically went to take a step back before stopping myself.

"Good girl" Mav praised his hand coming up to cup my cheek. "So brave, but... You should have run" he whispered, inching closer, but I was frozen and couldn't move now if I tried.


"You should be afraid" and then his next words stop my breath "Trent's kiss was just the beginning"

"Breathe baby" he ordered with a grin, his hand sliding round my neck to pull me closer, tilting my head up to his, then his lips claimed mine.

"Mmm, you taste as sweet as you look" he groaned, his lips moving against mine, I could feel the gentle brush of his tongue asking for access and I felt lost in him as I gave in.

My lips felt swollen and my mind slow when he finally pulled back, his arms holding me to his body, as he wrapped himself around me totally. What was going on, what was wrong with me, how could I kiss him, another brother, my brother. What would everyone think.

"Not by blood" he whispered softly as if he could read my thoughts "and I know about Trent, he told us, and I only care what you think, that's all that's important, us, you and me"

I stepped back away from him, as he watched me, his eyes now hooded as I try to decide what the hell I was doing. "I have to go" I rush out, hearing the Jazz's voice in the distance and I turn an run, my mind laughing at my retreat, telling me it's too late.

Jazz took one look at me and hustled me out to her car, calling out to Ma we were going out as I blindly followed her, not able to say anything as my mind ran in circles. She drove for a while in silence before pulling over. "What happened, this is the second time in a week, i've picked you up and you've looked..." she waved her hands over me "shellshocked!" she finishes.

I duck my head but let the words out "He kissed me!"

"Who kissed you Anni?" she asked softly.

I held my breath, my eyes filling with tears as I thought about how Jazz would react to what I was about to say, I didn't want to lose her friendship, she was important to me, but who else could I talk to.



"Is this what happened before?" she questioned gently.

I shook my head, hoping she didn't hate me, "No, that was Trent"

I could feel her eyes on me, but was too scared to look up. "Anni?"

"Do you hate me?" I whispered out.

"Hell no, Anni!" she pulled me awkwardly into a hug before letting me go, "We'll go to mine, we can talk there" she said starting the car again and taking me home with her.

The house is empty when we get there and grabbing drinks we head up to her room.

"Did you like it?" she asked me some time later when I had finally finished explaining everything that happened.

"What!" I looked at her shocked.

"Did you enjoy their kisses?" she asked gently and as I stared at her wondering if I should tell the truth or lie, I realised I did.

"Yes" I said quietly, feeling ashamed."I'm sorry"

She laughs at me before realising I am serious "Why are you sorry, you've done nothing wrong?" she asks confused.

"Because I kissed my brothers" I explained and she shook her head.

"No, they kissed you, and they are right , you are not a blood relative so it's not illegal."

"Morally its wrong!" I argue.

"Hey. Think about it. We all look at things differently, after what the boys did to you when you first came, many would think you should stay away from them and not even be friends, Jackson too, but you were able to look beyond their misunderstandings and faults and let them close. Your heart is big enough to forgive them to see beyond the first impression, and just think if you had been going out with one of them before your parents met, would it still be wrong?"

"No, but that's different"

"No, its not, its all about perception, you can make anything agreeable if your perception is that it is okay, same with making everything wrong, you know all this, you just need a sounding board, the question is what do you do now?"

"What do you mean?" I question worried.

"You've kissed two of them, and realistically I think you should expect Beau to be next, I told you before they all like you and thinking about it, it's obvious when I think back to how they are with you, question is do you like them and which one will you choose?" she laughs at my shocked face. "So do you like them, even a little?" she prods and I groan before nodding and burying my head in a cushion.

I look up at her "Why now, what's made them suddenly interested?"

She thought about what I had said and I could see when she thought of a reason but she stayed silent.

"Jazz why?" I prompted, biting my lip nervously.

"Because its your birthday soon"

"And?' I ask confused.

"You'll be eighteen" she says, but I still don't see the difference.

"Come on, help me out please, I don't understand" I plead.

"Anni, you'll be legally an adult" she finished softly.

"Oh!" I hid my flaming face in the cushion again as she laughed at me.

"Tell you what, if we skip tomorrow, we can have a long weekend, let go to a spa, my treat, just unwind and relax, and maybe a massage and some pampering" Jazz suggested.

"I've never done that either" I tell her with a blush.

"In which case, no excuse we are going" she laughed and set about planning everything.

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