《The Nash Brothers (Completed)》11. An Unwelcome Face.


Jazz was wonderful and I don't know what I would have done without her. The last two weeks she had shown me round the campus, taken me out with her and her friends and introduced me to as many people she could, making sure we avoided the boys and their friends.

I had seen Jackson in passing one day but the memory of him laughing alongside them, had made me recoil nervously, I couldn't trust him.

Jazz had been on a campaign since we had picked up our timetables to make sure I had someone I knew in every class I had, I had told her not to worry, but she hadn't listened. I was used to going unnoticed and I wondered if I would be able to do that here.

She had disappeared for a little last night before leaving and I know she had gone to see my step brothers, I just hoped they ignored me, the last two weeks we had managed to get by just fine, only really seeing them at meal times and then our parents were usually both present.

I knew Jazz and her friends would be there this morning and I felt relieved as I made my way downstairs to find Thomas. Dad had promised he would help me get my license, so I could get a car and be more independent, something which Mother had never allowed, stating with her ecologist hat on, cars were killing the planet. I hadn't minded, when I was with her, I had nowhere to go but now the thought of having that freedom was a heady one.

I found Thomas in the kitchen with Virginia and May, leaning against the door frame I watched the easy chatter and wondered briefly why Mother had always been so cold and harsh with everyone, what had made her like that when she could have been warm and happy like the people in this household.

"You ready to go" Thomas asked finally noticing me and I smiled as I stepped forward with a nod. May and Virginia fussing around me, as if it was my first day at school.

I laughed at them, "I promise I will be okay, Jazz is there and between her and her friends, it's like having a dozen older siblings watching out for me" I reminded them, giving May and Virginia a hug before following Thomas out the door with my bags.

I didn't notice the boy stood just outside the kitchen door, his fist tightened at my words and a look of sadness on his face. He turned as disappeared back into the house as I left.

The campus was busy, with students everywhere when I arrived, I had my map and schedule but I had memorised it during the times I had visited with Jazz, so after waving goodbye to Thomas I headed towards my first class. I knew Matt would be in this class and found him waiting for me by the door, his grin when he saw me, easing any last minute nerves, It was only as he stepped forward to greet me I saw who he had been talking to... Jackson.


"Indiana" Jackson said softly "I'm sorry, I didn't stop them"

Matts eyes darted between us as he realised what Jackson was referring to. "Shit bro, really!" he groaned as Jackson nodded, his eyes on me.

I shook my head, I didn't want to talk to him, to see him. "No" I said quietly, pushing past them both to go into the class. I heard them arguing quietly behind me as I headed for a seat but it was only Matt who finally joined me.

"He will stay away from you" he said quietly as he sat down on my left. "I hadn't realised he was involved, I know he's friends with Beau, but I thought he was away the weekend of the party"

"He laughed at what they did, and although I know he pushed for them to check on me, he laughed at what they did, I saw him before I fell and I can't get that picture out of my head when I see him" I replied quietly and Matt nodded.

"Jazz is going to kill me, your first class and already I've screwed up" he groaned and I felt my spirits lift a little at the new feeling of friends being there to support me.

"I won't tell her if you don't" I whispered back to him conspiratorially.

"Thank you, thank you, she is a truly scary person when cross." he laughs softly but I can see the gratitude in his eyes.

The rest of the class passed quickly and Matt escorted me to my next class, where Jazz was waiting, I laughed as he rushed off, clearly worried that Jazz might know about this morning already. "You doing okay?" she asked and I smiled back at her nodding.

"Come on then let"s see how much the tutors have missed us" she says looping her arm through mine.

By lunchtime I was feeling happy and relaxed, two classes down and surrounded by friendly people, I had seen a few students who had given me strange looks but I was used to that. I know I looked much younger than a lot of them, younger than my actual age, but I knew academically I was miles ahead, so I didn't worry.

As we finished up Jazz drew me aside "Jenny and Sam are in your next class but I don't have a friend in your last class today, so i..."

I cut her off "I'm okay, I can manage, I have before" I tell her but she shakes her head at me.

"You will know someone, Beau is in the class, he's going to make sure you are okay" she rushes out and I look at her not knowing what to say, shaking my head. "Yes Anni, Look I know they were stupid, spoilt brats but they are sorry and they have cleaned up a lot of the rumours and comments from that party, and... I sort of asked him to keep an eye on you" she said and I bristled, wanting to shout at her, she's wrong.


"Anni, Give him a chance, you don't have to talk to him, or even acknowledge him, but he will be there if you need him"

"I won't need him!" I deny.

"Good, then all he will be is another student in the class" she reminds me and I nod, knowing she's right but hating the thought of him being there.

Jenny and Sam are a laugh in the next class and our Professor, starts the class by giving them a friendly warning, for them to curb their normal antics. Sam promising to explain later why the Professor singled them out, which led to Jenny scowling and a lot of giggling as they argued about who was going to tell me the truth.

Then it was time for the final class, Jenny had squeezed my hand when we parted and I had grinned back at her, not wanting her to worry, as I headed inside.

Beau was waiting for me at the door. "Indiana" he said quietly, "Can I sit with you. Is that alright?" he asked and I nodded, not trusting my voice as he led us into class and to a twin set of desks. I knew we were getting looks from other students and kept my head down as everyone entered. Beau, silent at my side, replying to greeting from a few other students but not engaging in any conversation.

Then the class started with the Professor rushing into the room, and you could feel his excitement as the door crashed shut behind him, bring everyones attention his way.

"Class welcome back to Geosciences, I have some wonderful news for you all this year, we will be welcoming a visiting professor who will be guest lecturing this class only this term, and I can't believe what a honour it is he has chosen to come here and share his knowledge with us"

I watched as he droned on about the visiting professor and it reminded me of how my mother was treated in her world, people thought she was the best at what she did but I hated it, too much power for one person.

I tuned back in as he gestured to the door "So class please join me in welcoming the esteemed Professor Dr Silas Whorlington"

My eyes flew to the door as it opened and as everyone cheered around me and my gaze wavered as it focused on the man stepping through.

I whimpered, shaking and not noticing the concerned gaze from Beau next to me.

"Indi?" his hand took mine and squeezed gently. "Indiana, what's wrong?" He repeated and I turned my gaze to him, not really seeing him, the visions of what that man had done to me taking over my mind.

I didn't feel the silent tears falling down my cheek, but I could feel Beau's concern. "Do you want me to get you out of here?" He asked quietly, leaning across to shield my body from the rest of the room.

"Yes" I croaked out, not seeing anything, just focusing on getting away. I can feel him helping me up and grabbing my bag, guiding me down and out or the room.

Beau's steps stopping in front of me as we get to the door and I freeze as I hear his voice ahead "Indiana, I've missed you, I was so happy when you mother told me you would be here"

I whimper and clutch at the back of Beaus shirt, needing his body as a barrier. "Who are you?" Beau asks him coldly, stepping to the side so he is blocking me completely from the professors view.

"I am a friend of her mothers and have taught Indiana before, the question is young man. Who are you?" He sneers.

I grip the back of Beau's shirt, my head pressed into his back now as I try to hide from Silas.

"I'm her brother, now excuse us, we are leaving." Beau tells him, his hand coming back to hold me to him as we slide past. Beau's arm moving me round his body to keep the him as a barrier between Silas and I.

I can feel Silas gaze following us and shudder at his parting words. "I will be seeing you soon little girl"

I let Beau guide me out, feeling my mind closing in on itself, I can vaguely hear Beau talking to someone as he guides me out to his car.

I know I am still shaking but can't seem to stop, Beau pulling a hoodie from the back seat and helping me put it on, his actions gentle as he then pulls the seatbelt over me, clicking it into place.

"Hold in there Indi, I'm taking you home"

"Jazz," I croak out, knowing she was going to meet me after class and she would worry.

"She knows, don't worry, she'll come to the house" he says and I fall back into silence as he drives us home.

I sit and think about what had happened, what could have happened if Beau had not been with me. He had helped me and protected me, without knowing why. I shudder and hunch down in the seat, knowing that soon people will start asking questions and I don't know what to say, how to share who Silas is.

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